Takahashishinkyu Acupuncture - Yachiyo

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takahashishinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

澤田ビル 1f, 3 Chome-1-2 Yurinokidai, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777977
Postal code : 276-0042
Webサイト : http://xn--28jzf137g3c0n47ko2d324af4oc92bi3yak7bo84f.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 3–8:30PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

澤田ビル 1f, 3 Chome-1-2 Yurinokidai, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0042, Japan
オリーブオリーブ on Google

私は痛くなってから行きますが 歪みで痛い時は毎日行きますが 数回で痛みが取れます⤴
I will go after pain When it hurts with distortion I go every day You can get pain in a couple of times
あやね on Google

I was taken care of when I injured my ankle ligament. They are very nice people who politely teach me the condition of injuries and treatment methods, and the teachers are also friendly. Thank you very much!
望月紫 on Google

偏頭痛に悩まされて鎮痛剤を持ち歩かないと不安でしたが 先生の所に通うようになってからずっと調子が良いです❗ 料金や施術内容も丁寧に説明して頂けるのでお勧めですよ
I was suffering from migraines and was worried that I had to carry painkillers with me. I've been in good shape since I started going to the teacher ❗ It is recommended because you can explain the fee and treatment details carefully.
su mi on Google

Kind and straightforward explanation. Only the staff are very good. Do you have the latest machines? I've been to various osteopaths, qigong, and hospitals for 20 years, but Takahashi is the number one.
もくん on Google

八千代中央駅の階段を降りていたらぎっくり腰になってしまい、駅前にあるこちらにお世話になりました。 元々慢性的に腰痛はあったのですが、ここまで痛くなったのは初めてで心配でしたが、病院に入るなり院長先生がすぐにかけつけてくれ、電気、マッサージ、骨盤矯正をしてくれウソのように体が楽になりました。 仕事で八千代中央に来ていたので、1回しか治療を受けていませんが、家が近い方は本当におすすめな整骨院です。
When I went down the stairs of Yachiyo Chuo Station, I got very low back, and I was taken care of by this place in front of the station. Originally I had chronic low back pain, but I was worried that it was the first time I had so much pain, but as soon as I entered the hospital, the director immediately called me and gave me electricity, massage, and pelvic correction. I feel better like this. Since I came to Yachiyo Chuo for work, I have been treated only once, but if you are close to my house, I really recommend this osteopathic clinic.
佐川弘明 on Google

頚椎と腰椎を重点的に矯正してもらっておりますが、もちろん、身体全体のバランス矯正を施して頂いています。事故などで、バランスを崩した自分の身体を矯正できるのは、あらゆる場所で、自費も含め、様々な治療をしましたが、他では、無理でした。昨年、野球の試合で、スパイクされて怪我した足の親指の靭帯損傷箇所も、超短波治療により、痛みは軽減され、走れるようになりました。まだ、130キロで完投までは、難しいですが、地道に努力しながら、適切な治療を継続して都大会に出たいと思います。 たまに、混み合って、治療が後回しになるのは、双方の信頼の元に了承済みです。気さくで丁寧に治療して頂けるので、患者さんも増えているようでなによりです。痛み止めを飲んで、一時的に痛みが無くなったと言う話ではないのです。
Although we are intentionally correcting the cervical vertebra and the lumbar vertebrae, we corrected the balance of the whole body, of course. I was able to correct my body that lost my balance in an accident, etc, in various places, including my own expenses, I did various treatments, but at others it was impossible. Last year, at the baseball game, the ultrasonic therapy reduced the pain and became able to run with the ultrasonic wave treatment also on the injured site of the thumb of the injured foot that was spiked. Although it is still difficult to complete until 130 kilos at the end of the 130 km, I think that I will continue appropriate treatment while going for a steady effort to enter the metropolitan tournament. Sometimes, it is already confirmed under the trust of both sides that crowded and treatment is postponed. Because it treats with a friendly and courteous care, patients seem to be on the rise as well. It is not a story that drinking a pain stop and temporarily losing pain.
吉永友梨奈(SnOw) on Google

これから通う人の参考になればと思い書かせていただきました。 仕事帰りに20:15頃に来院し、出たのが22:30でした…。施術中も何度も待たせていて、いくらなんでも3時間近くは待たせすぎです。 最初に来たときから感じてたことですが、来ているお客さんと先生が話している会話で、知り合い等ということがわかり、その人達が優先で施術されているため、初診や来院回数が少ない人は後回しにさせる可能性が高いです。 対応できる人数が少くて待たせる時間がかかってしまうならせめて、予約制にしてほしいと思いました。 実際に施術が始まるとなぜか、メニューも最後にするものを時間短縮の為なのか最初にされました。 先生自体が疲れているのか前回よりも雑な施術でした。あまり悪いことは書きたくはないのですが、正直これで自費5千円近く払うのはみあってない気がしました…。もう少しプロ意識で時間管理と限られた時間内でキチンとした施術をしていただきたかったので残念です。 仕事帰りには寄ることは個人的に少し難しいかなと感じました。行くなら比較的空いていた土曜日のほうがいいかもしれません。
I thought that it would be helpful for those who will be coming. I came back to work around 20:15 and left at 22:30. I kept waiting many times during the procedure, and I waited too long for nearly three hours. I felt it when I first came, but in the conversation between the visiting customer and the teacher, I knew that I was acquainted with them, and because those people were given priority treatment, the first visit and the number of visits Fewer people are more likely to put it off. Since there are few people who can respond and it takes time to wait, I wanted you to make a reservation system. When the treatment actually started, I was asked first why the menu was the last one to save time. It was a rougher procedure than the last time because the teacher was tired. I don't want to write anything bad, but honestly, I don't think it's enough to pay nearly 5,000 yen for this… It's a pity because I wanted to have a little more professionalism in managing the time and doing the treatment in a limited time. I personally felt that it was a little difficult to come back after work. If you're going, it might be better to go on a relatively empty Saturday.
ユージ 'z on Google

仕事で腰を痛めてしまって一週間も痛みが続いている不安から、藁にも縋る思いで訪問しました。 電気治療は市販のEMS治療器により15分間セルフサービスで行われますが、この程度なら自宅で出来るレベルです。 マッサージ治療 は患部を少し揉んでもらっただけで全然効いてる感じがしないし、10分足らずで終了。 ウォーターベッド治療はただベッドがゆらゆら動くだけで何の意味も感じられませんでした。 コースを自分で選ばせてもらえずに1番高い料金を請求されてしまいます。それでも効果があるのなら文句はありませんが全く患部は良くなっておらず、今後も週1〜2回のペースで通うように予約を強要される始末です。通う事になったらこの内容の施術で毎月5万円程度の治療費が必要になるでしょう。 過去レビューへのオーナーからの返信を拝見しましたが、個人情報保護が全く配慮されていないところも不謹慎だと思います。
I had anxiety that I had a pain in my lower back at work and had been in pain for a week, so I visited with a feeling of squirming in the straw. Electric treatment is self-service for 15 minutes with a commercially available EMS treatment device, but this is a level that can be done at home. The massage treatment did not seem to work at all just by having the affected area massaged a little, and it was completed in less than 10 minutes. The waterbed treatment just shook the bed and didn't make any sense. You will be charged the highest price without being able to choose the course yourself. If it still works, I have no complaints, but the affected area has not improved at all, and I am forced to make a reservation to go once or twice a week in the future. If you go to the clinic, you will need to pay about 50,000 yen a month for this treatment. I saw the reply from the owner to the past review, but I think that it is unscrupulous that personal information protection is not considered at all.

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