Takaiwa Observatory - Hachinohe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takaiwa Observatory

住所 :

Takaiwa-24 Samemachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0841, Japan

Postal code : 031-0841
Webサイト : https://visithachinohe.com/spot/takaiwa-tenbodai/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Takaiwa-24 Samemachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0841, Japan
霜降にく on Google

ぼっち旅で潮風トレイルを踏破しようと企画した時に立ち寄りました。 松の木と海岸線という日本的な風景に感動しました。
I stopped by when I planned to go through the sea breeze trail on my trip. I was impressed by the Japanese scenery of pine trees and the coastline.
えど on Google

葦毛崎と比べると、有名ではありませんがここもまたいい景色が見られます。階段が結構あります。 駐車場が近くにありませんので訪れる際はご注意を……!
Compared to Ashizaki, it is not famous, but it also has good views. There are quite a few stairs. Be careful when visiting because there is no parking lot nearby ...!
exotic asia on Google

急な階段を上り展望台から 見渡す景色がとても良い。 近くに駐車場がないのが 少し残念です。
Go up the steep stairs from the observatory The view overlooking is very good. There is no parking lot nearby I'm a little disappointed.
お供さん on Google

近くにある葦毛崎展望台に比べて知名度には劣るものの眺めは太平洋を一望でき絶景です。 市内中心部を抜け海沿いを走る風光明媚な県道1号線を駆け抜け、さらにその種差海岸を抜けた先に見えてきます。 道脇に見える看板と、突如現れる木の茂る小高い山があれば間違いなくそれです。 入口をくぐると松林が存在し、すると鳥居が見え、その後は鬱蒼とした雑木林の中を歩くことになります。湿り気のある落ち葉に埋もれた石段を上り切る頃には陽の光が徐々に差し込み、ようやく展望台がお目見えになります。 展望台からは正面には青々とした海と深緑色の木々、右手側には大久喜地区の集落も眺望できます。 展望台には中心部及び展望台の左手側に案内板があり、また高岩神社の祠もあります。 降りる時もまた一興。展望台を降りると同時に深い雑木林の匂いの立ち込めた薄暗い木々の中をくぐり抜け、赤と茶の鳥居をくぐり抜けると最終的に目の前に見えるのは舗装された綺麗な道。一瞬のうちにまるで異次元に迷い込んだこの感覚をぜひ味わって欲しいと思います。八戸に訪れた際はぜひ御一考を。そして初見の市民の方も是非ご一考を。唯一の不満としては近隣に駐車場がないこと。手前の道は広くないため長居しないのであれば近隣の緑地等に止めるもありかも。それか種差海岸より三陸みちのくトレイルによって繋がれておりますのてそれをご活用に。できれば夏にオススメしたいものです。
Although it is less well known than the nearby Ashigezaki Observatory, the view overlooks the Pacific Ocean and is superb. You can see it through the city center, the scenic prefectural road No. 1 that runs along the sea, and the Tanesashi coast. If there is a signboard on the side of the road and a small mountain with trees that suddenly appears, it is definitely it. After passing through the entrance, you will see a pine forest, then you will see a torii gate, and then you will walk through a dense thicket. By the time you climb up the stone steps buried in the moist fallen leaves, the sunlight gradually shines in and the observatory is finally visible. From the observatory, you can see the lush sea and dark green trees in front, and the village of Okuki district on the right side. The observatory has a guide board in the center and on the left side of the observatory, and there is also a shrine of Takaiwa Shrine. It's also fun when you get off. As soon as you get off the observatory, you will pass through the dim trees filled with the scent of deep thickets, and when you pass through the red and brown torii gates, you will finally see a beautiful paved road in front of you. I would like you to experience this feeling of getting lost in a different dimension in an instant. Please consider it when you visit Hachinohe. And if you are a first-time citizen, please consider it. The only complaint is that there is no parking nearby. The road in front is not wide, so if you don't stay long, you may stop at a nearby green space. Or, it is connected by the Sanriku Michinoku Trail from Tanesashi Coast, so please take advantage of it. If possible, I would like to recommend it in the summer.
けんさん on Google

展望台へは階段を登ります。なので車椅子♿️で展望台へは難しいです。 見晴らしは良いんだけど、駐車場がないです。整備を望みます✌️
Climb the stairs to the observatory. So it's difficult to get to the observatory with a wheelchair ♿️. The view is good, but there is no parking lot. I want maintenance ✌️
T A on Google

葦毛崎もいいですが、 個人的にはこっちの景色が好き。 民家と大海原のコラボが好き!❣
Ashigezaki is also good, Personally, I like this view. I like the collaboration between private houses and the ocean! ❣
Dr. Anthony J. Toledo on Google

Amazing view! Great place to feel in awe.
Branden Carroll on Google

This is a great spot to stop at and the view is great! Definitely recommend it if you're on a date or want to adventure with friends There are a bit of stairs that lead you up to the platform but the walk is nice with great scenery. Great for photos opportunities too!

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