大深沢ナイアガラの滝 - Semboku

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Contact 大深沢ナイアガラの滝

住所 :

Tazawako Tamagawa, Semboku, 〒014-1205 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 014-1205
街 : Akita

Tazawako Tamagawa, Semboku, 〒014-1205 Akita,Japan
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2019,08 八幡平と岩手山とを結ぶ縦走路は、霧に包まれ時折ザァーッという音と共に雨が降っており、現在薄暗い登山道を歩く者はなく、大深山荘周辺は静まり返っている。 目的地への入口に向かう為、一路北へと登山道を進み、やがて嶮岨森を過ぎ、そこから先にあるコルへと下ると、登山道の両脇を笹藪が覆う平坦な場所へと到着した。 気を引き締めつつ周辺の笹藪の中に人が分け入った痕跡を探るが、見つけることはできない。 地形図を睨みつつ、僅かに谷になっていると思われる場所の笹藪へと分け入るが、人の背丈程ある笹藪は地面が見えない程に濃い藪を形成しており、手で掻き分けては一歩進み、また掻き分けては一歩進むといった作業を繰り返す…静かな山中にガサガサと音をたてつつ暫く進むと、探していた数十センチ程の幅の沢に出くわした。 沢に覆い被さる笹藪を掻き分けつつどんどん下って行くと、沢幅が広がるにつれ沢底は砂から岩盤へと変わり、更に大きな岩が堆積した極小さな滝が連続する沢となり、四肢を使いながら一つ一つ確実にこなして行くと、今下ってきた仮戸沢、北の又沢、東ノ又沢の三つの沢が出合う合流地点へとたどり着いた。 霧はいつの間にか晴れており、沢が合流する出合いでは沢幅が10mを超え、大量の流れとなった沢の水は平らに近い沢床の上をエメラルドグリーンに輝きながらゆっくりと流れている。 その水流の中を更に数分程下ると、突然沢床がスッパリと切れ落ちている大きな滝が出現し、見慣れない景色に思わず感嘆の声をあげる。 辺りにはゴォーッ!という音が響き渡り、広大な滝の落ち口周辺では沢山のトンボが飛び交い、人懐っこいトンボは手をかざすと指先にとまり、不思議そうに顔を傾げながらこちらを眺めている。 何とも幻想的な情景に暫し酔いしれるが、ふと我に返り腕時計を確認すると、帰路につく時刻が刻々と迫っていることに気が付く。 ここは奥深い山中、未だに時折雨がぱらついており、まだまだ気を抜ける状況ではない。 気を取り直して滝下への降下地点を探りつつ、取り敢えず中央から降下してみるが、スタンスが悪く一旦登り返し、今度は右岸から降下してみると、難なく滝下に着地することに成功した。 いよいよナイアガラの滝との御対面だ。 対岸から実際に見るナイアガラの滝は、画像で見るこじんまりとした印象より遥かに大きな滝であり、広い沢幅いっぱいにスッパリと切れ落ちた崖を大量の水が流れ落ちながらゴーッ!という音を奏でている姿は、本家のナイアガラをそのまま小さくしたような形状をしており、大自然が造り出した雄大な美を感じとることが出来る。 ナイアガラの滝をじっくりと観賞した後は、対面する崖の高台に腰を掛けて持参したおむすびを口に頬張る。 相変わらず天気は流動的で、日が射したかと思えば時折雨がぱらついており、更に帰りの時間が迫る中での昼食となったが、自分以外誰もいない山奥の地で、この滝と向かい合いながら食べるおむすびは最高の味であり、また、贅沢な時間でもあった。 短い休憩時間を堪能した後、恐らくはもう二度と来ることはない大深沢のナイアガラの滝に別れを告げ、後ろ髪を引かれる思いで登り返し、その場を後にした。
2019,08 The vertical runway connecting Hachimantai and Mt. Iwate is covered with mist and occasionally rains with a squealing noise. Currently, no one walks along the dim mountain trails, and the area around Daifuka Sanso is quiet. To get to the destination entrance, take the trail north to the road, pass the mountain pass, and then descend to Koru, where you will arrive at a flat area covered with bamboo bush on both sides of the trail. did. I try to find the traces of the people who broke into the surrounding bushes, but I can't find them. While staring at the topographical map, I split into the bushes that seem to be slightly valleys, but the bushes, which are tall enough for humans, form thick bushes so that the ground can not be seen, and by hand Repeating the steps of scraping one step forward and scraping one step further... While making a rustling noise in the quiet mountains for a while, I came across a swath of several tens of centimeters I was looking for. As you walk down the bamboo bush covering the swamp, you can see that as the width of the swath expands, the bottom of the stream changes from sand to bedrock, forming a series of extremely small waterfalls with even larger rocks. When I managed to do it one by one, I arrived at the confluence of the three descending rivers, Temporary Tozawa, Kita Matazawa, and Higashi-no-Matazawa. The fog is clear before long, and the width of the stream exceeds 10 m at the meeting of the streams, and the large amount of stream water slowly flows over the nearly flat Sawa floor, shining in emerald green. After a few minutes down the stream, a large waterfall suddenly cut into the Sawoko floor suddenly appeared, and I was surprised at the unfamiliar scenery. Goo around! A lot of dragonflies flutter around the vast waterfall, and the friendly dragonflies cling to their fingertips when they hold their hands, and they are looking at me with mysteriously leaning faces. I was intoxicated by the fantastic scenery for a while, but when I suddenly returned to myself and checked my wristwatch, I realized that the time to go home was getting closer. This is a deep mountain, and it is still raining occasionally, so it's not a situation to be let down. I tried to descent from the center while searching for the descent point to Takishita, but my stance was bad and I climbed up once, and when I descended from the right bank, I succeeded in landing under Takishita without difficulty. It's finally time to meet Niagara Falls. The Niagara Falls seen from the opposite bank is much larger than the small impression seen in the image, and a large amount of water flows down the cliffs that have fallen sharply across the wide stream, and it's gorgeous! The shape that makes the sound is shaped like a small Niagara of the original family, and you can feel the magnificent beauty created by nature. After watching the Niagara Falls carefully, sit down on the cliff facing the cliff and cheek with the rice ball you brought. The weather was still fluid, and it was raining occasionally when I thought the sun was shining, and I had lunch as the time to go home was approaching, but I faced this waterfall in the depths of the mountains where there was no one other than myself. While eating rice ball was the best taste, it was also a luxurious time. After a short break, he said good-bye to Niagara Falls in Ofukazawa, which would never come again, and climbed back with the feeling that his back hair would be pulled, leaving him there.

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