(株)アイキャンエステート 上野御徒町店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)アイキャンエステート 上野御徒町店

住所 :

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://chintai.ican-e.com/
街 : Tokyo

Taito, Taito City, 〒110-0016 Tokyo,Japan
Miho Yamanaka on Google

The person in charge was cheerful and nice, and at first I only exchanged by phone, but he answered this question politely and responded comfortably every time, so I was able to leave it with confidence.
Xk4shiX Yamashita on Google

We had you adjust the schedule of the preview and respond quickly when you asked a question. I think it would be good to collect information on the properties you are interested in online in advance and come to the store.
タカ on Google

I had to move in a hurry in April of this year, and I visited several real estate agents, but it was said that there were few properties at the time, so I happened to see Mr. Ican Estate. The person in charge and other people are kind and sincere, and I am very happy to find a good property safely. He was willing to respond to the properties of other real estate agents, and the follow-up after that was wonderful. I think the real estate agent has an image of a scary place, but Ican Estate is different. It is a recommended real estate agent. Also, please contact Aikan Estate for real estate consultation. Thank you very much for your help.
9 uick on Google

I was able to get a good consultation. Detailed care was also very helpful. I am really satisfied with the contract for a good room.
N N. on Google

こちらの要望に親身に寄り添い、条件にピッタリのお部屋を探していただきました。 担当の女性スタッフの方には、終始明るく丁寧な対応をしていただき大変感謝しております。 時間をかけて見つけて下さっただけあり、住み心地も最高です。 押し付けがましさは一切ない、良心的なお店です。
We kindly responded to this request and asked you to find a room that was perfect for your conditions. I am very grateful to the female staff in charge for their cheerful and polite response from beginning to end. It's just a long time to find it, and it's a great place to live. It's a conscientious shop with no imposition.
みやっち on Google

この度は、ありがとうございました。 色々な要望や疑問点を、快くすぐに対応していただきました。 また、物件探しもスムーズで非常に良かったです。 また引っ越す機会があれば、利用したいと思います。
Thank you for this time. We were happy to respond to various requests and questions immediately. Also, the property search was smooth and very good. If I have a chance to move again, I would like to use it.
今城樂 on Google

勤務地へのアクセス、部屋の広さとペット可条件、バイク置き場条件などなど、多くの要望を伝えてしまいましたが、条件に合う物件を一生懸命調べて下さり、顧客に寄り添った提案をしてくれました。 結果として条件ドンピシャの物件を見つけて下さり、妻と愛犬と毎日充実した日々を過ごせています。 S尾さんという女性の方が担当者でしたが、明るくにこやかで元気一杯、気持ちの良い対応をいつもして下さりました。また次回も是非依頼させて頂きたいと思います。
I have communicated many requests such as access to the work location, room size and pets allowed conditions, motorcycle storage conditions, etc., but he worked hard to find out the properties that meet the conditions and made proposals that were close to the customer. For me. As a result, he found the property of Don Pisha and spends fulfilling days with his wife and pet dog every day. A woman named Mr. S-O was in charge, but he was cheerful, smiling, full of energy, and always gave me a pleasant response. I would like to request it again next time.
やまもとなみ on Google

物件が決まるまで本当に親身になって対応してくださいました。 希望に沿った物件がスムーズに見つかり、とても満足しています。新生活がますます楽しみです。 担当してくださった女性の方、スタッフのみなさんも良い印象でした。 疑問に思ったことも、一つ一つ丁寧に説明していただいたので安心感があります。 この度は本当にありがとうございます。 また都内で引っ越しする機会があればお願いしたいです。
It was really kind and responded until the property was decided. Property along the hope is found in smooth, very satisfied. New life is more and more fun. The woman was who was responsible, it was you also a good impression of the staff. I was wondering also, there is a sense of security because I have you explained one by one carefully. Thank you very much. In addition, I want to ask if there is a chance to move in Tokyo.

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