大和 御徒町店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大和 御徒町店

住所 :

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan
Yukio Yamakawa on Google

When I passed by the side street, I could see the cheerful state of the shop through the curtain (laughs). I had a very delicious cutlet curry lunch. I felt the unadorned kindness of downtown in casual conversation, and the place I want to visit again
tokyo japan yoshii on Google

街中にある普通のトンカツ屋さん。 トンカツ激戦区にある昔からっぽいお店だった。 昼時はひっきりなしに客が来る感じだった。
An ordinary pork cutlet shop in the city. It was an old-fashioned shop in the Tonkatsu fierce battlefield. At noon, it felt like customers were coming all the time.
原澤寿子 on Google

カツも美味しいですが、変わったメニューで、 ヒレのバター焼き がケチャップとバターソースの柔らかいお肉。またカツとシェアして食べたい。
The cutlet is also delicious, but with an unusual menu, the grilled fillet with butter is soft meat with ketchup and butter sauce. I also want to share it with cutlet and eat it.
Haru on Google

かつ重定食いただきました、カツの肉も分厚くて柔らかく、タレが素晴らしい 優しいベテランご夫婦が営む歴史を感じるお店です
And I had a heavy set meal, the meat of the cutlet is also thick and soft, and the sauce is wonderful It is a shop where you can feel the history of a gentle veteran couple.
KOTA NIHEI on Google

とてもいい店を見つけた。御徒町駅から少し離れた昭和通りの向こう側。路地裏にひっそりと佇む、昔ながらの街とんかつ屋さん。 店の外も中も古びた様子。鍋も秤も年季入っているけど、綺麗にしてるのでとても良い感じです。 正直、味は全く期待してなかったけど、大きく裏切りられました。上ロースは多分肩ロースですかね。全く臭みがなく新鮮さを感じる、旨味もある良い肉です。なので、ソースよりも醤油がとても合いますね。 キャベツは包丁切り、ポテサラも手作り、豚汁はあっさり目のおふくろの味系でした。 老夫婦がとても仲良く楽しく仕事されていて、接客もとても丁寧親切で居心地良いです。 たまたまなのか、普段900円の上ロースが750円だったので、申し訳ないくらい。 とても満足しました!
I found a very good store. The other side of Showa-dori, a little away from Okachimachi station. An old-fashioned pork cutlet shop that stands quietly in the back alley. It looks old both inside and outside the store. The pot and scale are old, but they are clean so it feels very good. To be honest, I didn't expect the taste at all, but I was greatly betrayed. The upper loin is probably shoulder loin. It is a good meat with no odor and freshness. So, soy sauce goes well with the sauce. The cabbage was cut into knives, the potato salad was also handmade, and the pork soup was a light-eyed broth flavor. The old couple are very friendly and enjoyable to work, and the customer service is very polite, kind and comfortable. Perhaps it happened that the upper loin of 900 yen was usually 750 yen, so I'm sorry. I was very satisfied!
Zero “0000” GttH on Google

甘いタレがたっぷりかかったカツ丼美味かったです。 ランチは100円引きなのも嬉しいですね。 カツカレー大変美味しかったです。 豚汁付いてました。
The katsudon with plenty of sweet sauce was delicious. I'm glad that lunch is 100 yen off. The cutlet curry was very delicious. It came with pork soup.
Alfred on Google

The food's great value for price
Josh Corn on Google

The food here is delicious the couple who run it are lovely, it was such a pleasant atmosphere.

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