
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)サンペイント

住所 :

Takashi, Mobara, 〒297-0029 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87799
Webサイト : http://www.sun-paint.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Takashi, Mobara, 〒297-0029 Chiba,Japan
いなM on Google

I was persistently embarrassed by the rude attitude of the dive business.
佐々木ユウ on Google

絶対たのんじゃだめ 自分でやった方がいい
Absolutely not You should do it yourself
カメカメナー on Google

塗装が雑、対応遅い ゴミだね、会社やめろ
Painting is rough and response is slow It's garbage, stop working
H S on Google

先日塗り替え工事を、して貰いました。 茂原店の、店長さんは豊富な知識で分かりやすく丁寧に説明してくれました^_^ 大変満足しています。ありがとうございました^ - ^
The other day, I received a repainting work. The manager of the Mobara store explained it in an easy-to-understand and polite manner with a wealth of knowledge ^ _ ^ Extremely satisfied. Thank you ^ --^
M A. on Google

Despite the fact that the intercom at the entrance of the house is installed, I opened the gate without pressing the intercom and illegally invaded the premises of the house. He looks for it, attaches an intercom, and says it needs repair. It seems that the customer base is being squeezed by the elderly, and it is a persistent business that visits multiple times. As mentioned above, it is a virtue trader.
Y M on Google

外壁塗装と屋根工事をお願いしました。 説明も丁寧にしていただき大満足です。 実際の仕事を見させていただき、悪い口コミがかかれていますが、嫌がらせ?みたいな印象です。 また機会があればお願いしたいと思います。
I asked for exterior wall painting and roof construction. I am very satisfied with the polite explanation. I've seen the actual work, and bad reviews have been written. Is it harassment? It is an impression like. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
宮内雄基 on Google

先日、サンペイントさんで外壁塗り替えをやって頂きました。とても職人さんも感じが良く綺麗に塗ってもらえました。 過去の口コミ見ましたが、サンペイントの社長は男性ではなく女性の方でした。 サンペイントさんで外壁塗り替えをやってもいないのに悪く言う方が沢山いるのが残念に思います。 自分的には☆5つ また機会あればお願いしたいです
The other day, Mr. Sunpaint repainted the outer wall. The craftsmen also felt good and painted it neatly. As I saw in the past reviews, the president of Sunpaint was a woman, not a man. It's a pity that there are many people who say bad things even though Sun Paint hasn't repainted the outer wall. Personally ☆ 5 I would like to ask if there is another opportunity
富高 on Google

外壁+屋根塗装をお願いしました。その際,10年以上ハウスメーカーの定期点検で訴えて続けても処置につながらなかったダダ漏れの雨樋の修理,他,腐食の進んだ濡れ縁の作成・交換など,塗装以外のことにも丁寧に対応頂き,サンペイントさんに工事部がある強みかなと思いました。 塗装の職人さんも丁寧で十分な説明もあり,安心してお任せすることができました。勿論,仕上がりもバッチリで満足しています。 また,住まいに関して気軽に相談でき,判り易く説明頂けたので,外装付帯設備の交換や,宅内の小リフォームも追加で依頼することにしました。
I asked for the exterior wall + roof painting. At that time, we are polite about things other than painting, such as repairing rain gutters that leaked Dada, which did not lead to treatment even if we continued to appeal in the regular inspection of the house maker for more than 10 years, and creating and replacing wet edges with advanced corrosion. I thought that Sun Paint's strength is that it has a construction department. The painter was also polite and gave a sufficient explanation, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence. Of course, I am satisfied with the finish. In addition, since I was able to feel free to consult about my house and explain it in an easy-to-understand manner, I decided to request the replacement of exterior equipment and a small remodeling of my house.

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