Sakurashizu Orthopedic Clinic - Sakura

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakurashizu Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1656-55 Kamishizu, Sakura, Chiba 285-0846, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 285-0846
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–8:30PM
Thursday 9AM–8:30PM
Friday 9AM–8:30PM

1656-55 Kamishizu, Sakura, Chiba 285-0846, Japan
m on Google

I started going to get rid of my lower back pain. After about 3 months, my lower back pain disappeared and I felt better. The staff are kind and the atmosphere is very good.
Y S on Google

腰痛で動けなくなり、口コミを頼りに来院しました。丁寧な説明と施術に満足し通院をしています。症状は改善し随分楽になりました。 スタッフさんも明るく親切でとても雰囲気も良いです。
I got stuck due to back pain and came to the hospital relying on word of mouth. I am satisfied with the polite explanation and treatment and go to the hospital. My symptoms have improved and I feel much better. The staff are cheerful and kind, and the atmosphere is very good.
谷山奈央 on Google

腰を痛めたのがきっかけで約半年通ってます。来店時の元気な挨拶から始まり、とても気持ちの良い整骨院です。 その時の身体の状態で指圧場所を変えてくれたり、アドバイスをくれたりと助かってます。腰の痛みもだいぶ良くなりました。
I've been going for about half a year because I hurt my back. It is a very pleasant osteopathic clinic, starting with a lively greeting when you come to the store. It is helpful to change the acupressure location and give advice depending on the physical condition at that time. My lower back pain has improved a lot.
T U on Google

It was my first time to go to a car accident, but the response was polite and easy to understand, and the treatment was very helpful because it listened to my physical condition and painful areas and was polite. All the people who are treated are friendly and friendly, so it is helpful.
和田幸恵 on Google

ヘルニアと脊柱管狭窄症が悪化し、色々な病院ヘ行っていましたが職場に近い、こちらの院を見つけました。 今まで半年間位腰痛に悩まされて医者に運動を禁止されたりしていましたが、こちらの院に通いだしたら直ぐに激痛が治まり、また直ぐに運動が出来るようになりました。 もっと早く知っていれば半年間を無駄にしなくて済んだのに‥‥‥‥。 スタッフの方達も皆様個性的で明るいので、楽しく通うことができます。 本当に感謝感謝です。 ありがとうございます。
Hernia and spinal canal stenosis worsened, and I went to various hospitals, but I found this hospital near my workplace. Until now, I had been suffering from back pain for about half a year and was prohibited from exercising by a doctor, but when I went to this hospital, the severe pain soon subsided and I was able to exercise again. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have wasted half a year ... The staff are all unique and cheerful, so you can enjoy going there. Really grateful thanks. thank you.
H M on Google

I hurt my neck and started going. I feel refreshed every day without the stiff shoulders that were always painful. The staff are cheerful, the explanations are polite, and the cheerful greetings are very comfortable. You can relax and receive treatment while chatting in a friendly atmosphere. Please go once!
そういちろ on Google

My neck and shoulders were stiff and my lower back hurt, so I started going here. About a month after going to the hospital before or between work, my posture gradually improved and my body became lighter, which is very helpful. The staff are also kind, so I can recommend it.
U “うりぼー” on Google

いつも元気な挨拶をスタッフの皆さんがしてくれて、とても気持ちがいいです。 また、施術も良く、腰痛がとても楽になりました。 身体の不調を伝えると、それに合った施術や家でのストレッチ方まで教えていただけました。 これからも定期的に通わせていただきます。
It's very nice to have the staff always give a lively greeting. Also, the treatment was good, and my back pain became much easier. When I told him about my physical condition, he taught me how to perform the appropriate treatment and how to stretch at home. I will continue to attend regularly.

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