
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くさか整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Taira, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0022 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://kusacli.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Taira, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0022 Kanagawa,Japan
ma ma on Google

The medical examination is easy for the wait. The reception does not have a very good impression.
猿渡三郎 on Google

I used to go there a long time ago, but since there is only one teacher, it takes a lot of time to come to see the doctor. When it hurts, it is hard to wait until you go and ask how long it will take. What can I do? Don't go from there
Eri Yamada on Google

Yesterday, I was surprised to hear that my name was called immediately in the morning. It is a blue sky from the Gori fog. In May, an elderly person had a broken bone and was crowded, so he said that he had another plastic surgery that seemed to be vacant, but he listened to me a lot. I am grateful for the early vaccination. I feel something has changed.
jazz gazz on Google

評価が低いようですが特別悪いところはありません。先生は丁寧に説明してくれますし、受付の方々も丁寧に対応していただけました。待合室も広くきれいです。レントゲンを取りましたが親切でしたし、診察なども説明していただけますし、聞けば答えてくれます。予約制なのも待ち時間を減らすためでしょう。駅前の整形外科なんて3〜5時間待ちが当たり前です。どこも2時間待ちなんて普通です。 耳の遠くなったおじいさまおばあさまが呼ばれてもおしゃべりに夢中なのでそういうところで時間がかかってしまうのでしょう。病院をホテルか何かのように思っている人の評価が目立っているので同情してしまいます。
It seems that the evaluation is low, but there is nothing particularly bad. The teacher kindly explained to me, and the reception staff also kindly treated me. The waiting room is large and clean. I took an X-ray, but it was kind, I could explain the medical examination, etc., and he will answer if I ask. The reservation system is probably to reduce the waiting time. Orthopedics in front of the station usually take 3-5 hours. It's normal to wait 2 hours everywhere. Even if the old grandmother who is far from hearing is called, she will be absorbed in chatting, so it will take time in such a place. I feel sympathy because people who think of a hospital as a hotel or something are highly rated.
Missile Dtra on Google

I often have to wait for more than an hour from the appointment time, probably because there are too many appointments for the consultation capacity.
みぃこ on Google

予約が無いと1~2時間待ちますけど大丈夫ですか?と聞かれます。ホントに1~2時間は待ちます。予約があれば比較的すぐ呼ばれます。 ですが、先生が酷いです。怪我に対しての質問には常に曖昧。大体の完治目安を聞いても「分かりません」の一点張り。不信感しかありません。 受付も声を掛けても無視する方がいて気分が悪いです。中にはとても丁寧に対応して下さる方も沢山いますが。 この治療が終わったらもう二度と行きません。
If I don't have a reservation, I'll wait for 1-2 hours, is that okay? Will be asked. I really wait for 1-2 hours. If you make a reservation, you will be called relatively soon. However, the teacher is terrible. Questions about injuries are always ambiguous. Even if you ask about the guideline for a complete cure, you will get a single point of "I don't know." There is only distrust. Even if the receptionist calls out, there are people who ignore it and feel sick. There are many people who respond very politely. I will never go again after this treatment.
もかちゃん on Google

予約しているにもかかわらず平気で2時間以上待たされる。 診察も適当。 こんなにも時間のかからない診察なのになんで待たせるのか? 不思議でたまらない。
Even though I have made a reservation, I have to wait for more than 2 hours. Medical examination is also appropriate. It doesn't take so long to see the doctor, so why make him wait? Mysterious and irresistible.
猫ひろゆき on Google

駐車場完備。急な予約でしたが気持ち良く対応して頂きました。 確かに待ち時間は少しあります。皆様の評価の付け方には疑問を抱きます。 受付の方も先生も助手の方もレントゲン担当の方も機械を操作される方も隣の処方箋を扱われている方も、会う方々みんなキラキラしていてとてもいい病院でした。清潔感もあって本当に良かったです。ご丁寧にありがとうございました。
Equipped with parking lot. It was a sudden reservation, but it was a pleasant response. Certainly there is a little waiting time. I have doubts about how to give your evaluation. The receptionist, the teacher, the assistant, the person in charge of X-rays, the person who operates the machine, the person who handles the prescription next to me, all the people I met were shining and it was a very nice hospital. It was really nice because of the cleanliness. Thank you for your politeness.

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