Isomaru Suisan - Kawasaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Isomaru Suisan

住所 :

森ビル 1階 3 Chome-432番地 Kosugimachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 211-0063
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5AM
Sunday 11AM–12AM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 12–5AM
Thursday 11AM–5AM
Friday 11AM–5AM

森ビル 1階 3 Chome-432番地 Kosugimachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0063, Japan
Toru on Google

I'm bothered to drink from noon. Honestly, I went to Karasuma fisheries in various places, so I searched for a different store, but it was an unavoidable choice because there weren't many stores around Musashi Kosugi from before 12 o'clock. But, it's delicious, such as Shishamo. The seafood bowl is also delicious and plentiful. The correspondence of the clerk is wonderful. What I received, I am almost satisfied. I think it is a good bar for eating rice and drinking alcohol. It was a feast.
onigiri miyan on Google

24時間は、本当にありがたい 他のお店に行こうと思ったけど空いてなくて・・・ 料理もいろいろあるし 11時から安くなるドリンクがお得感があっていいな 蟹味噌めっちゃ美味しかった⤴︎ 壺のポテサラもカリカリして好き
24 hours is really thankful I thought I'd go to another shop, but it wasn't available ... There are various dishes It's nice to have a drink that gets cheaper from 11 o'clock Crab miso was really delicious ⤴︎ I also like the potato salad in the jar
宮田幸子 on Google

用事で出かけていましたが、コロナ禍の中で休業中が多く入れるお店も少なく悩みながら歩いていて、看板に引かれ入店しました。 入口では検温と消毒をして、14時という時間もあり空いている店内で一番奥に座りました。 メニューはタッチパネルから選ぶのですが、よく分からず店員を呼ぶ⁉︎のでボタンを押してしまい結局口頭でオーダー。 今や増えているタッチパネルは、初めて入るお店ではいつも時間がかかります。 チェーン店では仕方ないのでしょうか…。 海鮮こぼれ丼とノンアルコールの炭酸飲料。 アルコール抜きで最近始めたそうですが、とても評判良いです!と言われていました。 みかんの味もサッパリとしていて、海鮮とは相性が良いみたいです。 海鮮丼は量もちょうど良かったけれど、やっぱりお味噌汁もセットで付いていて欲しかったです。
I went out for business, but I was worried because there weren't many shops that were closed due to the corona sickness, so I was drawn to the signboard and entered the shop. At the entrance, I measured the temperature and disinfected it, and sat at the back of the vacant store, which had a time of 14:00. I select the menu from the touch panel, but I don't understand well and call a clerk ⁉︎, so I pressed the button and ended up ordering verbally. Touch panels, which are increasing now, always take time at stores that are new to the store. Is it unavoidable at a chain store? Seafood spilled rice bowl and non-alcoholic carbonated drink. It seems that he started without alcohol recently, but it has a very good reputation! Was said. The taste of mandarin oranges is refreshing, and it seems to go well with seafood. The amount of seafood bowl was just right, but I wanted the miso soup to be included as a set.
T K on Google

緊急事態宣言解除後、日曜日のランチで利用しました。11:50頃の来店でしたが席は8割がた埋まっていた。結構混雑しているにもかかわらず来店時よく気付いてくれます。 このお店は?タッチパネルは有りませんでした。 長期の宣言の後だからか、昼のみのお客さんが過半数でした。
After canceling the state of emergency, I used it for lunch on Sunday. I visited the store around 11:50, but 80% of the seats were occupied. Even though it is quite crowded, they often notice it when they come to the store. What about this store? There was no touch panel. Perhaps because it was after a long-term declaration, the majority of customers were only in the daytime.
鴨茅 on Google

平日のお昼に訪問しました。お店に入るとアルコール消毒と体温測定を求められます。 店内はそれほど混んで無く、すぐに着席することができました。すぐにおしぼりとお茶を持ってきてくれます。 注文はメニューブックを見て店員さんに頼む方式。タッチパネルなどはありませんでした。 今回はまぐろ3色丼を注文しました。注文してから気づきましたが味噌汁は別メニューなんですね。面倒なので追加注文はしませんでしたが次は注意したいところです。まぐろ3色丼はメニューの写真より立体感が乏しいものの味は美味しいです。ねぎトロの部分は意外と厚みがあります。
I visited at noon on weekdays. When you enter the store, you will be asked to disinfect with alcohol and measure your body temperature. The store was not so crowded and I was able to take a seat immediately. They will bring you a hand towel and tea right away. To order, look at the menu book and ask the clerk. There was no touch panel. This time I ordered a tuna three-color bowl. After ordering, I noticed that miso soup is a different menu. I didn't place an additional order because it's a hassle, but I'd like to be careful next time. The tuna three-color bowl is less three-dimensional than the menu picture, but the taste is delicious. The part of Negitoro is surprisingly thick.
Евгений Санду on Google

Food is great, menu is japanese only, prices good!
Kishore Kumar S on Google

Not many vegetarian food options. But, if you can explain the waitress that you can't eat meat/sea foods, they can prepare customized veg foods.
Jonathan Farrimond on Google

This chain is always a treat! Crab brains, random fish, strange things in shells. The bbq aspect is fun too. Even though this is Japan, don't go expecting high grade seafood. This is cheap and cheerful. But its great fun. Passable sake, cold beers, crabs brains. The crab brain is so good.

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