リサイクルパソコン・ビーグル 福井店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルパソコン・ビーグル 福井店

住所 :

Kamogawara, 〒918-8057 Fukui,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779797
Webサイト : http://www.fukuipc.net/
街 : Fukui

Kamogawara, 〒918-8057 Fukui,Japan
玉邑桂子 on Google

The manager will consult with you kindly.
Hide M on Google

He was kind and polite.
美川裕二 on Google

何時も パソコンで困ると色々教えてもらったり、アドバイスやら親切に教えてもらったりしています。 地元にあり、非常に助かっています。パソコンの町の、お医者みたい とにかく パソコンで困ったら 親切な対応パソコンの、かかりつけ主治医です
At any time, I have been taught various things on my computer that I have trouble with, and I have been given advice and kindly. It is local and is very helpful. Like a doctor in the town of PCs A family doctor with a friendly computer
宮下和也 on Google

He responded very seriously.
姓名 on Google

今まで使っていたデスクトップパソコンが故障してしまったので見てもらい、電源を交換して修理してもらいました。 予想していたよりも安価で修理してもらえて、丁寧な対応でした。また何かあったらお世話になろうと思います。
We had you see as desktop computer which we used so far broke down and had you change power supply and have you repair. It was cheaper than expected and had me repair it, and it was a polite response. I'll take care of you if there is anything.
NOAR on Google

クチコミ通り、とても親切な方でした。年末なのに、閉店したあとも遅くまで相談にのって頂き、とても感動しました。某中古ショップいかれて迷ってる方は一度訪れてると良いと思います。 新品買わなくても、中古で性能アップさせてるので、金銭面もとても助かりました。 またよろしくお願いします。
According to the word of mouth, he was very kind. Even though it was the end of the year, I was consulted until late even after the store closed, and I was very impressed. If you are lost in a certain used shop, I think you should visit it once. Even if I did not buy a new one, I was able to improve the performance with used, so the financial side was also very helpful. Also thank you.
ことり on Google

If you are assembling a PC in Fukui and buying a used PC, you should visit here. It has a smaller selection of products than a chain store, but there is nothing conscientious and riddled (there are hundreds of thousands of such stores that are easy to spray), and it can be cheap. I can do it. Then, you can narrow down the desired performance while talking to the president. You can also have it repaired, so there is a sense of security. It's one of the few stores in Fukui that can help you feel more secure with the flexible response that only individual stores can offer. (Thank you for repairing the motherboard. I increased it from ☆ 4 to ☆ 5.)
畑佳美 on Google

The other day, my computer suddenly stopped working. I had my computer fixed immediately. It's quick, polite, and easy to understand, and it's always helpful.

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