Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant - Niigata

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant

住所 :

1 Chome-20-12 Kitakami, Akiha Ward, Niigata, 956-0861, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897899
Postal code : 956-0861
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–5PM
Wednesday 11AM–5PM
Thursday 11AM–5PM
Friday 11AM–5PM

1 Chome-20-12 Kitakami, Akiha Ward, Niigata, 956-0861, Japan
TAKA on Google

One plate as much as you want. Free refills of rice and miso soup. Just right for lunch!

800 yen for enjoying various dishes. In addition to desserts, dessert pizzas came after 13:00 on the day we visited (laughs). Although it is not all-you-can-eat (1200 yen), rice (boiled bamboo shoots on this day), miso soup and curry are free. The restaurant was also very comfortable with the atmosphere of the dining room auntie (rude (^^;)!
こぐま店長 on Google

一軒家を改装?いやぶち抜いた感じのお店です。 もとはバイキング形式でしたがコロナの影響で今はワンプレートの惣菜とおかわり自由のご飯(この日は白米&『実家で採れた筍のご飯』の2種)&おかわり自由の味噌汁で800円(税込)です。コーヒーはplus100円(コーヒーコーナーの黄金に輝く貯金箱に入れる)でおかわり自由です。 お店の方は明るく感じが良い女性です。 レストランとかカフェとかじゃなく『料理好きの奥さんの手料理が味わえるアットホームな食堂』と言った感じを受けました。 あとプレートの中のお惣菜のうち2種類まで追加注文出来るそうです。 テイクアウトもあり。
Renovating a house? It's a shop that feels like it's been pulled out. Originally it was a buffet style, but due to the influence of corona, it is now 800 yen with one plate side dish and free refill rice (white rice & "bamboo shoot rice picked at home" on this day) & free refill miso soup It is (tax included). Coffee is free to refill for an additional 100 yen (put it in the golden piggy bank in the coffee corner). The shop is a bright and pleasant woman. Instead of a restaurant or cafe, I got the feeling that it was a "homely dining room where you can enjoy the home cooking of your wife who loves cooking." Also, it seems that you can additionally order up to 2 types of side dishes on the plate. There is also takeout.
裕小 on Google

久しぶりに行きました。 コロナ禍もあって、前はブュッフェスタイルでしたが、今は日替わりプレートに変わってます。 御飯と味噌汁は、お替り自由。 今日は、たけのこごはんと普通のご飯でした。 手作りで、優しいお店の方でしたよ。 嫌いな物も聞いてこられ、配慮もなさってます。 次は、ゆっくりしますね。
I went there for the first time in a long time. It used to be a buffet style due to the corona sickness, but now it has changed to a daily plate. Free refills of rice and miso soup. Today was bamboo shoot rice and regular rice. It was a handmade and gentle shop. I've been asked about things I don't like, and I'm giving consideration to them. Next time, I'll take it slow.
今井千春 on Google

住宅街の農家レストラン☆ 地産地消、安心安全な食材を化学調味料・保存料を使わずに調理して提供してくださいます。 700円でワンプレート、1200円で食べ放題! 4、5、6、7歳のお子さんは300円です! 2階に個室もあります。 外食したいけど、栄養もしっかり取りたい〜という方、オススメです!
Farmhouse restaurant in residential area ☆ Produce locally produced locally, safe and safe food without cooking chemical seasoning / preservative. All-you-can-eat at one plate, 1200 yen at 700 yen! Children 4, 5, 6, and 7 years old are 300 yen! There is also a private room on the second floor. If you want to eat out, but also want to get nutrition firmly, those who recommend it!
わたなべたける on Google

700 yen for unlimited serving only once. It is full of delicious homemade side dishes! Rice miso soup is a good alternative.
澤田katsu on Google

手の込んだ料理が多種、野菜も多いし栄養バランスがとてもいい。 料理2品、ご飯味噌汁追加OKで800円。 時々行くけど、追加なしで満腹。若い人にこそお勧め。
There are many elaborate dishes, many vegetables, and a very good nutritional balance. 800 yen for 2 dishes and additional rice miso soup. I go there from time to time, but I'm full without any additions. Recommended for young people.
フロメシツル on Google

野菜がお腹いっぱい食べたくなったら行く場所です。 メニューはありません。苦手なものを言うだけです。お金は前払い制(800円 電子マネー不対応)でイートイン、持ち帰りどっちもオススメです。 ご飯は白いご飯と筍ご飯。どっちもこれまたオススメ。 味噌汁もご飯同様セルフサービスですが、この味噌汁、味噌自体美味しいので、ついお代わりしたくなります。 さておかずなんですが、野菜中心です。ただビーガン料理ではなく肉、魚が脇役程度に使われています。前菜だけでかなりの種類、そしてメインも種類、味もバラエティ豊かで満足いきます。 女将がこのなかから2品えらんでお代わりできますよと言ってくれます。 お腹がいっぱいの時は私は迷わずヨーグルト。女将のところには5本の梅の木がああり、梅ジュースを作ったあとの梅でジャムを作っており、そのジャムがヨーグルトにかかっています。なんとまあ、そのジャムが神級の絶品!スンバラシイ。 新潟絶品名物としてプロデュースしたいくらい旨し! 県知事が表立って全国にアピールすべきですよ! ね? しかし門外不出なのか売ってくれませんでした。 体が疲れているな、釣果が上がんないなあと言うときは、体がトマピーを欲してるサインとしてちょくちょく利用させていただきます。
This is the place to go if you want to eat full of vegetables. There is no menu. Just say what you are not good at. The money is prepaid (800 yen, not compatible with e-commerce), and both eat-in and take-out are recommended. The rice is white rice and bamboo shoot rice. Both are also recommended. Miso soup is self-service like rice, but since this miso soup and miso itself are delicious, you will want to replace it. By the way, it's a side dish, but it's mainly vegetables. However, meat and fish are used as supporting characters instead of vegan dishes. There are quite a variety of appetizers, as well as a wide variety of main dishes and flavors. The proprietress will tell you that you can choose two of these and replace them. When I'm full, I don't hesitate to use yogurt. There are five plum trees at the landlady's place, and the jam is made from the plums after making the plum juice, and the jam is on the yogurt. Well, the jam is a god-class excellence! Sunbarashii. I want to produce it as a Niigata exquisite specialty! The prefectural governor should openly appeal to the whole country! However, he didn't sell it because he was out of the gate. When I say that my body is tired and my fishing results are not good, I often use it as a sign that my body wants tomapie.

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