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Contact パソコン出張修理のエイチ・サプライ

住所 :

Tamai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0853 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Webサイト : https://h-supply.jp/
街 : Saitama

Tamai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0853 Saitama,Japan
Farm Tanaka on Google

When I thought that my company's computer had slowed down, I finally stopped working. I hurriedly searched for a nearby repair shop on the Internet and asked for a repair. As word of mouth, it was kind and polite and repaired, and now you can use your computer as if it were a new one without having to buy it again. Thank you very much.
Kimura Yuriko on Google

去年の秋頃、かなり古いパソコンの調子が悪く、立ち上がりに相当の時間を要し、これでは用が足りないと、破棄しようと思っていましたが、もし直るなら…とPCデポさんに持ち込んだ所、もう古くて直らない、と言うようなことを言われ、そうだろうな…と納得しながらも、ダメ元でエイチサプライさんに電話しました。 希望の金額を聞かれ、これ以内で直るなら直しますと提示したところ、何とその金額でキチンと作動する様にして下さいました。立ち上がりも早くなりました。ビックリです! さらに、その際、無料でリモートサポートのソフトを入れて下さり、分からないことがあるといつでもサポートして頂けるのに更に感動しました。(実際、昼夜を問わずご迷惑も顧みず何度か質問しました) これをきっかけにパソコンを基礎から習おう、と思い立ち教室に通い始めました。 今度はシフトキーが利かなくなり、大文字が打てなくなってしまいました(≧∇≦) さすがにこれは無理でしょうとなり、パソコンを買い替えることにしました。 仕事で使う訳ではないので、新品を買う気にはならず中古品を探して頂くことにしました。 今回も無理を聞いて下さり、私の提示した金額の範囲内で希望のソフトを全て入れて届けて下さいました。 本当に感謝です。 エイチサプライさん、すごいです! これからずっとお世話になりたいです。
Around the fall of last year, a pretty old PC was sick and it took a long time to start up. If this wasn't enough, I was thinking of destroying it. In the meantime, I was told that it was old and would not heal. I was convinced that it was, but I called H-Supply in no good. When asked what amount I would like and if I could fix it within this time, I offered to fix it. The rise is also faster. I'm surprised! Furthermore, I was even more impressed that at that time, I added the remote support software free of charge, and if there were anything I couldn't understand, I could always provide support. (Actually, I asked several times regardless of the inconvenience, day or night.) This led me to study a computer from the ground up and started attending a classroom. This time the shift key did not work and I could not capitalize (≧ ∇ ≦) As expected, this would not be possible, so I decided to buy a new PC. I did not use it for work, so I decided not to buy a new one but to look for a used one. This time again, I heard that it was impossible and put all the desired software within the range of the amount I presented and delivered it. I really appreciate it. H Supply is amazing! I want to take care of you from now on.
TM FIT on Google

5年前に事業で使っていたノートにスープをかけてしまい、大手パソコン店に持って行くも、メーカーに送ってみての判断と言われました。 修理可能かどうか、修理期間もわからなかった為、時間的な余裕も無く、新しいパソコンを購入して、使用しておりましたが、縁があってそのパソコンを見てもらったところ、見事に当時の状態に復活しました! エイチ・サプライさんの良いところは、迅速丁寧な対応はもちろん、オーナーさんの人柄です。一度お世話になると、この方以外にパソコンの修理をお願いする気にもなりません笑。 熊谷市内でパソコンの修理や相談は、こちらを強くお勧めいたします。事業者様なら特にです!! 星の数が5つまでしかないのが残念ですが、6つ星評価です!
The soup was put on a notebook that I used 5 years ago and I took it to a major computer store, but it was said that I decided to send it to the manufacturer. I didn't know if it could be repaired or the repair period, so I had no time to buy a new computer and used it. It is back to the state at that time! The good thing about H-Supply is the quick and courteous response as well as the personality of the owner. Once you take care of me, I'm not bothered to ask anyone else to repair my computer. Repair and consultation of personal computers in Kumagaya City is strongly recommended here. Especially for businesses! ! It is a pity that there are only 5 stars, but it is a 6 star rating!
まほ on Google

今までパソコン不具合時は、量販店でお願いしていましたが、直ぐに対応して頂けなかったり、同じ不具合でも追加料金が発生したり・・・ そんな時にパソコンが故障し、ネット検索をしていたところ、エイチ・サプライさんにたどり着きました。直ぐに対応していただきとても助かりました。今では会社のパソコン全部をみてもらっています。 遠隔操作サポートサービスもあり急なトラブルがおきても安心できます‼ 毎回とても親切丁寧に対応して頂いています。いつもありがとうございます。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
Until now, we have been asking mass retailers when there is a problem with a computer, but it is not possible to respond immediately, or there is an additional charge for the same problem. At that time, my computer broke down and I was searching the net, and I arrived at H Supply. It was very helpful to respond immediately. Now I see all of my company's computers. There is also a remote operation support service, so you can rest assured even if a sudden trouble occurs. We are very kind and polite every time. I am always grateful for your help. Thank you in the future.
kochan on Google

10年ぶりのパソコンの購入で、知識もほぼない私でしたが、予算の応じた提案をしてもらったり、また各部位の説明など、詳しく説明していただきました。 おかげで予算以上のスペックのパソコンを購入出来たと思います。 初期設定もしていただきました。昨年モデルのパソコンなのでOSアップデートも数時間かかったようですが、会計も上乗せされず良心的です。 アップデートの際に出る不要ファイルなどもきれいに削除していただきました。量○店ではここまでしないのでは? 購入以降も解らないことは気軽に相談しています。今度はSSD換装よろしくお願いします。
I purchased a PC for the first time in ten years and I was almost without knowledge, but I got a suggestion in accordance with budget, explained the details of each part etc. in detail. Thanks to you I think that I could buy a computer with specifications over the budget. I also got initial settings. Since it was a model personal computer last year, OS update seemed to take several hours, but accounting is not added and it is conscientious. We also deleted unnecessary files and so forth that were released when updating cleanly. Quantity ○ Do not you go to this place in the shop? We do not hesitate to talk about not understanding even after purchase. Next time we will exchange SSDs, thank you.
ま-やんまーやん on Google

The other day, my computer didn't start up properly, and when I was looking for a place to repair it nearby, I found this in my neighborhood, so I contacted him. As soon as I came, I had them see it and verbally presented and repaired the amount. I am very satisfied with the quick response and the price considering my budget. One of the reasons I was satisfied was that they came up with the best solution, including the budget, and repaired it. I would like to ask H Supply for my personal computer in the future.
向日葵 on Google

pcのグラボが壊れてしまったので修理を依頼しました。グラボの交換のついでにwindows7から10への移行やSSDの取り付けをしてもらいました。 起動時間が修理前と比べてかなり短くなって、動作も軽くなりとても満足しています。また壊れてしまったらここに頼もうと思います。
Since the grabo of pc was broken, I requested repair. After the exchange of Grabo, we had you move from windows 7 to 10 and install SSD. The startup time is much shorter than before the repair, the operation is lighter and I am very satisfied. I will ask here if it is broken again.
中野広伸 on Google

The hard disk of my PC broke down and I requested a repair at a chain store. I received a better advice to replace it with SSD, but I got an estimated amount of trouble deciding whether to replace or repair the PC, so I searched for a repair shop in Kumagaya online. I was worried after looking at various reviews, but I sent a request to the best-rated H Supply. I was relieved that we proceeded with a quick and courteous response. The repairs were explained in an easy-to-understand manner while upgrading the PC, not to mention the amount of money, and the repairs were made. I am very satisfied with the installation today. If you are a PC Shiroto, please consult with us.

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