
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 池田整形外科

住所 :

Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0053 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.ikeda-seikei.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0053 Kanagawa,Japan
k simple on Google

右手のテニスひじで院長先生に診てもらいました。 「右手を極力使わない。なるべくバンドをする。ストレッチを度々する。」と指導され、3カ月地道に続けたら、ほぼ治りました。 とても明るく元気で、自然体でよく笑う感じの良い院長先生です☆
I had a doctor-in-law with a tennis elbow on my right. "I use my right hand as much as possible. I do a band as much as possible. I do stretching often." He is very cheerful, cheerful, and laughs naturally.
A K on Google

The nurse is arrogant and the woman at the reception has a bad attitude. I can't trust the teacher because of the defeat work. I wish I hadn't gone.
s on Google

受付の態度が悪いと口コミがありますが、受付は普通でした。 しかしながら、先生がひどい。 急性の腰痛で通院したのですが、年配の先生は写真だけみて、異常なし、薬出すね。終わり。 以前別の病院で骨と骨の間が狭まってると診断受けているのに、それって治るんでしょうか?(笑) そして、治療していきますか?の一言もなし。凄いですね。 若い方の先生はまだマシです。 ここの評価が低い理由がよく分かりました。 ただ薬だけ欲しいなら行ってもいいですが、治したいと思っている方には向かない病院です。
There are reviews that the receptionist has a bad attitude, but the receptionist was normal. However, the teacher is terrible. I went to the hospital because of acute low back pain, but the elderly teacher just looked at the pictures and found no abnormalities, so I gave him some medicine. the end. I had been diagnosed with a narrowing between bones at another hospital before, but will that be cured? (Lol) And will you treat it? There is no word. It is amazing. The younger teacher is still better. I understand why the evaluation here is low. If you just want medicine, you can go, but it is not suitable for those who want to be cured.
ダンゴムシかたじけない on Google

ここガチでヤバイです。 何年も前に通ってましたが一回の出来事で察して二度と言ってませんよ。 入って触りも見もしないで大丈夫そうですね。と言われお金だけ払わされて帰らされました。 マジでなにもして貰ってません。 ヤブ医者なので言いふらしてやりました。 二度と行きませんよ、さっさと潰れてください
It's really dangerous here. I went there many years ago, but I guessed it in one event and never said it again. It seems that you don't have to go in and touch or look at it. I was told that I was paid only the money and returned. I didn't really get anything. I'm a quack doctor, so I pretended to say it. I won't go again, please crush it quickly
mi mi on Google

It was bought with a supporter attached without permission. I didn't need it because I had it, but I didn't have a single word to confirm whether I had it. Please be careful as you will do things like scams without hesitation.
o k on Google

院長先生が丁寧にフレンドリーに話を聞いてくださり、診察していただけます! わからないことは気軽に聞ける良い病院だと思います! 看護師さんも忙しそうではありますが、問診などしっかりしてくれます!
The director will listen to you in a polite and friendly manner, and you will be able to see the doctor! I think it's a good hospital where you can easily ask what you don't understand! The nurses seem to be busy, but they will do the interviews and so on!
中川卓 on Google

I had an ankle pain and went to the hospital. I had a sprain, so I went to various orthopedics in the past, but this time I went to a nearby place. The teachers and nurses are very responsive and I will go to the hospital if something goes wrong.
zu kon on Google

I visited him for the first time at the waist. Before 9 o'clock on weekdays, it wasn't so crowded, and it took about an hour to go through the flow of reception-interview-X-ray-examination-accounting. However, the waiting time was quite crowded at the end of the examination. I was satisfied with the kind and polite response of the interview nurse, the roentgen engineer, and the examination teacher. I was a little worried because I had seen the word-of-mouth communication first, but I wondered if the low-rated people were treated very badly.

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