Tamura Clinic - Tama

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tamura Clinic

住所 :

多摩センターペペリビル 5階 1 Chome-32-1 Ochiai, Tama, Tokyo 206-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 206-0033
Webサイト : https://www.tamuracl.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

多摩センターペペリビル 5階 1 Chome-32-1 Ochiai, Tama, Tokyo 206-0033, Japan
Tomo on Google

I am indebted to Dr. Ito in the urology department. He listens to me very well, and as a patient, I feel very relieved. I will continue to take care of you!
ゆでたまご on Google

本当に酷いとしか言えない病院でした。 行かないことをおすすめします。 詳細↓ 耳の突起物ができた際の来院。 受付の方に耳鼻科と皮膚科どちらに行けばいいのか尋ねたところ耳鼻科へと案内されました。 その後、耳鼻科へ行くと、「これは皮膚科ですね。」と言われたのみで終了。その後皮膚科へ行こうとすると1時間待ちとのことで帰ることに。 すると、初診料を請求されました。診察されたわけではないと言うものの、診察室に入った途端に診察代が入るとのこと。 こちらも把握不足でもありましたが、対応もそっけなく不愉快でした。
It was a hospital that could only be said to be really terrible. We recommend that you do not go. Details ↓ Visit when ear protrusions are formed. When I asked the receptionist whether to go to otolaryngology or dermatology, I was guided to otolaryngology. After that, when I went to the otolaryngology department, I was just told, "This is a dermatology department." After that, when I tried to go to the dermatology department, I waited for an hour and decided to go home. Then, I was charged the initial consultation fee. Although he said he was not examined, he said that he would be charged for the examination as soon as he entered the examination room. This was also a lack of understanding, but the response was unpleasant.
武士 on Google

When I called the reservation, the receptionist's attitude was too bad and I immediately canceled and changed the hospital. I will never go to such a place again. I will also throw away the medical examination ticket.
H E on Google

コロナワクチン接種の病院を探してる中、何気なくこの病院の口コミを見て、昔を思い出して思わず自分も投稿します。 ここの皆様の評価、間違いないですよ! 私は10年くらい前に健康診断でお世話になったのが最初で、結果もただ数値の書いてある用紙が送られるくるだけ。(今は違うかも) 血圧が少し高く、診察に伺い、担当医に降圧剤を飲むように勧められ飲み始めたが、一週間程度であまり体調がよく感じなかったので飲むのを止め、次回の診察時にその相談をしようと行きました。 診察室に入ると、その医師はこれから外出するので…と言い、かなりバタバタな感じで、家で計ってきた血圧手帳の数値を見て、このまま飲み続けましょう!…で終わり。いや、薬飲んでないんですけど…というと、いや飲んだほうがいいからこれからも続けましょう…で片づけられました。 あの時、受付の女性にあの先生何なんですか?と文句を言った記憶があります。 母も健診で一度伺ったところ、大した数値でもないのに尿の精密検査を勧められ、何千円もの追加料金を支払いました。 受付スタッフの感じもワサワサしてて、患者に対する思いやりのかけらもない態度だったし、それ以来行ってないですけど、この口コミを見て、やはり今でも変わらないんだな…というのが印象です。 なんでこんな病院がつぶれないんでしょうね。 なんで行く人がいるのか不思議です。
While looking for a hospital for corona vaccination, I casually look at the reviews of this hospital and remind myself of the past and post myself. There is no doubt about the evaluation of everyone here! I was first taken care of by a medical examination about 10 years ago, and the results were just sent to me with a form with numerical values. (Maybe different now) My blood pressure was a little high, so I went to see a doctor and my doctor advised me to take an antihypertensive drug. I went. When I entered the doctor's office, the doctor said that he was going out, so I felt pretty fluttering, and I looked at the blood pressure notebook numbers I had measured at home and continued to drink! It ends with ... No, I haven't taken any medicine, but ... I should take it, so let's continue ... At that time, what was the teacher at the reception woman? I remember complaining. When my mother visited me once during a medical examination, she was advised to have a detailed examination of urine even though it was not a big number, and I paid an additional fee of thousands of yen. The reception staff was also rustling, and I had no compassion for the patient, and I haven't been there since then, but after seeing this review, I still get the impression that it hasn't changed. .. Why can't such a hospital collapse? I wonder why some people go.
Takashi Uematsu on Google

素人があまり偉そうに医師の言動をとやかく言うべきではないのかもしれませんが… 泌尿器科を受診しましたが尿検査しただけで、主訴をろくに聞くこともなく、「今は何も出てないから心配だったら大きい病院行って。紹介状書いておくので」で、終わりでした。時間とお金の無駄でした。 口コミの点数が低いのも納得です ちなみに… 受付の方の応対がレビューに色々書かれていますが、私の時はとても感じ良かったです。
Maybe the layman shouldn't just say what the doctor says or does ... I went to the urology department, but I just had a urine test, and I didn't hear the chief complaint. .. It was a waste of time and money. I am convinced that the word-of-mouth score is low. as a side note… The receptionist's response is written in various reviews, but it was very pleasant at my time.
ゆか on Google

星1つもつけたくないくらい、医師の診察方法、言っている内容が不親切。喉をみるのも遠くから光あてるのみ。塚●医者だったとおもう。 しかも、この病院は熱がなくても風邪だと全員にPCRをやらせる方向に持っていく。保険診療なのに4000円近く払わせる。(診療報酬の院内トリアージ実施など) たしかに無症状や熱がなくても新型コロナに感染しているリスクはあるが、うける必要がないと思い発言すると、「は?」と対応される。 積極的に検査を受けたい人には良いかもしれないが、受けるなら無料にならないのか?
The doctor's examination method and what he says are so unfriendly that I don't want to give him a single star. You can only look at your throat from a distance. Tsuka: I think he was a doctor. What's more, this hospital will take everyone to do PCR if they have a cold even if they don't have a fever. Even though it is an insurance medical treatment, I have to pay nearly 4000 yen. (Implementation of in-hospital triage of medical fees, etc.) It is true that there is a risk of being infected with the new corona even if there is no symptom or fever, but if you think that you do not need to receive it, you will be dealt with "What?". It may be good for those who want to be actively inspected, but isn't it free if they do?
Dg Dg on Google

New in the area. Made an appointment for a possible repeat blood clot-DVT. Met the doctor who refused to inspect or blood test. Said go to a big hospital but wouldn't provide the required referral letter to visit the hospital. If you are looking for a place to die alone unaided go here. If you want medical treatment go elsewhere
B. Siliso on Google

If you are going there just to get some medicine or have an immediate issue maybe it's OK. But other than that don't go. My experience: I went there for a simple medical exam. I need a physical body check for my job so I would be fit for overseas travel. Doctor showed absolutely no interest in actually doing his job at all. He just wanted me out of their so he can't get to the next patient. I called ahead for an appointment. He simply looked at me and said I LOOKED fine and signed papers. If a doctor in the US did this, they would be fired. Would not give me information for another place to visit for the shots I still need. I wasted 3000 yen and now have to schedule another appointment at somewhere else since I need to be updated on all shots. The nurses were nice though.

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