リフォーム茂原 株式会社吉田創建 - Mobara

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リフォーム茂原 株式会社吉田創建

住所 :

Shinkogutsuwa, Mobara, 〒297-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 297-0005
Webサイト : https://www.yoshidasouken.com/
街 : Chiba

Shinkogutsuwa, Mobara, 〒297-0005 Chiba,Japan
佐藤元敏 on Google

For the first time, I asked Mr. Soken Yoshida to remodel his home. The president, carpenter, and clerk are all sincere people, so I thought I could ask with confidence ❣️ I'm really looking forward to the completion ?.
鶴岡美香子 on Google

下駄箱を取り付けていただきました。 下駄箱を決める際には、廊下やドアの色や木目に合ったサンプルをいくつか見せて下さり、アドバイスも大変参考になりました。 作業の方達も清潔感があって、仕事も丁寧で後片付けも完璧でした。 作業前と作業後に社長さん自らが確認に来て下さいました。 とても信頼できる業者さんです。
I had you attach a geta box. When deciding on a shoe box, he showed me some samples that matched the color and grain of the corridors and doors, and the advice was very helpful. The workers were clean, the work was polite, and the cleanup was perfect. The president himself came to check before and after the work. It is a very reliable supplier.
芦田 on Google

We are always kind and polite. The price is very reasonable and it is very helpful every time. We are always doing it with a finish that is better than expected. I recommend it!
suzu suzu on Google

I asked for the remodeling of the dressing room and the replacement of the floor. I am very satisfied with the beautiful finish, as you always respond politely. Next time, I'm thinking about remodeling the bath, so I'd like to ask again.
山均 on Google

リフォーム依頼内容 1、屋根の補修 ・特殊なスレート瓦であり、またその瓦メーカーが廃業していた為、補修することができず、ガルバリウム鋼板を用いたカバー工法にて、屋根全体を短期間で、高級感のあるカッコ良い外観に仕上げて頂いた。 工事の途中で、木製の破風板、雨樋の劣化が目立ち、補修をご提案頂き、劣化している部分を交換し、その上から同じ材質のガルバリウム鋼板にて、破風板全体をカバーして頂いた。雨樋も雪などにも強い最新式にして頂いた。 良かった点;説明が丁寧で、安心して任せられた。工事途中に思わぬこと(劣化して、補修が必要な所など)が見つかると、その時点で、素早く臨機応変にご提案の上、補修して頂き、その部分の費用は大幅に値引きして、追加費用は少ない金額で対応して頂いた。 2、お風呂、脱衣所(洗濯機、乾燥機)のリフォーム ・メーカーの展示会場に同行して頂き、幾つかのメーカーのベストのご提案を頂き、また、狭い脱衣所の空間を最大限活かした、ギリシャ神殿風のシャレタ壁、棚(洗濯機、乾燥機の置き場所)を作って頂き、メーカー毎に異なる乾燥機ラック(ガス乾燥機も可)で悩むことが無くなった。お風呂場入り口の斜めな箇所のドアは、以前は半分しか開かない引戸か、アコーディオンタイプのパネルドアだったが、最新型のスライド式の全面開け閉め可能な引戸をご提案頂いた。また、お風呂場と脱衣所の間に、冷風機(冬は暖房機)をご提案、設置して頂き、大満足しています。 3、台所のリフォーム ・いくつかのメーカーの展示会場に同行して頂き、ベストなご提案を頂いた。 工事途中に居間との境界部分の外観が悪くなることが分かり、使用頻度の少ない棚(壁)を削除、境界部分全面をリフォームして頂き、開放感のある、明るい台所、居間となった。 流し台の反対側の窓側に空中、パイプ棚を設置して頂き、明るく、使いやすく、丸見えで、パン?やバナナ?などの在庫が一眼で把握可能となり、とっても便利で、重宝しています。 また、ここでも、ギリシャ神殿風の壁(棚)を手作りで作って頂き、使い勝ってが良く、明るくて、取り出し易い台所となった。 また、とっても重い玄関と台所の間の引戸を、外観は以前と同じく重厚感のある明るい感じだが、吊り戸タイプの引戸をご提案頂き、軽く開け閉め可能で、開け閉めの度に大きな音がせず、また閉め忘れ、半開きとなることも皆無となった。 良かった点;困っている点などお話したところ、真摯に聴いて頂き、経験豊富な色んなアイデア、以前に実施済みの良かったリフォーム事例などをお話し頂き、多くの問題を解決しながら、リフォームで、明るい、便利で快適な使い勝っての良い住まいに一新することができた。 以上
Remodeling request contents 1. Roof repair -It is a special slate roof tile, and because the roof tile manufacturer was out of business, it could not be repaired. I had you finish it. During the construction, the deterioration of the wooden gutter plate and rain gutter was conspicuous, so we asked for repair, replaced the deteriorated part, and covered the entire gutter plate with galvalume steel plate of the same material from above. got. The latest version is resistant to rain gutters and snow. Good point; The explanation was polite and I was entrusted with peace of mind. If something unexpected (deteriorated and needs repair, etc.) is found during the construction, at that point, we will promptly and flexibly propose and repair it, and the cost of that part will be greatly discounted. , The additional cost was small. 2. Remodeling of baths and dressing rooms (washing machines, dryers) ・ Accompanied by the manufacturer's exhibition hall, received the best suggestions from several manufacturers, and made the best use of the space of the narrow dressing room. Greek temple-style chaleta walls and shelves (washing machine, dryer) I had you make a place to put it), and I no longer have to worry about different dryer racks (gas dryers are also possible) for each manufacturer. The diagonal door at the entrance to the bathroom used to be a sliding door that opens only halfway or an accordion type panel door, but we asked you to propose the latest sliding door that can be fully opened and closed. In addition, we are very satisfied with the proposal and installation of a cold air conditioner (heater in winter) between the bathroom and the dressing room. 3, kitchen remodeling ・ We had you accompany the exhibition halls of several manufacturers and received the best proposals. During the construction, it was found that the appearance of the boundary with the living room deteriorated, so the shelves (walls) that were not used frequently were deleted and the entire boundary was remodeled, resulting in a bright kitchen and living room with a feeling of openness. By installing a pipe shelf in the air on the window side opposite the sink, it is bright, easy to use, and has a full view, making it possible to grasp the inventory of bread ? and banana ? at a glance, which is very convenient and useful. Also here, the Greek temple-style walls (shelf) were made by hand, making the kitchen easy to use, bright, and easy to take out. In addition, the sliding door between the very heavy entrance and the kitchen has the same profound and bright appearance as before, but with the proposal of a hanging door type sliding door, it can be opened and closed lightly, and a loud noise is heard each time it is opened and closed. I didn't do it, I forgot to close it, and it never opened halfway. Good points; When I talked about problems, I asked them to listen sincerely, talked about various ideas with abundant experience, good remodeling cases that had been implemented before, and solved many problems while remodeling. We were able to renovate our home into a bright, convenient, comfortable and easy-to-use home. that's all
野崎修 on Google

この度在来工法の風呂からユニットバスにリホームしていただきました。リホームは初めてでネットで数ある会社 から吉田創建 に工事して頂き大変良かったです。 社長のリホーム にかける熱意感じました。納得の見積もり、工事期間、一流の職人、時間厳守、素晴らしい仕上がりで入浴タイムが楽しみになりました。又機会がありましたらお願いいたします。
This time, I had you rehome from the conventional method bath to a unit bath. Rehome is the first time and there are many companies on the net From Yoshida founding It was very good to have the construction done. President's remodeling I felt enthusiasm for it. I was looking forward to the bathing time with a convincing estimate, construction period, first-class craftsmanship, punctuality, and excellent finish. If you have another chance, please.
やりひろ on Google

居間と浴室にインナーサッシ新設、居間のドアクローザー 取替え、雨樋修理、建具修理、洗面台水栓交換、洗面台の通気管新設、雀の巣の除去、電線引き込み金具取り付け等々多岐にわたりお世話になっております。 困った事が起こると相談させて頂き、何時も親身になって話を聞いてくださいます。 料金も親切価格だと思います。 今後共、長いお付き合いをさせて頂きたいと思っております。
New inner sashes in the living room and bathroom, door closer replacement in the living room, rain gutter repair, fitting repair, washbasin faucet replacement, washbasin ventilation pipe new installation, sparrow web removal, wire lead-in metal fittings installation, etc. We are doing it. If you have any problems, please feel free to consult with us and listen to them. I think the price is also kind. We would like to have a long relationship with you in the future.
kazunao on Google

台所のリフォームをお願いしました。 料金は良心的でした。 仕事も丁寧、仕上がりもきれいでした。 何よりびっくりした事は、毎日その日の作業が終わるたびに床拭きまでのお掃除をして帰られた事、掃き掃除はどこの業者もしましたが拭き掃除までやって帰られる業者は初めてです。 今後もこちらへお願いするつもりです。
I asked for a kitchen remodeling. The price was conscientious. The work was polite and the finish was beautiful. What surprised me most was that every time I finished the work of the day, I was able to clean the floor and go home. I did sweeping and cleaning, but this is the first time I can do it. I will continue to ask you here.

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