Suzuka Station - Suzuka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suzuka Station

住所 :

1-chōme-11 Yabase, Suzuka, Mie 513-0036, Japan

Postal code : 513-0036

1-chōme-11 Yabase, Suzuka, Mie 513-0036, Japan
ai kos on Google

車で来て数日旅行行くなら駐車場タダは魅力 伊勢若松か白子に止めたほうが本数が多く便利なのは否めない。
Parking for free is attractive if you come by car and travel for a few days It is undeniable that it is more convenient to stop at Ise-Wakamatsu or Shirako.
正ちゃん on Google

鉄印をもらいに訪問しました。 展示物の中のドラえもんのぬいぐるみにホッコリでした。
I visited to get an iron stamp. I was relieved to see Doraemon's stuffed animal in the exhibit.
岡村幸治(猫耳F) on Google

鉄印帳を買いました。 帰りの電車を待っている時に二人鉄印を買いに来てた。 伊勢鉄道だけど名古屋駅からJRで直接行けます。 交通系カードが使え無いのでキップを買って下さい。
I bought an iron stamp book. When I was waiting for the train to go home, I came to buy a two-person iron stamp. Although it is Ise Railway, you can go directly from Nagoya Station by JR. I can't use a transportation card, so please buy a ticket.
tabi nezumin on Google

鉄印を求めて津駅から伊勢鉄道の普通列車に乗って到着。小さな駅で駅構内に鉄道グッズの展示スペースがある。普通列車はワンマンのため降車時に車内精算するが、駅の改札で鉄印を購入する際に切符の提示を求められ困惑、もちろん問題なし。 伊勢鉄道の単独駅で、JRの快速みえや特急南紀も伊勢鉄道の線路を通っているため鈴鹿駅にも停車するがJRの乗り換え駅ではない。このあたりは運賃計算なども少し複雑なようだ。
Arrived from Tsu Station on a regular train of Ise Railway in search of an iron stamp. It is a small station and there is an exhibition space for railway goods inside the station. Since the regular train is a one-person train, you will have to pay for it when you get off the train, but when you buy an iron stamp at the ticket gate of the station, you will be asked to show your ticket, and of course there is no problem. It is a stand-alone station of Ise Railway, and JR Rapid Mie and Limited Express Nanki also stop at Suzuka Station because they pass through the Ise Railway line, but they are not JR transfer stations. Fare calculation seems to be a little complicated around here.
1215 KAZUKI on Google

四日市や名古屋方面をご利用の方は 近鉄鈴鹿市駅を進めます!! 鈴鹿駅を利用した方が四日市へは早く着きますが、運賃は高くなります。 ①鈴鹿市〜近鉄四日市 360円 IC可能 ②鈴鹿〜四日市  420円 IC不可 ①〜近鉄名古屋  840円 IC可能 ②〜名古屋    990円 IC不可
For those using Yokkaichi and Nagoya Advance Kintetsu Suzukashi Station !! You can reach Yokkaichi earlier by using Suzuka Station, but the fare will be higher. ① Suzuka City-Kintetsu Yokkaichi 360 yen IC possible ② Suzuka-Yokkaichi 420 yen IC not possible ① ~ Kintetsu Nagoya 840 yen IC possible ② ~ Nagoya 990 yen IC not possible
モチ肌ほっぺ on Google

近隣の方と鉄印を集められてる方の利用しかないかな? 駅前には鉄道利用者用の駐車場があります。 鉄印を所望される方は、改札に人が出る切符発売時間に注意してください。(時間を外しても駅員さんが事務所にいれば対応してくれると思いますが…) 尚、発売されている切符は硬券です。 嬉しいですね。(入銕はありませんが。)
Is it only available to those who are in the neighborhood and those who are collecting iron stamps? There is a parking lot for railway users in front of the station. If you want an iron stamp, please be careful about the ticket release time when people will appear at the ticket gate. (I think that even if you miss the time, if the station staff is in the office, they will respond ...) The tickets on sale are hard tickets. I'm happy. (There is no entry.)
M Khi on Google

伊勢鉄道鈴鹿駅。JRの特急南紀号 や 快速みえ号を含め 全列車が停車する駅。ここでは、開業当初の記念品 や 記念写真も飾られてるほか、鉄印や乗車券類の販売も行われている。駅員さんが気さくな方でとても話しやすかった。
Ise Railway Suzuka Station. A station where all trains stop, including the JR Limited Express Nanki and Rapid Mie. Here, souvenirs and commemorative photos from the beginning of the business are displayed, and iron stamps and tickets are also sold. The station staff was friendly and very easy to talk to.
Jayachandra JKS on Google


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