Tama Central Park - Togane

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tama Central Park

住所 :

3 Chome-8 Tama, Togane, Chiba 283-0005, Japan

Postal code : 283-0005

3 Chome-8 Tama, Togane, Chiba 283-0005, Japan
市原美和 on Google

There are several entrances and exits facing the road, so be careful not to jump out. There are sandboxes and playground equipment, so small children can play, and the wide lawn open space allows you to spend time regardless of age. The cherry blossoms in spring are wonderful! !!
on Google

地元に戻ってみて桜が綺麗だなって思いました。 いい思い出です
When I returned to my hometown, I thought the cherry blossoms were beautiful. It's a good memory
じゃんぼちゃん【まやかし展覧会】 on Google

A park with a security box where children can play with peace of mind. You can enjoy it because it is spacious and there are many playground equipment.
あまき18 on Google

Central Park in Togane City. It is crowded with parents and children during the day. The area around the playground equipment is not a field but fine gravel, so there are few insects and it is a park that is easy for mothers to spend.
たかれん on Google

男性用と多目的トイレ、女性用とあり 女性用トイレは和式が2つ 虫等が苦手な人にはちょっと入りづらいトイレとなっています 駐車場も10台ちょっと停められるので車で来ても大丈夫です 滑り台などの遊具もあるので小さなお子様を遊ばせる場所やベンチも設置されているので散歩やサイクリング、ツーリングの休憩にも良いです
Available for men and multi-purpose toilet, for women Two Japanese toilets It is a toilet that is difficult for people who are not good at insects etc. There are 10 parking lots available so you can come by car. There are playground equipment such as slides, so there are benches and places for children to play, so it's good for walks, cycling, and touring breaks.
M T on Google

芝生が広くて気持ち良い公園です その芝生の外周に道があり、子供たちが自転車で回っていて面白がってました
It is a comfortable park with a large lawn There was a road around the lawn, and it was fun to see the children cycling around.
H K on Google

ここも道路沿いだけど、なかなか広くて砂場もあり良かったです。滑り台も何個かつながってるのがあり楽しく遊べました。 トイレや座るスペースもあるのでいいです
It's also along the road, but it's nice that it's quite large and there is a sandbox. There were several slides connected, so I enjoyed playing. It ’s good because there is a toilet and a space to sit down.
na na on Google

遊具がたくさんあり、砂場もあるので子供を連れてよく来ます 芝生も広くサッカーやキャッチボール自転車をしている人が多いです ベンチもあるので座っていられるのもいいです 隣に西松屋もあるので砂場道具やボールを買っていけます 自動販売機、トイレもあります トイレは和式でした 駐車場は15台程止められますが休日は混んでいて満車の時もあります
There are lots of playset and sandbox, so I often bring children. The lawn is wide and many people play soccer or catch ball bicycles. There is also a bench so it's nice to be able to sit down There is Nishimatsuya next door so you can buy sandbox tools and balls. There are also vending machines and toilets The toilet was Japanese style About 15 parking lots can be parked, but on holidays it is crowded and sometimes full.

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