串カツあさひ 出屋敷店 - Amagasaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串カツあさひ 出屋敷店

住所 :

Takeyacho, Amagasaki, 〒660-0876 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 660-0876
Webサイト : https://asahi-deyashiki.com/
街 : Hyogo

Takeyacho, Amagasaki, 〒660-0876 Hyogo,Japan
Mr.ロミオ on Google

A 3-minute walk east of Deyashiki Station. The skewers are of course delicious, and the yakitori is also delicious. We recommend lunch on weekdays.
湯川幸弘 on Google

Minami-san has fried skewers and it's 47 years. Already half a century It should be delicious It's better than Osaka's new world (laughs)
YouV“カズダイ”カズダイ on Google

★ 3.5! Although it was thick, it was not greasy and it was delicious!
喜多美佐緒 on Google

某有名店より断然美味しいと思いますよ(笑) 他県、他国からの来客は必ず連れて行きますが美味しいと評判です。
I think it's definitely better than a famous store (laughs) Visitors from other prefectures and countries are always taken with them, but they have a good reputation.
たまきひろし on Google

粉が多くて衣が少なかった、昔の方がおいしかった。 若手の対応が電話も無愛想。 素材はしっかりしてて、まずくないが、阪神尼の方がおいしいイメージ! 牡蠣は大きくて良かった!!
It was better in the old days, with more powder and less batter. The correspondence of young people is unfriendly on the phone. The material is solid and not bad, but the image of Hanshin Amagasaki is more delicious! I'm glad the oysters were big! !!
曽場義子 on Google

名前は そのままですが 店のオーナーすべてかわってます。串カツですが味そのものが違います。残念!尼崎店に食べ直しに行きました。キャベツもでてこなかったし 熱くもなかった❗こんなにも違う❕
The name remains the same, but all store owners have changed. Although it is kushikatsu, the taste itself is different. Sorry! I went to the Amagasaki store to eat again. The cabbage didn't come out and it wasn't hot ❗ It's so different ❕
のりぞう on Google

久しぶりに行きました 大将居なかった
I went there for the first time in a long time
坂本美佐代 on Google

It was delicious after a long time (after a few years), without heartburn

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