
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつ鴇田

住所 :

Takaban, Meguro City, 〒152-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Takaban, Meguro City, 〒152-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Aqu Pocari on Google

色々有名店を食べ歩いてきましたが、全くヒケを取らないくらい美味しいです。 あまり混まないといいな。 店員さん達の人柄も最高です。 若干オペレーションが不慣れな部分はご愛嬌です。
I've been eating around various famous restaurants, but it's so delicious that I don't get any sink marks. I hope it doesn't get too crowded. The personalities of the clerk are also the best. The part that is a little unfamiliar with the operation is charming.
M N on Google

店員さんは全員親切で気さくで話しやすい方でした。 ロースはかなり脂身が多いけど、甘くて脂っぽくなくて美味しかったです。 ヒレは歯ごたえのあるお肉でした。 ロースとヒレの味が正反対なので、2人で両方頼んでハーフ&ハーフで食べると最高。
All the staff were kind, friendly and easy to talk to. Loin is quite fat, but it was sweet, not greasy and delicious. The fins were chewy meat. The taste of loin and fillet is exactly the opposite, so it's best to ask for both and eat half and half.
Yohei Otaki (イケア) on Google

”とんかつを食べに行く” ということで、お伺いしました。 テラスの席については、犬連れでも使えるみたいです。 店内は4人掛けのテーブルが4つほど 2名掛けのテーブルが3つ カウンターが3席くらいだと思います。 接客が、あまりよくはありません。 そこだけ、覚悟してお伺いください。 心に余裕がないと、ムカッと来るかもしれません。
"Go to eat pork cutlet" So I asked you. As for the terrace seats, it seems that even dogs can use it. There are about 4 tables for 4 people in the store 3 tables for 2 people I think the counter has about 3 seats. The customer service is not very good. Please be prepared for that. If you can't afford it, you may come crazy.
モギアスカ on Google

目黒の某有名店出身の新店舗ということで期待を胸に来店。 活気の無い従業員たちに迎え入れられたが、席への誘導が中途半端で戸惑う。 ランチロースを注文、しかしそこから5分ほど水もおしぼりも出てこない。 一瞬セルフサービスなのかと思い店内をキョロキョロするが何も無く、女性のホールスタッフは他の席を片付けている。 しばらくするとようやくお茶とおしぼりとお箸が出てきた。 なんだかな〜と思いなが料理を待ち、「お待たせしました〜」先程の女性スタッフがお皿を持ってきた、、、が、他の席の注文と間違えたらしくすぐに引き下げられた。 そこからまた待つことしばらく、ようやくトンカツ登場。 思ったよりも少ない、そしてご飯と味噌汁が無く、「単品の注文と間違えたか??」と不安になっていると、結構後からご飯と味噌汁が運ばれてきた。 色々と既に残念、、、とりあえず食べてみるか。 料理を口に運ぶが味はまあまあ、特筆すべきポイントは無いに等しい。 強いて言うなら、肉の質がよく脂身が美味しかったというとこだろうか。 衣のサクサク感はあまり無く、筋が少し邪魔にも感じた。 味噌汁は少し独特の味、甘味が強い、正直もっとオーソドックスの方がカツに合っていた。 あと、付け合わせで出てきた漬物が全く美味しくなかった。。。これでは白飯も進まない。。。 食べ終わり会計の際も、厨房側にレジがあるのに中からの挨拶は一切無し。 ということで残念オンパレード。 再訪は無しかな。
I came to the store with expectations because it was a new store from a famous store in Meguro. We were welcomed by the less lively employees, but we were halfway confused about the guidance to the seats. I ordered lunch loin, but no water or hand towels came out for about 5 minutes. I wondered if it was self-service for a moment, but there was nothing inside the store, and the female hall staff was cleaning up the other seats. After a while, tea, hand towels and chopsticks finally came out. I wondered what it was, but I waited for the food, and "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting" The female staff member brought the plate, but it seemed to be mistaken for another seat order and was immediately lowered. Waiting for a while from there, the pork cutlet finally appeared. It was less than I expected, and there was no rice and miso soup, and when I was worried, "Did you make a mistake when ordering a single item?", Rice and miso soup were brought in after a long time. I'm sorry for everything, so why don't you try it for the time being? I bring the food to my mouth, but the taste is ok, and there is nothing special to mention. I wonder if the quality of the meat was good and the fat was delicious. The batter wasn't very crispy, and the streaks were a little in the way. Miso soup has a slightly unique taste and a strong sweetness, and honestly, orthodox was more suitable for cutlet. Also, the pickles that came out with the garnish weren't delicious at all. .. .. With this, white rice will not progress either. .. .. Even at the time of accounting after eating, there was no greeting from inside even though there was a cash register on the kitchen side. So unfortunately it's an on-parade. I wonder if there will be a revisit.
guide ggd on Google

目黒のとんかつ御三家は有名だが、その中の一つとんかつ 大宝で30年腕を奮ったご仁がこの街で開業。店の前を通ると大将自ら「出来立てホヤホヤの店だよ。湯気が出ているよ」と意味不明の客引きをしてくれる。とても豚カツ界のレジェンドとは思えない気さくな御仁。 お勧めは特上ロースカツ(2200円)。豚肉は専門店から仕入れる茨城や栃木などの北関東産。埼玉県の丸高パン粉が粗めでしっかりとしている。アボガドポーク程甘くは無い、但し2cm近い厚みでこの柔らかさは秀逸。昼のセットはロースカツ(1320円)が一回り小さい上に豚汁(110円)が付かない。セットでなければ(1560円)わずかな差額で肉は一回り大きく成って豚汁が付く。
The Tonkatsu Gosan family in Meguro is famous, but one of them, Tonkatsu Taihou, has been working hard for 30 years and opened in this town. When you pass in front of the store, the general himself says, "It's a freshly made squirrel shop. It's steaming." A friendly man who doesn't seem to be a legend in the pork cutlet world. We recommend the special loin cutlet (2200 yen). Pork is produced in northern Kanto such as Ibaraki and Tochigi, which are purchased from specialty stores. Marutaka bread crumbs from Saitama prefecture are coarse and firm. It's not as sweet as avocado pork, but with a thickness of nearly 2 cm, this softness is excellent. The lunch set is one size smaller than the loin cutlet (1320 yen) and does not come with pork soup (110 yen). If it is not a set (1560 yen), the meat will grow one size larger and have pork soup with a slight difference.
SLAYER on Google

★追記 : 元ご主人からスーシェフが新たにお店を引き継ぎ、「とんかつ肆参(しさん)」となったそうです。( •́ɞ•̀) ★あの大宝の血脈!至高の極上トンカツ! ∑(๑ºдº๑) (食べたくなると再訪) 目黒大宝さんは一時ちょくちょくお伺いしていた小生。( ´_ゝ`)…。 数年前、最後に大宝さんにお伺いした時、鋭い上にキビしいカミさんが、 「何か美味しくなくなってる( `皿´)」 と言い放ち、確かにとんかつもゴハンまでも何か変わってしまい、以前のシャープさが無くなっていたのは小生も感じたのである。 (`_>´) それはとんかつこがねさんが出来たからなのかと思っていたのだが、調べてみると大宝さんの味を司っていた職人さんが辞めてしまっていたかららしい。 その職人さんが新しいお店をオープンしたとのことでさっそくお伺い。 ლ(´ڡ`ლ ) ===3 小生は特上ロースカツ、カミさんはとある記事でオススメしていたチキンカツをお願い。 (゚Д゚)ノ '`ィ やってきたとんかつは黄金色で軽く光っており、何とも艶っぽく見目麗しい。 見た目からもうその辺のトンカツとは違うのである。(゚д゚)オオウ… 一口頂いてみるとびっくり!すごいジューシーなのである!(´⊙ω⊙`) 油の香りも軽く、肉の旨味も強すぎずな絶妙なバランス。 齧るとじんわりジューシーな旨味がほとばしる、上品かつバランス抜群なトンカツである! ( ,,ÒωÓ)=3 このお値段でこんな高レベルなトンカツは中々お目にかかれない。 そしてそれ以上に驚いた逸品はチキンカツ! Σ(゚Д゚ノ)ノ フワフワサクサクで旨味豊潤、こんなチキンカツは今までお目にかかったことがない! ‧˚₊*̥(* ⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈)‧˚₊*̥ これは食べてみないと分からないと思う。 こちらのトンカツ、チキンカツ共に長年培ってきた職人の技術の集大成ともいえる素晴らしい逸品であった。 (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ 帰りにご主人ともお話させて頂いたのだが、 「トンカツが美味いのは当たり前だけど、チキンカツは食べてったかい?ほとんど皆、トンカツだからウチのチキンカツの美味さを知らないんだよ(笑。」 なんて、小粋な職人気質な語り口で笑っておられた。 それだけ技術に裏打ちされた自信の現れなのだろう。 そしてゴハン、キャベツお替り自由という古き良きトンカツ屋さんの心意気も繋いで頂いた上に、味噌汁まで澄まし汁のような美味さで全方位死角無しであった。 こりゃ、並ぶ店になっちゃうかもしれん…。 (•́ω•̀;≡;•́ω•̀) ウチのガキンチョにも是非食べさせよー。(`Д´)σ 久しぶりに素晴らしい逸品に感謝した夕飯であった。( ˘人˘ ) また近々お伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ (ガキンチョ連れて再訪) ガキンチョが珍しく乗り気だったのでお伺い。 前回の訪問を覚えて下さっていたらしくありがたし。( ˘人˘ ) ガキンチョと特上ロースを、カミさんはメンチカツ。チキンカツは売り切れてしまったらしい。 ほらやっぱり人気出始めちゃった…(笑。(ノД`;) 特上ロースは相変わらず軽さ、香り、風味ともに素晴らしく、しっとりとした揚がり具合で「艶っぽい」という形容詞が当てはまるような逸品。美味し!( `皿´)σ 是非、ソースより塩と醤油で。 メンチカツもなかなか。ご主人がガキンチョに「食べ盛りだから」と更にメンチをサービスして下さった。 感謝。( ˘人˘ ) マダムの人当たりの良さも含め、こういうアットホームな接客がもうお客さん達の心を掴んでいるのが見えた。 良いお店だなあ、ガキンチョも満足満腹だったそう。(*´д`*) またすぐお伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ (食べたくなると再訪) やっぱり美味い。チキンカツ悩んだがやはり特ロースはいい。噛むと口の中で脂の滲み出し具合が艶っぽいのである。 こちらのは塩と醤油で頂くのが至高。ソースは少しスパイシーなので油の香りが損なわれてしまうので、キャベツに使うべし。(`Д´)σ そして油の香りがやはり秀逸。最近食べた某ログ全国トップクラスのお店の逸品に、噛むと滲み出る脂と旨味の艶っぽさが似ている。 (*´д`*) やはり職人の仕事だというのを感じさせてくれるとんかつである。 ゴハンもモチモチな食感で更に美味いものに変わっており、ご主人に聞いてみるとやはりお米を変えたそう。 「美味かっただろ?」なんてジョークを交えておっしゃっていた(笑。 そういうところも職人である。 またすぐお伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ ★(とんかつ肆参になってからお伺い) いつ再開するのかマメに電話していたのだが、全くナシノツブテ。 そして本日、電話してみるとなんといきなり昨日から再開したそうではないか。 Σ(゚Д゚) というわけでとんかつに飢えていた小生、すっ飛んでお伺い。ヽ(`Д´;)ノ===3 お伺いしてみるとご主人さんの姿が無い。元スーシェフの方にたずねてみると、色々あってご主人は引退されたそう。ご主人には色々良くして頂いていただけに残念…。( ´・д・`) そして新たにお店を引き継がれ、「とんかつ肆参(しさん)」として再開されたとのこと。 とりあえず特上ロースカツをカミさん共々お願いする。(゚Д゚)ノ '`ィ やってきたロースカツを頂いてみると、油の香りは今までとそんなに変わらず軽い香り。 元ご主人の豊潤かつ艶っぽい揚がり具合は特別だったが、けっこう近い出来に仕上がっていて、その辺のとんかつ屋より圧倒的に美味いのは相変わらず。(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ただ肉の繊維などの口当たりや食感、旨味は、肩ロースのようなフカフカとした弾力のものになってしまっていたり旨味も若干薄い気がして、やはりベテランの元ご主人のものとは違うのが残念だが、けっこう近いものにはなっている。 しかしソースより塩と醤油が合う美味いとんかつであった。(๑و•̀Δ•́)و 帰り際に新ご主人にお話しを伺ったが、前ご主人は職人気質で仕込みから全部手掛けるので見て覚えろという空気だったらしいのだが、それでもこれだけのとんかつが出てきたのは素晴らしい。 (๑´ω`ノノ゙✧ 前ご主人もお年だがまだお元気らしいので、また時々厨房に来て下さるようにオファーはしているそう。歴30年以上の揚げの技術をこのまま無くすのは惜しい。是非新ご主人に引き継いでくだされば有り難い。 (ノ∀`*) 新ご主人がまだご自分も発展途上と仰っていらしたが始めからこのクオリティは素晴らしい。これからも元ご主人に追いつけ追い越せという気概で、更に美味いとんかつを出して頂けることを期待したい。 また近々お伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ
★ Addition: It seems that Sous-chef took over the shop from his former husband and became "Tonkatsu 肆 膳 (san)". (• ́ɞ • ̀) ★ The bloodline of that great treasure! The best pork cutlet! ∑ (๑ºдº๑) (Revisit when you want to eat) Daiho Meguro is a student I visited from time to time. ('_ ゝ `)…. A few years ago, when I last visited Mr. Daiho, Mr. Kami, who was sharp and sharp, said "Something isn't delicious (` plate') " It was true that the pork cutlet and the pork cutlet had changed, and I felt that the previous sharpness had disappeared. (`_> ´) I thought it was because Tonkatsu Meguro was made, but when I looked it up, it seems that the craftsman who was in charge of the taste of Daiho had quit. I heard that the craftsman has opened a new shop. ლ (´ڡ` ლ) === 3 I would like a special roast cutlet for me, and a chicken cutlet recommended for Kami in an article. (゚ Д ゚) ノ'` The pork cutlet that came in is golden and lightly shining, and it looks glossy and beautiful. From the appearance, it is different from the pork cutlet in that area. (゚ д ゚) Oh ... I was surprised when I got a bite! It's so juicy! (´⊙ω⊙`) The aroma of oil is light and the taste of meat is not too strong. It is an elegant and well-balanced pork cutlet with a gentle juicy taste that bursts out when you bite it! (,, ÒωÓ) = 3 At this price, you won't find such a high-level pork cutlet. And the gem that surprised me even more was chicken katsu! Σ (゚ Д ゚ ノ) ノ It's fluffy and crispy, and it's rich in umami. I've never seen a chicken cutlet like this! ‧˚₊ * ̥ (* ⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈) ‧˚₊ * ̥ I don't think you can understand this until you try it. Both the pork cutlet and chicken cutlet here were wonderful gems that can be said to be the culmination of the craftsmanship cultivated over many years. (੭ ु ›ω‹) ੭ ु⁾⁾ ♡ I talked with my husband on the way back, "It's natural that pork cutlet is delicious, but did you eat chicken katsu? Almost everyone doesn't know the deliciousness of our chicken katsu because it's pork cutlet (laughs." He was laughing with a smart craftsmanship. It may be a manifestation of self-confidence backed by technology. In addition to the spirit of the good old pork cutlet shop, which is free to replace gohan and cabbage, the miso soup was delicious like clear soup and there was no blind spot in all directions. This might end up in a line-up store ... (• ́ω • ̀; ≡; • ́ω • ̀) Let's eat it for my Gakincho! (`Д´) σ It was a supper that I thanked for a wonderful gem for the first time in a long time. ( Man ) I will visit you soon (`∀´) ノ (Revisit with Gakincho) Gakincho was unusually enthusiastic, so please ask. Thank you for remembering your last visit. ( Man ) Gakincho and special loin, Kami-san is a minced meat cutlet. It seems that the chicken cutlet has been sold out. You see, it's starting to become popular ... (laughs. (ノ Д `;)) The special loin is still wonderful in lightness, aroma, and flavor, and it is a gem that has a moist fried condition and the adjective "glossy" applies. Delicious! (`Plate') σ Come with salt and soy sauce rather than sauce. Menchi-katsu is also quite good. My husband gave Gakincho a further service, saying, "Because it's full of food." Thanks. ( Man ) I could see that this kind of cozy customer service, including the goodness of Madame's personality, has already captured the hearts of the customers. It's a good shop, and Gakincho was also satisfied. (* ´д` *) I will visit you soon ヽ (`∀´) ノ (Revisit when you want to eat) After all it is delicious. I was worried about chicken katsu, but the special loin is still good. When chewed, the amount of fat oozing out in the mouth is glossy. This is best served with salt and soy sauce. The sauce is a little spicy and the aroma of the oil will be spoiled, so use it for cabbage. (`Д´) σ And the scent of oil is still excellent. The fat that exudes when chewed and the luster of the umami are similar to the gem of a certain log nationwide top class restaurant that I ate recently. (* ´д` *) It is a pork cutlet that makes you feel that it is a craftsman's job. Gohan has also changed to a more delicious one with a chewy texture, and when I asked my husband, it seems that he changed the rice. He said with a joke, "Isn't it delicious?" (Laughs). Such a place is also a craftsman. I will visit you soon ヽ (`∀´) ノ ★ (Visit after becoming a pork cutlet) I was calling Mame when it would resume, but it was completely pear. And when I called today, it seems that it suddenly resumed from yesterday. Σ (゚ Д ゚) That's why I'm hungry for pork cutlet, so please fly away.ヽ (`Д´;) ノ === 3 When I asked him, he didn't see his husband. When I asked the former Sous-chef, he said that his husband had retired due to various reasons. It's a pity that my husband made a lot of improvements ... (´ ・ д ・ `) The store was taken over and reopened as "Tonkatsu Hajime". For the time being, I'd like to ask Kami for a special loin cutlet. (゚ Д ゚) ノ'` When I got the loin cutlet that came, the scent of oil was as light as before. The rich and glossy fried pork cutlet of the former husband was special, but the finished product was quite close, and it was still overwhelmingly delicious than the pork cutlet shop in that area. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) However, the texture, texture, and umami of the meat fiber, etc., have become fluffy and elastic like shoulder loin, and the umami seems to be a little light, so it is still the one of the veteran ex-husband. It's a pity that it's different, but it's pretty close. However, it was a delicious pork cutlet with salt and soy sauce that matched better than the sauce. (๑و • ̀Δ • ́) و I talked to my new husband on my way home, and it seems that my former husband was very popular and he worked on everything from the preparation, so it seemed like he had to look at it and remember it, but it's still wonderful that this kind of pork cutlet came out. (๑´ω`nono ✧ My ex-husband is also old, but he seems to be fine, so he sometimes offers to come to the kitchen again. It is regrettable to lose the frying technique of more than 30 years. I would be grateful if you could take over to your new husband. (No ∀` *) The new husband said that he was still developing, but this quality is wonderful from the beginning. I hope that you will continue to produce even more delicious pork cutlets with the spirit of catching up with and overtaking your ex-husband. I will visit you soon (`∀´) ノ
Kengo Watanabe on Google

目黒の三大とんかつのひとつ、権之助坂にある大宝から独立した方(鴇田さん)が料理長として腕を振るう店。そうだろうなとは思ったけど、盛り付け方、ドレッシング、漬物、カツの揚げ方、どれも大宝にそっくりです。 味噌汁と豚汁が選べるところと、エビフライ等の魚介系をやってないのが違いかな。 この日はランチメニューではなく、少し高めの上ロース定食をオーダー。昔よく大宝に通ってた自分には懐かしい感じの揚げ具合と味です。カツを皿にそのまま盛ってしまうので、網に乗せる系の店と比べるとキャベツやドレッシングの湿気の影響を衣がもろに食らってしまうから、気になる人は気になるかも。 あとツレが頼んだ上ヒレも食べてみたけど、肉が薄くてイマイチだった。とんかつ激戦区になりつつある学大の中で「また行きたい」と思わせるために、基本はオーソドックスでもいいから、もう少し特色がほしいかな。座った席の真上にテレビがあって、どうでもいい番組が結構デカイ音で流れてるのは少し気になった。昔ながらの店なら野球中継流してるとかわかるんだけど、雰囲気は今時なスタイリッシュ風にしてるから。 Paypayや他の電子マネー払いに対応してるのはいいですね。
A restaurant where a person (Mr. Koda) who is independent from Taihou in Gonnosukezaka, one of the three major pork cutlets in Meguro, works as a chef. I thought that would be the case, but how to serve, dressing, pickles, and how to fry cutlets are all just like treasures. The difference is that you can choose miso soup and pork soup, and you don't use fish and shellfish such as fried shrimp. On this day, I ordered a slightly higher top loin set meal instead of the lunch menu. It's a nostalgic feeling and taste for me who used to go to the treasures a long time ago. Since the cutlet is put on the plate as it is, the batter will be affected by the humidity of the cabbage and dressing compared to the store that puts it on the net, so people who are interested may be worried. I also tried the fillet that Tsure asked for, but the meat was thin and not good. In order to make you want to go again in the university that is becoming a fierce battlefield, the basics may be orthodox, so I'd like to have a little more features. I was a little worried that there was a TV right above the seat I was sitting on, and that the programs I didn't care about were playing with a big noise. You can tell that old-fashioned stores are broadcasting baseball, but the atmosphere is stylish. It's nice to support Paypay and other e-commerce payments.
jane s on Google

Probably the best tonkatsu in Gakugei! I had the ロース katsu, it was crispy on the outside and melt in your mouth tender on the inside. The set comes with pickes, tonjiru soup, and free flow rice and cabbage. The restaurant is new, spacious, and bright, so it's easy even for a solo diner to enter. The shop is manned by 3 friendly elderly men when I was there. The service was quick and efficient. Recommended.

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