Kawarada Station - Yokkaichi

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawarada Station

住所 :

Kawaradachō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0874, Japan

Postal code : 510-0874

Kawaradachō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0874, Japan
丘を越えて on Google

It is a transfer station for the Ise Railway and the Kansai Line.
Olreans夢の島 on Google

無人駅だった。 自分が学生の時は近くに駄菓子屋がありました。 四日市農芸高等学校の最寄駅だ。
It was an unmanned station. When I was a student, there was a candy store nearby. It is the closest station to Yokkaichi Agricultural High School.
かなたなか on Google

無人駅 下がJR関西本線、上が伊勢鉄道です 朝8時~と夕方4時頃は学生が多し
Unmanned station The bottom is the JR Kansai Main Line, and the top is the Ise Railway. There are many students from 8 am to 4 pm
鹿倉あき on Google

近くに、セブンイレブンあるとはいえ、トイレとかないし、無人駅… ただ、切符は、買えないけど、交通ICは、あるよ。
Although there is a 7-Eleven nearby, there is no toilet and an unmanned station ... However, I can't buy a ticket, but I have a transportation IC.
きゅうべゑ on Google

電車の本数が少ないうえにかなりの確率で電車は遅れてくる。 初めて利用する際伊勢鉄道が分かりにくすぎる。 昼時など農芸高校の生徒が入口付近に密集している為かなり邪魔で電車に乗りにくいし、無人駅のため(ICの機械はある)料金の確認やどこから乗ればいいのかの確認が出来ないため非常に不便。
The number of trains is small and there is a high probability that trains will be delayed. The Ise Railway is too difficult to understand when using it for the first time. Since the students of agricultural high school are crowded near the entrance such as at noon, it is quite disturbing and difficult to get on the train, and because it is an unmanned station (there is an IC machine), it is not possible to confirm the fare or where to get on Very inconvenient.
乙名丹次郎 on Google

無人駅。降車時に車掌さんが切符をチェックする。伊勢鉄道の駅が、地下道をくぐった向こう側の高台に隣接していた。 周辺にはお店もほとんど見当たらない。たしかバス停があるんだがとキョロキョロするが、駅前ではないようだ。たまたま通りかかった方に尋ねると、街道のほうにあったはず、とのお答え。地元の人はあまり使わないのかも。 急ぎ足で300メートルほど歩くと、コンビニがあってほっとする。バス停も同じ街道上に見つけた。三重交通が1時間に1本くらい、1日に7〜8本運行していた。
Unmanned station. The conductor checks the ticket when getting off. The Ise Railway station was adjacent to a hill just across the underpass. There are almost no shops around. I'm sure that there is a bus stop, but it seems that it is not in front of the station. When I asked the person who happened to pass by, he answered that he should have been on the highway. The locals may not use it much. Walking about 300 meters in a hurry, I feel relieved because there is a convenience store. I also found a bus stop on the same road. Mie Kotsu was operating about once every hour and 7 to 8 times a day.
Shiro. Y. (しろねこ) on Google

無人駅。しかしJRで下車した時は車掌さんが切符を回収していました。 JR関西線側と伊勢鉄道側でホームが分かれております。伊勢鉄道側は歩道橋を渡り、奥のトンネルをくぐってください。四日市方面に行かれる方、約半数の列車は伊勢鉄道側の3番ホームから発車するので、ホーム間違いにご注意を。 伊勢鉄道側のホームは高台の上にあります。そこから見える四日市市内の景色は最高です。 ※ 執筆時「ICカードは使えない」と書いていましたが、今は使えるようです。(名古屋〜亀山までの各駅)
Unmanned station. However, when getting off at JR, the conductor recovered the ticket. Homes are separated on the JR Kansai Line side and Ise Railway side. Cross the pedestrian bridge on the Ise Railway side and go through the tunnel in the back. If you are going to Yokkaichi, about half of the trains depart from No. 3 platform on the Ise Railway side. The Ise Railway platform is on a hill. The view of Yokkaichi city from there is the best. * At the time of writing, I wrote that "I can't use an IC card", but it seems that I can use it now. (Each station from Nagoya to Kameyama)
H. Nishikawa on Google

I used it when visiting a shrine such as Tsubaki Shrine, and although the Ise Railway side and the JR side are a little far apart, both are unmanned.

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