Takamiya - 肴町 Morioka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takamiya

住所 :

3-20 Sakanacho, 肴町 Morioka, Iwate 020-0878, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 020-0878
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5:50PM
Sunday 11AM–5:50PM
Monday 11AM–5:50PM
Tuesday 11AM–5:50PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–5:50PM
Friday 11AM–5:50PM

3-20 Sakanacho, 肴町 Morioka, Iwate 020-0878, Japan
LAST晩餐 on Google

相変わらずの混み具合ですねー( ̄▽ ̄;) 他に飲食店ない訳じゃないアーケードの1本道を隔てて居て駐車場も2~3台しかなく他は有料駐車場でそれでも食べたい飲食店がたかみ屋さん(´ー`*)ウンウン 開店間際少々過ぎた時間とはいえギリギリ待たされず入店出来たレベル( ̄▽ ̄;) 基本何食べても美味しく頂けます、同僚3人は堅焼きを頼んでましたが私はワンタン麺一択(_・ω・)_バァン… 何故かというと、たかみ屋の醤油と酢のマリアージュの再確認、他店でも酢とのマリアージュを推して来る店は多数あるが、たかみ屋は秀逸で味変の酢と合う(_・ω・)_バァン… たかみ屋のラーメンが秀逸で美味過ぎという訳じゃない、ただ酢とのマリアージュを推すが他店はもっと味変の酢を推すならば、このたかみ屋の味を超えなくてはいけない。他のスープに酢推しの他店の追随を許さない。スープに酢有りきなスープに満足する筆者でした( ´ω` )/ ……………………………………………………………………… 最近この場所で仕事な筆者、色々行きたい店はあるが、やはり行列でいつも行けない筆者はたかみ屋一択(_・ω・)_バァン… たかみ屋の筆者がいつも食べているメニューはいつも普段使いで食べれる昼食の価格帯では無い。 だけど、近くで仕事だったら食べたくなるじゃない、うまにか、もやし、筆者は自身の小遣いが後少しでも行きますよ( ´ω` )/ たかみ屋さんは配膳スタッフ4名程、調理スタッフは3名程、配膳スタッフやたら多くね?と思う方はまだまだ初心者ですな(´ー`*)ウンウン 配膳スタッフはいつもお客さんの水が切れていないかをチェック、また入店の際のアルコール消毒の徹底、水なんか水ボトルを各卓上に置けば済む話ですが、それを嫌味なく水が無くなった瞬間に水が必要ならばお伺いをし注ぐスタッフには楽して水ボトル置くより、客を注視するように徹底されている創業者の気持ちがよく感じ取れます。 また行列は出来ますが、調理スタッフと、ホールスタッフの連携もあるし、客も他のお待ちになっている方が待たないよう食べたらすぐ会計という風潮です。 また、調理過程で前後するメニューがありますが、たかみ屋に来たならば、私が先に頼んだのに!とか何時になったら来るの?と言ったワードがある方にはオススメしませんが、時間あったら絶対もやしか、うまにか、堅焼き食べて、と思いながら提供されたうまにに満足して退店する必要でした( ´ω` )/
It's still crowded ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) It's not that there are no other restaurants. There is only a few parking lots across the main road of the arcade, and the others are paid parking lots. Even though it was a little past the opening time, I was able to enter the store without waiting for the last minute ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) Basically, you can eat anything and it will be delicious. Three colleagues asked for hard-baked noodles, but I chose wonton noodles (_ ・ ω ・) _ban… The reason is that Takamiya reconfirms the mariage of soy sauce and vinegar, and there are many other stores that recommend mariage with vinegar, but Takamiya is excellent and goes well with taste-changing vinegar (_ ・ ω ・) _Vinegar ... Takamiya's ramen isn't too good and tasty, it just recommends mariage with vinegar, but if other stores recommend more taste-changing vinegar, you have to go beyond the taste of this Takamiya. Other soups are unrivaled by other stores that recommend vinegar. I was satisfied with the soup with vinegar (´ω`) / …………………………………………………………………………… Recently, the author who works in this place, there are various shops I want to go to, but the author who can not always go in line is Takamiya Chosen (_ ・ ω ・) _ban… The menu that the author of Takamiya always eats is not in the price range of lunch that can be eaten for everyday use. However, if you work nearby, you won't want to eat it. Takamiya has about 4 serving staff, 3 cooking staff, and a lot of serving staff, right? Those who think are still beginners (´ ー ` *) The serving staff always checks if the customer's water is running out, thoroughly disinfects with alcohol when entering the store, and puts a water bottle such as water on each table, but it is a story that the water has run out without dislike. If you need water in a moment, the staff who asks you to pour water can feel the feeling of the founder who is thoroughly watching the customers rather than putting a water bottle on it. In addition, although there is a line, there is cooperation between the cooking staff and the hall staff, and the trend is that customers will be charged as soon as they eat so that other waiting people do not have to wait. Also, there are menus that go back and forth during the cooking process, but if I came to Takamiya, I asked for it first! What time will you come? I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who has a word like that, but if I had time, I had to leave the restaurant with satisfaction with the horses that were served, thinking that I would definitely eat bean sprouts, horses, or hard-baked foods (´ω). `) /
えり on Google

久しぶりにお伺いしました。 堅焼きそばにスープが付いてました。 相変わらず何処よりも美味しかったです❣️ お水がなくなりそうになると、スタッフの方が注いでくれます。 子供達が小さい頃からのお付き合いです。 大人になってからも、堅焼きそばはテイクアウトできるので、新幹線の中で食べる為にお土産にしてました。 コロナ禍2年程 子供達は盛岡に来てないので、LINEでこの写メを送りました。 良いなぁ?美味しそう❣️ との事でした? ご馳走様でした?‍♀️ これからも頑張って下さい。 皆で伺える日を楽しみにしております。
I visited you after a long time. There was soup on the fried noodles. It was as delicious as ever ❣️ When the water is about to run out, the staff will pour it. I have been with children since I was little. Even as an adult, you can take out fried noodles, so I made it a souvenir to eat on the Shinkansen. About 2 years after Corona, the children haven't come to Morioka, so I sent this photo on LINE. It looks good ? It looks delicious ❣️ It was that ? It was a treat ?‍♀️ please keep trying your best. We are looking forward to the day when we can all come together.
posh 0206 on Google

岩手ラーメンランキングの上位に入っていたので行ってみました。 平日5時入店だったので、空いていました。 チャーシューメンをオーダーして、まもなく着丼。 ちょっと甘めのスープと麺が絡み合って美味しい! チャーシューはちょっと自分的には脂っぽかった。薄切りで良かった。 でも、スープはずっと飲んでいたくなる美味しさ。 人気店なのが納得の一杯でした。
I was in the top of the Iwate ramen ranking, so I went there. It was vacant because I entered the store at 5 o'clock on weekdays. I ordered the char siu men and soon I got a bowl. The slightly sweet soup and noodles are intertwined and delicious! The char siu was a little greasy for me. It was good to slice it. But the soup is delicious and you will want to drink it all the time. I was satisfied with the popularity of the restaurant.
増井洋介 on Google

It's still delicious. The soup with the sweetness of soy sauce is excellent. It's a taste that you won't get tired of no matter how many times you eat it. The photo is char siu noodles.
chu yuk on Google

他のお客さんが麺を啜る姿がとても良く見える。お店ごと美味しい雰囲気がある。超スタンダードな「ラーメン」を少し麺固めで注文するのが最高だと思う。 唇にほどよく当たりながら啜る心地よさ。 鶏のだしが効いてるけど酸味は少なく角が取れて丸みのある味。しょっぱめではあるけど、奥深い甘さがあるからあっという間に食べてしまった。また食べたいと思う。
You can see other customers slurping noodles very well. Each shop has a delicious atmosphere. I think it's best to order the super-standard "ramen" with a little noodles. The comfort of slurping while hitting your lips moderately. The chicken stock is effective, but the taste is less sour and the corners are rounded. It's salty, but it has a deep sweetness, so I ate it in no time. I want to eat again.
yoshiyoshi yashikiki on Google

どんと祭に出す物を、八幡宮においてきた帰りに、肴町まで足をのばして、寄ってみました。 このラーメン屋さんでアルバイトしていた頃があって。当時にしては時給が良かったな?️もうかなり前になるけど。 テレビでラーメンのランキングをやってて、そしたら、たかみ屋さんの名前が。急に懐かしくなっちゃって。 お店も変わってなくて、あ~そうそうこんな感じだったなぁって。調理してた人達は、さすがに代替わりしてました。そりゃそうよね。 タンメンを注文。きた瞬間のまず匂いが更に懐かしさを強くさせて、一口、二口とスープの味をかみしめて。麺は細麺かな。最後のスープまでたいらげてきました(笑)ヤッパリ美味しかった。お昼もかなり過ぎてたけど、食べてる間も、お客さんがきれることなく来てて。アルバイトしてた頃もそうだったけど、今も人気の高さは健在だなって。まぁ値段に関してはちょっとお高めかな? メニューからはなくなってたけど、手作りのシューマイもあって。知ってる人は知ってると思うけど。一個一個が大きくて、お店で食べてたり、確か、持ち帰りも?だったなって。お店の人にも聞いたら、前はあったんです。私もよく食べてましたって。そこはちょっと残念だなって思ったけど。 これからも変わらず美味しいラーメン屋さんであって欲しいな。 また、いつかふらっと寄って食べたいな。 ご馳走さま。懐かしい頃に戻りたくなっちゃったな、、、(笑)
On the way back from Hachimangu, I went to Hachiman-cho and stopped by for something to put out for the festival. There was a time when I was working part-time at this ramen shop. The hourly wage was good for that time ?️ It's been a long time ago. I was ranking ramen on TV, and then Takamiya's name was. I suddenly missed it. The store hasn't changed, so it was like this. The people who cooked it were a substitute. That's right. I ordered tanmen. At the moment of arrival, the smell makes the nostalgia even stronger, and the taste of the soup is bitten by a bite or two. I think the noodles are thin noodles. I've been eating up to the last soup (laughs) It was delicious. It's been a long time since lunch, but even while I was eating, the customers came without being able to finish. It was the same when I was working part-time, but it's still very popular. Well, the price is a little expensive ? It wasn't on the menu, but there was also a handmade shumai. I think people who know it know it. Each one was big, and I ate it at the store, and surely it was ? to take it home. When I asked the shop staff, it was there before. I also ate a lot. I thought it was a little disappointing. I want you to continue to be a delicious ramen shop. Also, I want to stop by and eat someday. A treat. I wanted to go back to my nostalgic days ... (laughs)
岩手そばっち on Google

駐車場は店前に小さなものが3台分あるが、向かいのコインパーキングを使うのが一般的。店内のキャパは4人掛けテーブル6脚、お座敷は2人掛け4脚と4人掛けが2脚で計40人分と思われる。行列が店内に移動すると、そこで注文を取ってもらう。 今回は甘酢あんかた焼きそばを注文。量はなかなか。カリッと揚がった麺に甘酸っぱい餡掛けがよく合う。天津飯にしても美味いだろうなという感想。 同伴者のラーメンも摘んでみたが、シンプルな中華そばだけに飽きがこなさそうな味わいだ。少し塩気は強い。 メニューは豊富なので、何度か通ってみたい。
There are three small parking lots in front of the store, but it is common to use the coin parking lot opposite. The capacity of the store is 6 tables for 4 people, and the tatami room is 4 for 2 people and 2 for 4 people, which is thought to be for a total of 40 people. When the procession moves into the store, they are asked to take an order there. This time I ordered sweet and sour sauce ankata yakisoba. The amount is quite good. The sweet and sour ankake goes well with the crispy fried noodles. Impression that even Tianjin rice would be delicious. I also picked up the ramen of my companion, but it tasted like I wouldn't get tired of the simple Chinese noodles. It's a little salty. The menu is abundant, so I'd like to go there several times.
on Google

岩手食べログの上位店 うまにラーメンが定番。 昼間は平日でも空いてることはほぼ無くて、5〜10人待ちは当たり前。うまにラーメンは多少食べるのに時間かかるから、回転はやや微妙かな? 醤油ラーメンの上に熱々の濃い野菜餡がかけられている。塩分濃度が高く、身体も温まるいかにも雪国らしいメニューだよね。 冬に食べると本当に美味しい 野菜餡を少しずつ溶かしながら食べるのが好き。餡と醤油ラーメンの相性が最高 (なぜか)シンプルラーメン、チャーシュー麺も人気ある。 不味くは無いし、鶏ガラスープもいいね!チャーシューはホロホロ。。しかし、うまにラーメンをさし置いて食べるほどかというと、、? まずは定番(うまにorかた焼きそば)からがオススメ
Top store in Iwate Tabelog Uma ni ramen is a staple. In the daytime, there is almost no vacancy even on weekdays, and waiting for 5 to 10 people is a matter of course. It takes some time to eat ramen, so the rotation is a little subtle? Hot thick vegetable bean paste is hung on the soy sauce ramen. It has a high salt concentration and warms the body, so it's a menu like a snowy country. Really delicious when eaten in winter I like to eat while melting vegetable bean paste little by little. The best compatibility between bean paste and soy sauce ramen (For some reason) Simple ramen and char siu noodles are also popular. It's not bad, and I like the chicken glass soup! Char siu is horohoro. .. However, is it enough to put ramen on the horse and eat it? First of all, we recommend starting from the standard (Umani or Katayakisoba)

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