Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant - Tatsuno

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant

住所 :

138-1 Tatsunocho Kawaracho, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4166, Japan

Postal code : 679-4166

138-1 Tatsunocho Kawaracho, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4166, Japan
Ryu Sak on Google

食べたらわかる、体が喜ぶご飯です。 かかってる音楽も素敵で、店主さんも面白い!お店もどんどん良くなって、2階も面白い空間でした!
It is a rice that makes your body happy when you eat it. The music playing is also wonderful, and the shop owner is also interesting! The shops are getting better and better, and the second floor was also an interesting space!
koko pictures on Google

専用駐車場がないけれど、近くの堤防沿いに観光協会の無料駐車場があるので、そちらを利用しよう♪ 食事はランチタイムのみで、店員さんによると休日はかなり混むらしい。 古民家をリバイバルしており、どこか時間が取り残されたような雰囲気。 日常とはまた違う雰囲気がいいねぇ☆ ランチはワンプレート(牡蠣フライ)1,300円とゆるん定食(チキンカツ)1,200円。 好きな食べ物の方を選択してね♪
There is no private parking lot, but there is a free parking lot of sightseeing association along the nearby embankment, so let's use it ♪ The meal is only lunchtime, the clerk said that the holiday seems to be quite crowded. Atmospheric houses have revived, and the atmosphere seems to have left somewhere in time. I do not like the atmosphere that is different from everyday ☆ For lunch, one plate (oyster fly) 1,300 yen and loose set meal (chicken cutlet) 1,200 yen. Please choose your favorite food ♪
やすくん on Google

昨日、たつの市に用事で出かけた際、ランチをいただきに訪問しました。 cafeは、昔の長屋を改装しておられ、座敷に上がると、おばあちゃん家に行った様で、 初めてなのにどこか懐かしくて、ゆっくりとくつろぐことができました。 ランチは、2種類から選ぶことができ、今回は、ワンプレートランチとゆるん定食を注文し、 メインのおかずを妻と分け合って頂きました。 ワンプレートランチは、メインのチキン、サラダ、オクラのスリ流し、野菜のあんかけ、 豆腐、煮麺にごはんと味噌汁で1300円。 ゆるん定食は、メインのハモの天ぷら、サラダ、オクラのスリ流し、野菜のあんかけ、 煮麺にごはんと味噌汁で1300円です。ハモは肉厚の身が使われており、通常より+100円。 どちらも、ボリュームも栄養も満点で、大満足でした。 あと、お店の中には、木製のスプーンや陶磁器など、小物雑貨が売られてました。
Yesterday, when I went to Tatsuno for business, I visited for lunch. The cafe has been renovated from an old tenement house and went up to the tatami room. Although it was my first time, I was nostalgic and I was able to relax slowly. You can choose from two types of lunch, this time ordering a one plate lunch and a loose set meal, We shared the main side dishes with my wife. One plate lunch includes main chicken, salad, okra pickle, vegetable sauce, 1300 yen for tofu, boiled noodles, rice and miso soup. The loose set meal includes main tempura tempura, salad, okra pickpoon, vegetable sauce, Noodles with rice and miso soup are 1300 yen. Thick is thick, and is +100 yen more than usual. Both were very happy with both volume and nutrition. Also, small items such as wooden spoons and ceramics were sold in the store.
masa n on Google

糀の優しさなのかな。とても美味しくて、ほっこりするようなお料理です。ゆるん定食も、ワンプレートランチも、男性なら腹八分目、女性ならお腹いっぱいになる分量ではないかと、思います。建物の雰囲気、調度品も、古民家にとても合っていて、落ち着いた時間を過ごすことができます。卵かけご飯も、とても美味しそうでした。素材にこだわったお料理が、食べられるお店です。お店にはいろんな商品も売っていて見ているだけで、楽しかったです。観光駐車場から、歩いて100メートルも無いくらいですので、そこに停めて。でも、駐車場のスペースは、少な目です。 冬になり、そろそろ牡蠣も出始めました。カキフライのソース、もう少し欲しいです。店長さん!
Is it the kindness of Jiuqu? It's a very delicious and relaxing dish. I think that a loose set meal and a one-plate lunch will be enough for men to fill up the stomach and for women to fill up. The atmosphere and furnishings of the building match the old folk house very well, so you can spend a calm time. The omelet rice also looked very delicious. It is a restaurant where you can eat dishes that are particular about the ingredients. It was fun just looking at the various products sold at the store. It's less than 100 meters on foot from the tourist parking lot, so stop there. However, the parking space is small. It's winter and oysters are about to come out. I want a little more fried oyster sauce. Manager!
あるぱかさん on Google

This is a delicious lunch restaurant that focuses on stylish organic ingredients that have been renovated from old houses in the Tatsuno cityscape preservation district. Inside the shop, handmade interiors are placed, making use of the retro-modern feel of an old private house, so that the mind can be relaxed. There is a high school nearby and students can come to eat a lot. The main is a one-plate lunch, the rice is purple and black rice and the flavor is very good, the side dishes are fried oysters, freshly made, crispy clothes and oysters are fresh and delicious. The garnish was a small plate dish of about three kinds, making use of the taste of the ingredients, and it was dared to be seasoned. It was a delicious one-plate lunch that made full use of the goodness of the ingredients.
takashi k. on Google

2021.1.26 地元の龍野を散策 お腹すいたので何処でランチ食べようか迷った挙句、こちらのゆるん堂さんへ 古民家を改装されたオシャレな感じなのでオッサン一人で入るのを躊躇ったけど... 思い切ってドン!(笑) お店の中は想像の通りオシャレ☝️ お客さんも全て女性? 場違い感ハンパない... けど、入ってしまったものはしょうがないので牡蠣フライの定食をオーダー。 なんかストーブがあったりして懐かしい感じがたまらん! 店員のお姉さんの対応も丁寧で好感が持てました。 しかし 特に寒い本日はストーブのパワーだけでは物足らずめっちゃ寒かった? オーダーした牡蠣フライの定食はそれほど待たずに準備していただけました。 サクサクの牡蠣フライはめちゃ美味しかったです。 五穀米?も美味しかったし小鉢も美味い! けど一番美味しかったのは水菜のサラダ! み水菜が新鮮んな事はもとよりドレッシングが美味しかったねぇ? いや 他ももちろん美味しかったよ? 今度は嫁さんなり娘なりと一緒に来ようと思いました。 だってお客さん女性ばっかで居づらいもんね(笑) ごちそうさまでした。
2021.1.26 Take a walk in the local Tatsuno I was hungry so I was wondering where to eat lunch, to Mr. Yurundo here I hesitated to enter the old folk house alone because it looks fashionable. Take the plunge and don! (Lol) The inside of the shop is fashionable as you can imagine ☝️ All the customers are women ? There is no sense of out of place ... However, I couldn't help but ordered a set meal of fried oysters. I can't help feeling nostalgic because there is a stove! The correspondence of the clerk's older sister was also polite and I liked it. However, especially today when it was cold, the power of the stove was not enough and it was very cold ? The oyster fried set meal I ordered was prepared without waiting too long. The crispy oyster fry was really delicious. Five-grain rice? It was delicious and the small bowl was also delicious! But the most delicious one was the Mizuna salad! The dressing was delicious as well as the freshness of Mimizuna ? No, of course the others were delicious ? This time I decided to come with my wife and daughter. Because it's hard to stay with only female customers (laughs) Thank you for the meal.
iwa on Google

It is a calm atmosphere in a renovated old folk house. I visited at 1:00 pm on Saturday, but unfortunately the tatami room was full and the seats in the courtyard were full, but I was able to have a pleasant lunch in a nice atmosphere again. The smile and reception of the clerk made me feel cute and relaxed. The price is not high, but only cash.
にっしゃんT on Google

ランチ訪問。古民家を再生した店内で、広くはない。 ミックスランチ1,600円をオーダー。 牡蠣フライ、チキンカツ、小鉢が数個、ご飯、味噌汁 味もよくボリュームもちょうど良いが、このランチ価格ならコーヒー付いててもらいたい。(ただし、番茶はポットで飲み放題) それでも、帰る頃には6人待ちの人気店でした。 リピは無いかな。
Lunch visit. The interior of a refurbished old folk house is not large. I ordered a mixed lunch of 1,600 yen. Fried oysters, chicken cutlet, a few small bowls, rice, miso soup The taste is good and the volume is just right, but I would like you to have coffee at this lunch price. (However, all-you-can-drink bancha in the pot) Even so, by the time I got home, it was a popular restaurant waiting for 6 people. I wonder if there is a lipi.

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