Takanoyu - Kiso District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takanoyu

住所 :

3168-2 大又 Otaki, Kiso District, Nagano 397-0201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 397-0201
Webサイト : https://o-takanoyu.com/

3168-2 大又 Otaki, Kiso District, Nagano 397-0201, Japan
中村浩 on Google

料理が美味しく頂きました♪ お風呂も大きく気持ち良かったです。
The food was delicious ♪ The bath was big and comfortable.
traveller DEEP on Google

お風呂も広くロビーや食堂も広くて快適でした。 au携帯は繋がりにくいですが、無料Wi-Fiが使えるのでネット環境は大丈夫です。 docomoは電波入ります。
The bath was large and the lobby and dining room were large and comfortable. au mobile phone is hard to lead, but the net environment is okay because the free Wi-Fi can be used. docomo enters the radio wave.
わたまん on Google

Takanoyu's meal is delicious and fuller than it looks, so even an adult man is fully satisfied.
柴勤 on Google

The room was large and clean, the toilet was a washroom, and the food was a mix of Japanese and Western styles.
美作さくと on Google

Since it is not a natural hot spring, there is no one-day bathing.
M o (77) on Google

夕食がとてもボリュームがあり、そして美味しい。 写真撮り忘れましたが、カツオ叩き、唐揚げ、牛すじ煮込み、豚汁、サラダどれも量が普通でメイン料理でした。 夏に運動部が合宿に訪れるらしく、夜お腹が空くかないように味、ボリュームに気を使っているとのこと
The dinner is very voluminous and delicious. I forgot to take a picture, but the bonito beats, fried chicken, stewed beef tendon, pork soup, and salad were all normal and main dishes. It seems that the athletic club will visit the training camp in the summer, and he is paying attention to the taste and volume so as not to get hungry at night.
bijou joy on Google

風呂トイレも綺麗で居心地が良い。 スキーの乾燥室は実際なく、玄関にあるオイルヒーター近くに置く。
The bath and toilet are clean and comfortable. There is actually no ski drying room, and it is placed near the oil heater at the entrance.
30代男性 on Google

スキーで行った時に泊まらせていただきました。 とても感じのいい宿です。 またスキーに行った時はお世話になりたいと思います。
I stayed when I went skiing. It's a very nice inn. I would like to take care of you when I go skiing again.

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