Takakura Musubimiko Shrine - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takakura Musubimiko Shrine

住所 :

9-9 Takakuracho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 456-0015

9-9 Takakuracho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0015, Japan
みんみん1号 on Google

知らずに何千回も前を通っていました。 今朝、参拝に訪れてみました。神主様が落ち葉を掃き清めていらして静かな穏やかな空気が流れています。 御本殿横に御神木があります。 この御神木のパワーが凄い。 生まれて初めて、木に神様が宿っていると感じました。 空気が冷んやりとしていて神様を感じました。 そして、横の出世稲荷の赤い鳥居をくぐり、のぞき井戸をのぞきました。 手水舎は長い青竹の先から水が出ていて、そこで手が洗えます。 また、車ごと鳥居を潜るので、停めてから降りて歩いてくぐりました。
I passed through thousands of times without knowing it. I went to visit this morning. The priest is sweeping and purifying the fallen leaves, and a quiet, calm air is flowing. There is a sacred tree beside the main shrine. The power of this sacred tree is amazing. For the first time in my life, I felt that God was in the tree. The air was cold and I felt God. Then, I passed through the red torii gate next to Seisei Inari and looked into the peep well. The water from the long bamboo shoots comes out of the water in the Temizuya where you can wash your hands. Also, as I drove the torii along with the car, I stopped and then walked through.
まきまき海苔巻き on Google

古墳もたくさんあちゅて、静かな神社でじゅた。 出世して大名になれるじゅかなぁ〜
There were many old burial mounds, and I went to a quiet shrine. I wonder if I can get ahead and become a daimyo ~
神社探訪 on Google

【御朱印:あり】 名古屋市熱田区高蔵町(たかくらちょう)に鎮座する高座結御子神社(たかくらむすびみこじんじゃ) 熱田神宮の境外摂社(けいがいせっしゃ)であり、尾張氏の祖神(そしん)である高倉下命(たかくらじのみこと)をお祀りしております。 創建年は不詳でありながらも神武天皇の御世(673~686年)や熱田神宮・本宮の創建年と同時期ともいわれ、非常に歴史が古い事から延喜式神名帳や続日本後紀にも登場します。 続日本後紀は平安時代に成立した歴史書であり、六国史(りっこくし)の第四を構成し、第54代仁明天皇の833年(天長10年)~850年(嘉祥3年)の18年間を扱う歴史書です。 続日本後紀には、御祭神である高倉下命について「尾張国の日割御子神(ひさきみこのかみ)・孫若御子神(ひこわかみこのかみ)・高座結御子神(たかくらむすびみこのかみ)の熱田大神御児神3神を神名に列する」という旨が記述されており、延喜式神名帳には「高座結御子神社 名神大」と記載され、名神大社に列しています。 熱田神宮・本宮より歩いて15分の距離に鎮座しているので一緒に参拝される方が多いようです。 【御祭神】 高倉下命(たかくらじのみこと)
[Goshuin: Yes] Takakura Musubimiko Shrine is located in Takakura-cho, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya. It is a shrine outside the precincts of Atsuta Jingu Shrine, and enshrines Takakuraji Mikoto, the ancestral god of Mr. Owari. Although the year of its foundation is unknown, it is said to be around the same time as the reign of Emperor Jimmu (673-686) and the year of the founding of Atsuta Jingu and Hongu. Will also appear. Shoku Nihon Koki is a historical book established in the Heian period, which constitutes the fourth of Rikkokushi, and is the 54th Emperor Ninmyō's 833 (Tencho 10) to 850 (Kashō). It is a history book dealing with 18 years of 3 years). In the latter part of Japan, about Takakura Musubimiko, the deity of the ritual, "Hisaki Mikogami, Hikowakamikogami, Takakura Musubimiko" Mikonokami)'s Atsuta Ogami Mikogami 3 gods are listed in the god name. " doing. It is a 15-minute walk from Atsuta Jingu and Hongu, so it seems that many people worship together. [Sacred God] Takakuraji Shimomei (Mikoto Takakuraji)
森昭二 on Google

境内に尾張浜主の歌碑がありました。この尾張浜主という人は説明によると、承和12年(845)、113歳(!)の時に、仁明天皇の御前で自作の舞を舞い、大宮人を大いに驚かせたのだそうです。NHKの某おなまえ番組で紹介された「ヤングマンすぎるお名前」に本当に相応しいのはこの人ではないかと思います。他にも境内には古代の貝塚や古墳、クスノキの巨木があります。 説明には、本殿は織田信長によって寄進されたとありました。でも今の本殿が新しいので、疑問に思って更に読んでみると、今の本殿は昭和38年の5月に竣工したものだそうです。信長時代のものではないのですね。残念!でも境内にある高座稲荷社は豊臣秀吉が子供の頃に母親に連れられてよく参詣していたということで別名「太閤出世稲荷」ともいうそうです。ということは、この地は信長・秀吉の二人の英傑とゆかりの場所ということになりますね。 古代のロマンや歴史を感じさせます。
There was a monument of Owarihama in the precincts. According to the explanation, when he was 113 years old (!) In the 12th year of Jōwa (845), this person named Owarihama danced his own dance in front of Emperor Ninmy and surprised the Omiya people. I think this person is really suitable for the "Young Man Too Name" introduced in a certain NHK name program. There are also ancient shell mounds, burial mounds, and giant camphor trees in the precincts. The explanation said that the main shrine was donated by Nobunaga Oda. However, the current main shrine is new, so when I wondered and read it further, it seems that the current main shrine was completed in May 1963. It's not from Nobunaga's time. Sorry! However, the Takaza Inari shrine in the precincts is also known as "Taiko Dessei Inari" because Toyotomi Hideyoshi was often taken by his mother when he was a child. This means that this place is related to Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, the two heroes. It makes you feel the romance and history of ancient times.
2666 10993 on Google

名古屋市熱田区の高座結御子神社は、熱田神宮の境外摂社である。高蔵宮とも称する。熱田大神の三御子神の一柱を祀る名神大社で、熱田七社の一つ。 周囲には高蔵古墳や高蔵貝塚があり、当地開発の祖神・高倉下命を祀る。 祭神には異説があり、日本武尊の御子・仲哀天皇とする説や、日本武尊の異母弟・成務天皇とする説などもある。
Takakura Musubimiko Shrine in Atsuta-ku, Nagoya is an out-of-bounds shrine of Atsuta Jingu. Also called Kozogu. It is a famous shrine that enshrines one pillar of Atsuta Ogami's three Mikogami, and is one of the seven Atsuta shrines. There are Takakura burial mounds and Takakura shell mounds in the surrounding area, which enshrine the ancestral god of local development, Takakuraji. There are different theories about saijin, such as the theory of Emperor Chuai, the son of Yamato Takeru, and the theory of Emperor Seimu, the half-brother of Yamato Takeru.
齋竹正弘 on Google

Visited on Thursday, February 17, 2022 (Reiwa 4th year). It is about an 11-minute walk northwest of Jingu-mae Station on the Meitetsu Line. The founding is unknown, and the god of worship is Takakuraji. Looking around the site, you can feel that it is a part of the tumulus group. Since there are few worshipers, you can worship slowly and quietly. There is also Takaza Inari Shrine, which is related to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in the precincts.
nybrotha in-jpn on Google

It's really nice beautiful
Michael Nedoma on Google

This place can be easily reached in 20 minutes by walk from Atsuta Jingu. This shrine "belongs" under the Atsuta Jingu shrine. Not too much to be told, since this visit will take you just 20 minutes, maximum. Most interesting are the red Torii, which resemble a tunel through which you can go.

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