魚菜 基(さかな もとし)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚菜 基(さかな もとし)

住所 :

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE11/ARE51/SUB5101/100000810014/
街 : Saitama
Description : Sleek spot with private tatami rooms, serving seasonal, multicourse meat & fish dishes, plus sake.

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan
K T on Google

冬の期間限定コース料理(ランチ)いただきました。 素材の味が生かされた、とても丁寧なメニューでした。カウンターだと目の前で料理人の方が盛り付けされている様子を拝見できるのでおすすめです。 ご来店時は予約をお勧めします。
I had a winter limited course meal (lunch). It was a very polite menu that made the best use of the taste of the ingredients. At the counter, you can see the chefs serving food in front of you, so it is recommended. We recommend you to make a reservation when you come to the store.
りんごスター on Google

浦和にこのクオリティの懐石料理があるなんて、 気付かない人が多いのでは。場所も分かりづらいし。 いつもlunchコース2000円で、美味しい懐石料理が食べられる。 副菜、焼き魚、じゃこ飯、ぜんざいアイス、どれも美味しい。
Urawa has this quality kaiseki cuisine Many people may not notice it. The location is also difficult to understand. You can always eat delicious kaiseki cuisine for a lunch course of 2000 yen. Side dishes, grilled fish, jako rice, and zenzai ice cream are all delicious.
なかちん on Google

美味しい。 いつも質が高いお料理を提供していただけます。 つい先日もまた伺いました。 行くたびに季節に合わせたメニューに変わっていて、飽きる事なく楽しめます!
delicious. You can always serve high quality food. I just visited you the other day. Every time you go, the menu changes according to the season, so you can enjoy it without getting bored!
永田京子 on Google

My son booked and took me to celebrate my birthday. I've been to the Omiya store, but I've never been to the Urawa store. The Omiya store was close to a izakaya with a lively atmosphere, and there were many young people, so it was a lively atmosphere. (It's just my impression ...) The Urawa store was very nice with a moist and mature feeling! There was no annoyance at all and I was able to spend a wonderful time with sake while tasting the most delicious course meal! Please go with a small number of people. I also visited with three people, but it felt good. The Omiya store is recommended if you want to be crazy, and the Urawa store is recommended for dates and small celebrations. I like the Urawa store better! It has become one of the stores I want to visit in the future.
まめ真理子 on Google

誕生日ディナーでお邪魔させていただきました。 コースもおまかせでご用意していただき、次何がくるのか、ワクワクしながら楽しませていただきました! 2名で伺ったのですが、なんとコース内容が2名それぞれ異なったお料理になっていて、たくさんの素敵なお料理をいただくことができました。 また、お料理に合うワインや日本酒もご丁寧にご紹介いただき、楽しく美味しくいただきました! 前菜から最後のデザートまで、本当に全部美味しくて大大満足です。 誕生日の特別な日に伺うことができてよかったです。
I'm sorry to bother you at my birthday dinner. We had you prepare the course for us, and we were excited and entertained what would come next! I asked two people, but the course content was different for each of them, and I was able to have a lot of wonderful dishes. In addition, we carefully introduced wine and sake that go well with the food, and it was fun and delicious! From the appetizer to the final dessert, everything is really delicious and I am very satisfied. I'm glad I was able to visit you on a special birthday day.
Yuusuke Saito on Google

コロナ禍で利用。 ギリギリアルコールが飲めるタイミングでした。 サントリーのプレミアムビールのマスターズドリームの生が飲めるお店。 ワインと日本酒も豊富です。 お料理はどれも美味しいけど、 ちょっと小食の二人だと多いかも笑 特にあなごのつまみは美味しい。 鰻より穴子の方が美味しいんじゃ無いか?って思った。
Used in Corona. It was time to drink the last-minute alcohol. A shop where you can drink the raw of Suntory's premium beer Masters Dream. We also have abundant wine and sake. All the dishes are delicious, It may be a lot if there are two people with a little small meal lol Especially the knobs of the anago are delicious. Isn't Anako more delicious than eel? I thought.
竹原幸一郎 on Google

2日前に、平日の12:00に1人で予約した。当日は11:30に到着したが、すぐにカウンターに案内された。カウンターは2席ごとにアクリル板を設置しており、1人だと隣は空席にしていた。 季節を感じるミニ会席(限定15食 3,300円)を注文した。飲み物は、コロナでアルコールが提供されていないので、冷たいお茶(無料)をお願いした。内容は写真を見てほしいが、造りは中トロ2、鯵1、平目の昆布締め3(うち1つはエンガワ)、お椀は揚げた鱧、ご飯は焼鮎の炊き込みご飯だった。付け合せの野菜などすべてに丁寧な仕事がしてあります。コストパフォーマンスが高い食事をゆったりと食することができました。
Two days ago, I made a reservation by myself at 12:00 on weekdays. I arrived at 11:30 on the day, but was immediately guided to the counter. At the counter, acrylic plates were installed for every two seats, and if there was one person, the seat next to him was vacant. I ordered a mini-kaiseki (limited to 15 meals, 3,300 yen) that feels the season. As for drinks, alcohol is not provided in Corona, so I asked for cold tea (free of charge). As you can see in the picture, the contents were 2 medium fatty tuna, 1 horse mackerel, 3 flatfish kelp tightening (one of them is porch), the bowl was fried conger, and the rice was cooked sweetfish. Everything, such as garnished vegetables, is carefully worked. I was able to relax and eat a meal with high cost performance.
田楽マン on Google

Visited alone on the way home from the movie. It was a popular restaurant, so I had to enter or leave without a reservation, but I just got a vacant Tomokazu set. Homemade tofu, tempura, etc. were all delicious, but I especially liked the red soup stock because it felt a bit different from the ones at other restaurants. Also, when I dropped the chopsticks, he noticed me before I said it and changed it immediately. That kind of consideration was also good. Next time I would like to come with my companion.

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