まる誠本店 - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まる誠本店

住所 :

Takayashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0095 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 465-0095
Webサイト : http://maruseihonten.wixsite.com/marusei
街 : Aichi

Takayashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0095 Aichi,Japan
イフジケイコ on Google

It was delicious. I wanted to invite my friends.
玉井淳子 on Google

The inside of the store was clean and had a lot of seasonal taste.
玄米茶 on Google

I enjoyed delicious food while drinking delicious sake with my friends. It was nice to have a calm shop.
光子山部 on Google

お上品な方はきっと良いです☺️ ガッツリ食べたいのに、量が全般に ちょこっとの品の良い品なので、 今度いつか行く事が有れば 少し、食べて品の良い人ぶって行きます。 旦那と二人で、2万近くだったです。まぁ一人7千以上だけど… 雰囲気良かったですよ➰?
The elegant one is surely good ☺ ️ I want to eat Gatszuri, but the amount in general Because it is a good item of a little item, If there is something to go next time I will eat a little good people eating and going. It was close to 20,000 with my husband and two people. Well, it's over 7 thousand people ... The atmosphere was good.
阪本綾子 on Google

小綺麗な良い雰囲気のお店でした? 料理も美味しかったです。 日本酒の品揃えも良かったです?
It was a beautiful and nice shop ? The food was also delicious. The assortment of sake was also good ?
Tあつこ on Google

美味しい、刺身もいろいろ選べる小鉢も嬉しいものの、何しろ作るのは大将1人。私たちが行ったときは、接客の方1人でとても忙しそう。だから、料理の提供が遅くなる、、。 星が1つ少ないのは、そこをマイナスさせてもらいました。 カウンターと座敷一席(大人が詰めて7人かな?)のお店です。
I'm glad that the small bowl is delicious and you can choose various sashimi, but it's only one general who makes it. When we went, it seemed to be very busy with one customer. Therefore, the serving of food will be delayed. The fact that there is one less star is a minus. It is a shop with a counter and a tatami room (7 people packed with adults?).
北野寿美代 on Google

白木のカウンターと座敷1席だけのこじんまりした店内は、明るく清潔感があって女性の一人飲みにもgood! 肴は和洋問わず美味しい物を取り揃えてお値段もリーズナブル。お野菜もたっぷりとれて罪悪感薄めの飲みが叶います(^^)
The small interior with only one Shiraki counter and one tatami room is bright and clean, and is good for women to drink alone! The side dishes are delicious, both Japanese and Western, and the prices are reasonable. You can get plenty of vegetables and drink with less guilt (^^)
S寛子 on Google

とても美味しかった❤️ 常連さんで盛り上がってましたが、私たちのようなはじめてのお客さんも居づらくない雰囲気です。 カウンターと、ひとつのお座敷(たぶん掘りごたつ)。アットホームな雰囲気です。 メニューが奇をてらわない、ほんと、あー、全部好き♥️って思えるような品揃え。フライドポテトや、だし巻き、かまの塩焼きとか煮浸しとか、刺身盛り、お惣菜盛り合わせなどなど、居酒屋メニューがめちゃ美味しいレベルで食べれます。
It was very delicious ❤️ It was exciting with regulars, but it is an atmosphere that is not uncomfortable for first-time customers like us. A counter and a tatami room (probably a digger). It has a homely atmosphere. The menu isn't strange, really, uh, I like everything ♥ ️. You can eat izakaya menu at a very delicious level, such as french fries, omelet rolls, grilled fish and stewed fish, sashimi platter, and side dish platter.

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