ケーキの自動販売機 シフォンケーキ優-yuu-熊谷店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ケーキの自動販売機 シフォンケーキ優-yuu-熊谷店

住所 :

Tamai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0853 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Tamai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0853 Saitama,Japan
くるみ on Google

I did it on Sunday at ?️ Nanikore, so when I went to see it, there were a lot of cars. But when I went to the vending machine and saw it, the shop just came and I could buy freshly baked ? It was fluffy and moist and delicious ?
ken on Google

I tried to stop because it was handled by Internet news and it was so popular ... As expected, there was only one day on weekdays, and no one was there, but the cake with the maximum amount of 1800 yen was already sold out and was surprised (but 30 minutes) (I was surprised to see that it was compensated before that) I feel a little high as in other reviews, but since I have not eaten, the evaluation around there is a pass ... I am interested in being a rare sales facility People might want to buy it ... an aside, but I knew that the building behind was a oyster hut that I wanted to go to after I arrived there ...
かこね on Google

お土産で頂きました。 シフォンケーキの自販機ってなんだ?って感じましたが、写真を見ると中々面白い。見た目こそ木目調ですがよく見ると普通のジュースの自販機となんら変わらないんですね。 包もカップのようなものです。 自販機でカップ売りしてるケーキなんて大丈夫か?とか思いながら食べると驚くほどしっとりふわふわ。良く考えればシフォンケーキってあまり食べたことないなと思いましたが、自販機でこのクオリティはすごいと素直に感じました。 オススメです!
I got it as a souvenir. What is a chiffon cake vending machine? I felt that, but the photos are interesting. It looks like a wood grain, but if you look closely it looks just like an ordinary juice vending machine. The packet is also like a cup. Is it okay to have a cup sold at a vending machine? It's surprisingly moist and fluffy when you eat it. I thought that I hadn't eaten chiffon cake very much when I thought about it, but I felt that this quality was amazing with a vending machine. Recommended!
焼酎芋 on Google

ここ数日はずっと売り切れで購入できず。 update 190729 念願のシフォンケーキ購入できましたが、セット売りされている味が変わり種(松田マヨネーズ、秩父みそ等がセットの中に含まれている)が多く、躊躇していまい、その中でも1番無難そうな味を購入。ふわふわでコーヒーに合います。プレーンが売ってなかったのは残念でした。 また購入したいかと言われるといつも売り切れでなかなか気軽に購入が出来ないので、深谷にある和菓子屋さんのシフォンケーキの方が良いかなと思いました。
I have been sold out for several days and can not buy. update 190729 I was able to buy a long-awaited chiffon cake, but the taste of the set is different and there are many kinds (Matsuda mayonnaise, Chichibu miso, etc. are included in the set), and I can not hesitate, among them the most innocuous Buy the taste. Fluffy and fit with coffee. It was a pity that plain didn't sell. In addition, I always thought that I would like to buy, and I could not afford to buy it freely, so I thought it would be better to have a Japanese-style cake shop chiffon cake in Fukaya.
かな on Google

やわらかさ、食感は大好きです。 でも甘党の私からしたら甘みが無さすぎて物足らない。ノーマルでのリピは無し。 なので甘いのが好きな人はアイス付きの方やクリーム付きのシフォンケーキを買うのをオススメします。
I love the softness and texture. But for me as a sweet tooth, it's too sweet and unsatisfactory. There is no normal lipi. So if you like sweets, I recommend buying a chiffon cake with ice cream or cream.
ペコちゃん on Google

The chiffon cake is very delicious ? It tasted better than when I ate it before ❗️ There was also a vending machine for ice chiffon cake, and I ate it, but the texture changed and it was quite delicious ?? Go again ?
ぶびぶび on Google

たまたま見かけて買って、友達にお土産として渡したら、このシフォンケーキ、しっとりして舌触りいいけど味がしないって言われた。自分の分で買ったの食べてみたら、確かにしっとりしてて舌触りいいけど、かすかに遠くに甘味を感じたけど味が無い。同居人にも食べさせたら、何味?味無いよ?って言われた。 他も食べてみた。うん味しない
I happened to see it and bought it, and when I gave it to a friend as a souvenir, I was told that this chiffon cake was moist and had a nice texture, but it didn't taste. When I bought it for myself and tried it, it was moist and soft to the touch, but I felt a slight sweetness in the distance, but it had no taste. What would it taste like if you let your co-resident eat it? Doesn't it taste? I was told. I also tried other foods. Don't taste
榎本正弘 on Google

いつもは上里町のほうにお邪魔してますが、今回はこちらに。 上里にはない味があります。写真の「桜」がそのひとつです。好き嫌いがあるかと思いますが、ほんのりとする桜の葉の香りに癒されました。 実際には葛和田新堀線に面しているのでご注意を‼️
I usually visit Kamisato, but this time I'm here. There is a taste that Uesato does not have. "Sakura" in the photo is one of them. I think there are likes and dislikes, but I was healed by the faint scent of cherry blossom leaves. Please note that it actually faces the Kuzuwada Shinbori Line! ️

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