T8 Steak House - Kawasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact T8 Steak House

住所 :

66-2 Ichinotsubo, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 211-0016
Webサイト : https://yoyaku.toreta.in/t8musashikosugi
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 5–11PM

66-2 Ichinotsubo, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0016, Japan
佐久間寿美江 on Google

飲み放題付きのコースを予約しました。 これはメインのステーキ。 イチボとサガリ、1.2kg。4人で行ったので1人300g。 全部美味しかったです。 また絶対行きます。
I booked a course with all-you-can-drink. This is the main steak. Ichibo and Sagari, 1.2 kg. As we went by four people, one 300 g. Everything was delicious. I will go there again.
渡辺信之(non) on Google

The atmosphere inside the restaurant and the taste of the food are all of a very high standard. And the service is good. The all-you-can-drink menu is also great value.
橘川淳一 on Google

アップグレードされた地元のレストラン。 ひとつづつのメニューを丁寧に作る実は家族でも楽しめるお店です。 飲み放題の選択肢は、ワイン、クラフトビールがあって、ただアルコール飲料が飲めるだけ という安売りの店とは違います。BREWDOG, YONAYONAがありました。写真は、mucho alohaと、ステーキの次に良かった牛筋のトマト煮込み。 ついでなら、横浜で作られるクラフトビール希望!南横浜とか、サンクトガーレンとか。
Upgraded local restaurant. In fact, it is a shop that can be enjoyed by families as well. The all-you-can-drink option is different from a bargain shop where you have wine and craft beer and you can only drink alcoholic beverages. There were BREWDOG and YONAYONA. The picture is a tomato stew of mucho aloha and beef muscle that was good after the steak. By chance, craft beer hope made in Yokohama! South Yokohama or Sankt Garen.
S Minamimura on Google

I went there with two people. A la carte with 2 sparkling wines, 1 red wine, octopus marinade, green salad, olives, assorted meat 600g, bucket, over 11,000. Cospa is very good. This time, I think let's go in great numbers since the course + all-you-can-drink.
みらくるぱた on Google

ステーキ弁当☆めっちゃ美味しかったです❣️❣️ オススメ五つ星?????❣️❣️❣️ (長文) ひとりで家で食べるお弁当には1000円は豪華すぎるかな?と二の足を踏んでたのですが、法政通り商店街の300円チケットの期限が近いので、狙っていたT8ステーキさんへ? 平日は夜のみなので土日に行きました!! 待ち時間は5〜10分と聞いたけど早かったです。 まずはそのまま! 外側がカリッと塩味、中はジューシーで口に入れると程よい溶け感。柔らか過ぎず口にズッと含んでおきたいくらいの肉汁と肉々しさが広がります❣️ うーん☆絶品❣️ 次はつけ汁?に浸して! 濃厚なニンニクと玉ねぎかな? コレも濃くて甘いタレの味に負けないステーキ感が広がり、美味しい?? サラダは、トリュフポテトサラダ❣️ トリュフの香りが鼻に抜け、ポテトの味を引き立てます? 最後はお一人様お家ランチでしかできない、タレをつけたステーキをご飯に乗せ、その上にトリュフポテトを乗せ、口いっぱいに頬張る‼️ うーん❣️ トリオの味は喧嘩せず程よく、三種の味が楽しめました?? ハンバーグ弁当、誰かと一緒に❣️も楽しみなT8ステーキさんでした!有難うございました♪o(*^・^*)
Steak lunch ☆ It was really delicious ❣️❣️ Recommended 5 stars ?????❣️❣️❣️ (Long sentence) Is 1000 yen too luxurious for a bento that you eat at home alone? I was hesitant, but the 300 yen ticket for Hosei-dori Shopping Street is nearing its deadline, so to the T8 steak I was aiming for ? Weekdays are only at night so I went on Saturdays and Sundays! !! I heard that the waiting time was 5 to 10 minutes, but it was fast. First of all, as it is! The outside is crispy and salty, and the inside is juicy and melts in your mouth. The gravy and meatiness that you want to keep in your mouth without being too soft spreads ❣️ Hmm ☆ exquisite ❣️ Next is soup? Soak in! Is it rich garlic and onions? The steak feel is as strong as the sweet sauce, and it's delicious ?? The salad is truffle potato salad ❣️ The scent of truffles goes through your nose and enhances the taste of potatoes ? At the end, put a steak with sauce on rice, which can only be done at home lunch for one person, put truffle potatoes on it, and fill your mouth with cheeks! ️ Hmm ❣️ The taste of the trio was moderate without quarreling, and I enjoyed the three flavors ?? It was T8 steak who was looking forward to hamburger steak and ❣️ with someone! Thank you ♪ o (* ^ ・ ^ *)
Yoshihiro Hirai on Google

GOOD FOOD GOOD DRINK GOOD TIME まさしくこの通りでした。 飲み物はビールが非常に種類が豊富でした。 よなよなエール置いてあるお店初めて行ったかも。 お肉も焼き方も選べるし、タレも2種類きて美味しかったです。 特にフライドポテトにチーズをかけたものは、太るの分かってても食べるのが止まりませんでした。 生牡蠣も美味しかったです。 アンチョビとパンも美味しかったのでパンは思わずお代わりしてしまいました。 枝豆のピクルスは皮まで食べたくなるような作りで美味しかったです。 4人くらいで行くと良いと思います。 オススメ!
GOOD FOOD GOOD DRINK GOOD TIME It was exactly this. The drink was very rich in beer. Maybe I went to a shop with Yona Yale for the first time. You can choose meat and how to bake, and two kinds of sauce are also delicious. In particular, the ones with cheese on french fries did not stop eating even if they knew they were getting fat. The raw oysters were also delicious. Because the anchovies and bread were also delicious, the bread was replaced unexpectedly. The green soybean pickles were so delicious that they made you want to eat up to the skin. I think it is good to go with about 4 people. recommendation!
shuki “66shuki” on Google

ステーキ【T8 Stake House】武蔵小杉 会員制紹介制焼肉の新進気鋭の系列店であるT8 Stake Houseの武蔵小杉店でランチ! 店内はしっかりソーシャルディスタンスが確保されており、テーブルの上にはアルコール消毒が置いてあります。 店の入口も扉が開いているのでしっかり換気されておりコロナ対策がばっちりされています。 【注文メニュー】 オールビーフハンバーグプレート360g +2種のチーズトッピング 店舗が休業中にテイクアウト弁当でT8のオールビーフハンバーグ弁当を食べてからどハマり中のハンバーグ! 牛肉100%のパティを直火焼きで仕上げられたハンバーグは肉肉しくてジューシーでかなり満足度が高い。 塩味もしっかりきいてるのでそのまま食べてもよし。 オニオンソースやケチャップに付けても美味い。 チーズはナチュラルチーズとチェダーチーズの2種でトロトロでボリューム満点。 この肉感のハンバーグ360gで2500円は安い! 付け合わせのトリュフポテトサラダはトリュフの香りもしっかりあり風味の良いポテトサラダ。 プレートを食べ切るとかなり満腹になり満足度も高い。 かなりレベルの高いハンバーグを楽しめます! テイクアウトも引き続きやってるようなので是非試してみてください。
Steak [T8 Stake House] Musashi Kosugi Lunch at Musashi-Kosugi store at T8 Stake House, an up-and-coming affiliated barbecue store with membership system. The store has a good social distance and alcohol disinfection is placed on the table. The entrance of the store is also open, so it is well ventilated and the corona measures are perfect. [Order menu] All beef hamburger plate 360g + 2 types of cheese toppings I'm addicted to eating T8's all-beef hamburger lunch with a takeout lunch while the store is closed! The hamburger steak made from 100% beef patties is grilled with meat, juicy and quite satisfying. It's salty, so you can just eat it. It's also delicious on onion sauce or ketchup. There are 2 types of cheese, natural cheese and cheddar cheese. With this meaty hamburger 360g, 2500 yen is cheap! The side dish of the truffle potato salad is a delicious potato salad with a strong truffle scent. When you eat up the plate, you will be very full and satisfied. You can enjoy a very high level of hamburger steak! It seems that you will continue to take out, so please give it a try.
Galaxy 01234 on Google

Great value for money. Excellent service.

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