Tai-yoshi - Kurashiki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tai-yoshi

住所 :

52 Fujitochō Amaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0132, Japan

Postal code : 710-0132

52 Fujitochō Amaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0132, Japan
Jiro JIRO on Google

たい焼きの名店。 人気店で毎日行列のできる店。 うどんも美味しい。 うどん店だがチャーハンがあり中華料理店顔負けの美味しさ。
A famous Taiyaki restaurant. A popular store where you can line up every day. Udon is also delicious. Although it is a udon restaurant, it has fried rice and is as delicious as a Chinese restaurant.
SHUJI M. on Google

藤戸寺近くの秋から冬限定の名物といえば、こちらのお店のたい焼きですね! こちらのたい焼きは金型に大量の生地を流し込む造り方でなく、初老の大将が一匹ずつ金型に生地を流し込んで造るやり方です。 いわゆる天然焼きという製造方法ですから、 短時間で大量には造れませんし、一度に大量に購入される方もおられますので、 週末などの混雑時は行列になることも有りますが、 それでも食べてみたい1品です。 昔は屋台の様な感じのお店で駐車場も有りませんでしたが、 今は駐車場も有りオールシーズンでうどんなどお店で食べられて、シーズンオフの時はソフトクリームなんかも売られています。 薄いパリパリとした皮にしっぽの部分まで入った甘さ控えめの粒あんがたっぷりで絶妙な感じです。 少し型が歪であったり焦げ目が有るのも 天然焼きならではで、 最近のモチモチとした食感のたい焼きが好きな方はあまり好みではないかも知れません! コロナ対策や衛生的には少し??の感じはしますが、 寒い時期は不思議と食べたくなる1品です。 年々価格も上昇していますが、今年は一匹150円で販売されていました。 シーズン中はたい焼き以外にもたこ焼きも販売されていますが、店頭の看板にも有りますがばら寿司やおいなりさんも具だくさんで人気の様です。
The autumn-winter-only specialty near Fujitoji is Taiyaki at this restaurant! This Taiyaki is not a method of pouring a large amount of dough into a mold, but a method in which an elderly general pours the dough into a mold one by one. Because it is a so-called natural roasting method, It cannot be made in large quantities in a short time, and some people buy it in large quantities at once. There may be a line during busy times such as weekends, Still, it is one item I want to eat. In the old days, it was a stall-like shop and there was no parking lot, but There is also a parking lot now, and you can eat it at udon shops all season, and soft serve ice cream is also sold during the off-season. The thin, crispy skin and the subtle sweetness of the grain, including the tail, are plentiful and exquisite. The mold is a little distorted or browned Unique to natural roasting If you like taiyaki with a chewy texture these days, you may not like it very much! Is it a little for corona measures and hygiene? ?? I feel like It's a dish that makes you want to eat it in the cold season. The price is rising year by year, but this year it was sold for 150 yen per animal. In addition to taiyaki, takoyaki is also sold during the season, but as you can see on the signboard at the store, rose sushi and yaoi-san are also popular because of their many ingredients.
yukiko “haruharu” Haruta on Google

年末にやっているか?と思いながら行ってみたらやっていました! 久々に 買いにきました。 たい焼きの鉄判が昔から使っているものでなんと、一つか二つ?で焼いています。 地元では有名な為、まとめ買いの常連さんもいるみたいで、この日は行列もなくてラッキーと思って3番目に並ぶと、私の前の、お客様常連さんでした?一気に焼けないので30枚ほど持ち帰るようで15分〜20分位は一つ前のお客さん用焼くのに待ちました。 ただ、作るところが見えるのでたい焼きの生地を流し、餡をいれ、焼いて、ひっくり返してなどの一連の動きが職人技でみていたらその時間も、美味しいにつながりました。 餡子がたっぷりで甘さもちょうどよく、外生地はパリッと焼きあがっていて美味しかったです。 駐車場はすぐ横にあります。
Are you doing it at the end of the year? I went there thinking that I was doing it! For the first time in many years I came to buy it. Taiyaki iron stamps have been used for a long time, one or two? I'm baking it. Since it is famous in the local area, it seems that there are regulars who buy in bulk, so I thought I was lucky that there was no line on this day, and when I lined up third, I was a regular customer in front of me ? I can not burn at once, so about 30 pieces It seems that I will take it home, and I waited for about 15 to 20 minutes to bake it for the previous customer. However, since I can see the place to make, if I watched the series of movements such as pouring the taiyaki dough, adding bean paste, baking, and turning it over with craftsmanship, that time also led to deliciousness. The bean paste was plentiful and the sweetness was just right, and the outer dough was crispy and delicious. The parking lot is right next door.
K “N-Boy” H on Google

いつも、行列が出来てて普段は、スルーしてましたが、嫁が食べたいと行列に並びました(^_^;) 1匹づつ、焼いてるからかちょっと違う。 薄生地で、甘過ぎない餡がたっぷり入ってて、美味しかったです。 いつも、行列してるのも納得です。
There was always a line and I usually went through, but my wife lined up in a line to eat (^ _ ^;) It's a little different because they are baked one by one. It was a thin dough with plenty of bean paste that wasn't too sweet, and it was delicious. It's understandable that I'm always in line.
おかもっち on Google

以前は、この道沿いで駐車場もないお店でした。移転して狭いながらも駐車場ができたのはよかったです。ただ、駐車場の出入りが多いのでもう少しスペースが大きかったらよかったな。大きい車ではおっくうになります。 天然物のたい焼きが有名で先代がタバコを吸いながら缶ビールを飲みながら焼いていた昭和感が懐かしいです。本当は衛生的なのが一番ですけどね。尻尾まであんこの詰まったたい焼きは誰にも喜ばれます。手土産にぴったりだし、1匹だけ買って紙袋のままハフハフ食べるのもいいね。 うどんも影の逸品です。讃岐うどんという感じではないのですが、十分美味しいうどんがいただけますよ。うどん1杯食べて、うどん屋からデザートに1匹注文することもできます。そういう意味では、香川にもなかなかないタイプのお店ということになります。
Previously, there was no parking lot along this road. It was nice to have a small parking lot after moving. However, there are many entrances and exits of the parking lot, so I wish I had a little more space. It will be a big deal in a big car. Taiyaki, a natural product, is famous, and I miss the Showa era when the predecessor smoked cigarettes and drank canned beer. Actually, hygiene is the best. Everyone will be pleased with the taiyaki that is packed with red bean paste up to the tail. It's a perfect souvenir, and you can buy just one and eat it in a paper bag. Udon is also a gem of shadow. It's not like Sanuki udon, but you can enjoy delicious udon noodles. You can also eat a glass of udon and order one for dessert from the udon shop. In that sense, it's a type of shop that is hard to find in Kagawa.
たかちゃんマン on Google

Especially on Saturdays and Sundays, many people come in search of Taiyaki. Thanks to the small parking lot, there are a few people who park in the opposite temple or on the street. I was finally able to buy it for 30 minutes in line. I should limit the number because the rotation is getting worse because there are customers who can not read the air that I buy in large quantities. For some reason, I didn't get tired of the taste, and when I noticed, I ate three. I also bought takoyaki and chirashizushi and went home, but takoyaki has 2 ⭐︎ and chirashizushi has 3 ⭐︎. Should I buy only Taiyaki here?
これちゃひろくん on Google

いつも行列になってると噂には聞いていましたが、やっぱり行列でした。 つぶあんのボリュームは凄いけど、生地は薄め、もっちりよりカリパリ系!? 美味しいけど、そんなに並んで食べるほどではない、と、感じました。 1個150円です。
I've heard rumors that it's always in line, but it was still in line. The volume of the bean paste is amazing, but the dough is thin and crispy rather than chewy! ?? It's delicious, but I felt it wasn't enough to eat side by side. It is 150 yen per piece.
Brad Bailey on Google

Simple restaurant with inside seating has surprising and excellent tempura and soba. Not a fancy place but I consider meal to be delicious. Tempura nice a crisp and not greasy. I must eat here again soon!

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