Tendaki Falls - Yabu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tendaki Falls

住所 :

930 Oyachoikada, Yabu, Hyogo 667-0322, Japan

Postal code : 667-0322
Webサイト : https://www.city.yabu.hyogo.jp/soshiki/sangyokankyo/shoko/kanko_event/2/1/1118.html
Description : A forested mountain trail leads to this 98m-high waterfall, a popular spot for viewing fall foliage.

930 Oyachoikada, Yabu, Hyogo 667-0322, Japan
ガルー on Google

11/5 初めて天滝を見ました。感動! 平日でしたが紅葉の季節ということで、昼頃には駐車場がかなり埋まってました。 上りは大変ですが、所々に小さな滝があって癒されます。下りで脚を傷めがちなのでストック持参、若しくは上り始めの所に置いてくれている杖を利用されるといいかと思います。
11/5 I saw Amataki for the first time. Impressed! Although it was a weekday, the parking lot was quite full around noon because it was the season of autumn leaves. Climbing is difficult, but there are small waterfalls here and there to heal. I tend to hurt my legs when going down, so I think it's a good idea to bring stock or use a cane that is placed at the beginning of going up.
安部輝浩 on Google

駐車場から天滝までおよその2キロのトレッキング。 山道を歩く為、足元はしっかりしたほうが楽。アップダウンはあるが登山道は比較的人の往来もあり、楽に歩ける。 小学3年生の女のコでも、楽に歩けるので、是非滝まで行ってほしい。 特に紅葉の季節は色とりどりに山が色付くので、楽しめるし、小さい滝が、いくつもあるので、楽しみながら歩くことができます。
Approximately 2 km of trekking from the parking lot to Tendaki. As you walk on mountain roads, it is easier to have a firm footing. There are ups and downs, but there are relatively many people coming and going on the mountain trail, so you can walk comfortably. Even a girl in the third grade of elementary school can walk comfortably, so please go to the waterfall. Especially during the fall foliage season, the mountains are colorfully colored, so you can enjoy it, and there are many small waterfalls, so you can enjoy walking.
マロマロ on Google

最終(最奥)の駐車場から渓谷沿いに約1200メートルのほぼ登り坂の道のりが続きます。 天滝に辿り着くまでにも随所に滝があるのも楽しみの一つです。 登山道は整備されており道に迷う事はないですが、所々足場の悪い滑りやすい箇所もあり注意が必要です。(特に帰りの下り坂) 全身にマイナスイオンを浴びながら天滝に辿り着けば滝を眺めながら一休み、疲れも取れて心身ともにリフレッシュできました。 日本滝百選に認定されるだけあってダイナミックな見応えある素晴らしい滝を満喫しました。 また。山ビルに注意してください、帰路につく際に車に乗ると。嫁さんが足首に違和感を感じ靴下をずらすと、足首になんと山ビルが! 慌てて払い取りましたが、 既に血を吸われており、 しばらくの間。血が止まらず嫁さんは、可哀想にテーション!だだ下がりで帰路につきました。 気持ち悪いかも知れませんが、その時の山ビルの写真も投稿しておきます。
From the last (innermost) parking lot, there is an almost uphill road of about 1200 meters along the valley. One of the pleasures is that there are waterfalls everywhere before you reach Tendaki. The mountain trails are well maintained and you won't get lost, but you need to be careful because there are some slippery areas with poor footing. (Especially downhill on the way back) When I arrived at Tendaki while bathing in negative ions all over my body, I took a rest while looking at the waterfall, and I was able to get rid of my tiredness and refresh my mind and body. As it was certified as one of the 100 best waterfalls in Japan, I enjoyed the dynamic and spectacular waterfall. also. Be careful of the mountain building, when you get in the car on your way home. When the wife feels something is wrong with her ankle and shifts her socks, a mountain building appears on her ankle! I paid it in a hurry, Already sucked blood For a while. The blood didn't stop and the wife was sorry for the sickness! It may be unpleasant, but I will also post a photo of the mountain building at that time.
池田屋僧堂 on Google

2021.11.9 昨年に続きこの時期、滝を見に登って来ました。雲☁️が目まぐるしく流れる日で、滝の上の雲が途切れ青空になるのを待ち写真を撮りました。紅葉?はちょっと早かったですが、水量があり良い写真に成りました。滝には13時半ぐらいまで日当たります。
2021.11.9 Continuing from last year, I climbed to see the waterfall at this time. On a day when clouds ☁️ flowed rapidly, I waited for the clouds above the waterfall to break into the blue sky and took a picture. Autumn leaves ? was a little early, but there was a lot of water and it turned out to be a good photo. The waterfall is sunny until about 13:30.
平井利尚 on Google

駐車場は15〜20台分位有ります。私は午前8時頃行きましたが既に数台駐車有り紅葉には少し早かったですが帰りには写真の様に路駐される位多かったです。駐車場から徒歩約40〜50分で天滝まで行けますが道中道は狭くアップダウンが有りますからヒールやサンダルでは避けた方が良いと思います。登山フル装備の方も居られる位です! 滝は雨の翌日でしたので水量も有り迫力有りました。滝の手前の鉄階段登るのキツかったですが 上がりきれば 来てよかった!と思って貰えると思います。
There are about 15 to 20 parking lots. I went around 8 am, but there were already several cars parked. It was a little early for the autumn leaves, but on the way back, there were many people parked on the road as shown in the photo. You can reach Tendaki in about 40 to 50 minutes on foot from the parking lot, but the road is narrow and there are ups and downs, so you should avoid using heels or sandals. There are also people who are fully equipped for mountaineering! The waterfall was the day after the rain, so there was plenty of water and it was powerful. It was hard to climb the iron stairs in front of the waterfall, but I'm glad I came when I got up! I think you can think of it.
Lucas T. (foulbear) on Google

Sanath Sandaruwan on Google

Beautiful place, no mobile signal
Nguyen Vu on Google

Great autumn 2019

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