Suwa Shrine - Kita City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suwa Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-1-2 Akabanekita, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Postal code : 115-0052
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-2 Akabanekita, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0052, Japan
二朗岡内 on Google

It felt like it was far from the station ? I got the red stamp ☺️ It was a nice temple ?
パピーパッピッピ on Google

徒歩10分足らずの最寄りの神社で一年の初めは、我が家はここの初詣から始まります 。例年なら夏の例祭に神楽や漫才等の舞台があったのですけどあの新コロナの為に中止です。夜店も並び楽しみにしてましたのに残念。
At the nearest shrine, which is less than 10 minutes on foot, at the beginning of the year, our home begins here at Hatsumode .. Usually, there was a stage of Kagura and Manzai at the summer festival, but it was canceled due to that new corona. I'm sorry that I was looking forward to the night store.
匿名希望 on Google

ふと諏訪神社へ久しぶりにお参りにいきましたがとても可哀想な状態でした。 残念ながらこちらの神主の杜撰な管理により非常に悲しい状態です。 水は止めてあるので清めれません。 本殿には張り紙が釘か画鋲で止めてあり痛いたしい 本殿のおやしろに釘や画鋲を平気で刺す。 タブーな事ばかりしてます… そう言う感覚をもつ神主からは神社を管理する資格は剥奪すべきだと思います。 本殿の軒下というのでしょうか? そこには工具が…畏れ多くもお社を 物置にしている。 本当に神さま泣いてらっしゃるでしょう それか呆れてるはず。 神様が笑っていたとしても私は悲しいです。 参拝するととても痛々しくて不愉快に感じます。 こんな杜撰な事を平気でしている神社見た事ありません。 諏訪神社の神様には罪はありません。 それでもこの土地を守ろうとしてくださるのですからありがたい事です。 でも、あまりに、荒れると神様はいなくなります… その事をかなり前にお伝えしたけどそのまま。 酷いものです。 神主か管理をかえないとそろそろ大きな災いが目立ち出すと思います。 神様のこと大切に祀らないなら神主は降りてほしいです。
Suddenly I went to Suwa Shrine for the first time in a while, but it was in a very pitiful state. Unfortunately, I am in a very sad state due to the careless management of this priest. The water is stopped so it cannot be purified. The main shrine has a sticker fixed with a nail or a thumbtack, which is painful. Stick nails and pushpins into the main shrine. I'm just doing taboo things ... I think that the priest who has such a feeling should be disqualified from managing the shrine. Is it under the eaves of the main shrine? There are tools ... Awesome many companies It is in the storeroom. God is really crying Or you should be amazed. Even if God is laughing, I'm sad. It feels very painful and unpleasant to worship. I've never seen a shrine that doesn't care about such a sloppy thing. The god of Suwa Shrine is not guilty. Still, I am grateful that he is trying to protect this land. But if it gets too rough, God will disappear ... I told you that a long time ago, but as it is. It's terrible. If you do not change the priest or management, I think that a big disaster will soon stand out. If you don't worship God carefully, I want the priest to come down.
中村誠司 on Google

The grounds were cleaned and maintained neatly. I am sorry that your stamp was a stamp.
山田万歳 on Google

参道が車道で分断されている。近場の「宮の坂」と題打った案内杭の解説を読むに、古くから赤羽に向かう街道筋が参道とクロスしていた様である。 以下、神社の史跡等の観察情報を記す。 1【社号碑】 参道入り口に社号碑を確認。石柱型。昭和十五年銘。紀元二千六百年記念。奉納は帝國在郷軍人會。謹書は陸軍主計中将鹿野澄。 裏面に王子區第八分會役員の名前が刻まれる。分会長は「多田鬼一」。副分会長は「田辺鉄五郎」とある。 石工は、小田切石店の石香。小田切と言えば、赤羽近辺の石造物によくよく名前が刻まれている。 2【庚申塔群】 途中に『袋町の庚申待供養塔群』と題打った案内板あり。車道側の崖上に四基の庚申塔が確認できる。区の指定文化財となっている。 階段手前に「願主氏子中」と刻む30センチ程度の石造物あり。他に刻字がなく、詳細は良く分からない。おそらく、階段の奉納を記念する碑か。 3【富士登山記念碑】 横断歩道を渡り、鳥居を潜って神域へ入る。 境内東に石造物群があった。元々周辺にあったものを道路・土地改修などの際に,当地に集めたものだろう。 まず、手水舎の横に富士登山記念碑があった。村上講という講集団によるものと思われる。昭和五年銘。 裏面に刻まれた講員の名前を数えるに、少なくとも、60名以上在籍していた様である。宮司として朝日重光の名前が刻まれる。これは赤羽八幡神社の宮司であった朝日重光と同名だ。 4【庚申塔①】 上の富士登山記念碑の一番近くにある。兜巾型。文字庚申塔。天保十三年銘。 正面左側に「東 岩渕宿渡船場みち」と刻む。 また、側面には、それぞれ、「北 当村かしば(河岸場)」「西 中山道志村ゟ戸田道」「南 野みち(羽みちにも見える。)」とあった。 北方面に袋村の河岸場、東方面に岩渕宿の船渡場、西方面に五街道がひとつの中山道(志村ー戸田間)があったことが分かる。 東西南北のランドマークや街道筋を記載していることから、元々、交差路に置かれ、旅人の目印、案内標識となっていたのだろう。 5【庚申塔②】 4の右隣にあり。青面金剛像あり。駒型。安永七年銘。 6【廻国供養塔】 5の右隣にあり。明和二年銘。行者は、袋村の「行言」という人物らしい。 名前からしてお坊さんだろう。当地出身の行言なる人物が修行あるいは大願成就のために、あちこちを歩き回ったことを記念するものの様である。 7【八日講供養塔】 6の右隣にあり。「八日講所願成就」の文字が刻まれている。 この形式の石碑は初めて見た。八日講とは何だろうかと思った。正面上部に大日如来の梵字が刻まれている。造立年は宝暦七年。兜巾型。造立趣旨は天下太平。 8【石坂供養塔】 7の右隣にあり。兜巾型。天保七年銘。江戸後期のもの。 台座側面に世話人の名前を刻む。刻まれた梵字は、こちらも大日如来。この神社の石坂に関するものだろうが,具体的にどの石坂を指しているのかは不明。また,石坂が現存するのかも分からない。 9【石垣奉納記念碑】 8の右隣にあり。昭和天皇の即位に際して、神社に石垣を奉納した旨を示す。昭和四年銘。こちらにも朝日重光の名前がある。 10【武州御嶽講記念碑】 9の右隣にあり。武州御嶽山に大々神楽を捧げたことを示す記念碑。裏面には、氏子の名前が並ぶ。昭和三十五年銘で、戦後も当地に武州御嶽信仰が存続していたことを示すものだろう。 なお、赤羽八幡社にもこれと同種の記念碑があった。当地では武州御嶽山詣りが盛んだったのかもしれない。 11【裏鳥居?】 二の鳥居かもしれない。明治維新百年を記念したもの。昭和四十二年銘。建設時の宮司は、朝日辰夫となっている。明治百年記念式典は,日本政府主体で盛大に行われた。 なお,この式典に併せて,本務社である赤羽八幡社は境内を大きく改装した。 12【御神木および猿田彦大明神碑】 拝殿左手前にあり。おそらく、もみの木か。 たもとに猿田彦大明神の石碑がある。庚申塔の一種と思われる。自然石型。明治十一年銘。 13【几号水準点】 社殿左手にあり。いわゆる「几号水準点」が展示されている。これは昔の測量で使ったもの。石垣や神社の水盤などに刻まれることが多い。昭和五年銘。 「諏訪神社境内の水準点」と題打った案内板あり。 几号水準点は、有形文化財指定されることがままあるが、これはそうではない様だ。 14【旧御神木】 社殿裏手にあり。社叢に紛れて、杉の切り株。これが御神木だそうである。巨大な中華鍋の様なものを被せられていた。ウロはコンクリートでガチガチに固定されていた。手前に「旧御神木の袂杉」と題打った案内板あり。 15【「真理?」と刻む碑石】 14切り株のそばに、ホース・ラスビハリ(ラース・ビハーリー・ボース)の真筆を写した石碑があった。ビハーリー・ボースは,戦前にインドの独立のために活動し,また,日本に亡命した人物。 昭和三十七年銘。正面の文字は、いずれかの言語で「真理」と書かれているらしい。 16【境内社】 社殿右手にあり。三社確認。いずれも大谷石を土台にしている様だ。左手から「須賀、稲荷、大六天、稲荷、八幡」の合祀社。「猿田彦」のお社。「白山」のお社。という並びになっていた。 17【御輿倉庫建築記念碑】 16の合祀社の隣にあり。昭和九年銘。下部に建築に関わった人の名前を刻む。そこに、「ブリキ職 某」とあった。「倉庫にブリキ職人が関わるものなのか」と思う。 18【その他】 境内に小高いところがある。そこに日露戦争の従軍戦没者記念碑があった(明治三十九年銘。)。その近くに、かつての国旗掲揚塔も確認(昭和十二年銘、田邊鐵五郎奉納)。また、伊勢大々講の記念碑も見られた(側面に「敷石寄附」の文字あり。明治四十二年銘。)。
The approach road is divided by a driveway. When I read the explanation of the guide stake entitled "Miyanosaka" in the vicinity, it seems that the route to Akabane had crossed the approach from ancient times. Below, observation information such as historic sites of shrines is described. 1 [Company name monument] Confirm the company name monument at the entrance of the approach. Stone pillar type. Inscription in 1945. Commemorating the 2600th anniversary of AD. The dedication is the Imperial Hometown Army. The book is Sumi Kano, Vice Admiral of the Army. The name of the officer of Oji-ku No. 8 is engraved on the back. The chairman is "Kiichi Tada". The vice chairman is "Tetsugoro Tanabe". The mason is Ishika from the Odagiri stone store. Speaking of Odagiri, the name is often engraved on the stone structures near Akabane. 2 [Koshinto group] Along the way, there is a guide board titled "Fukuromachi's memorial service towers". Four Koshinto towers can be seen on the cliff on the side of the road. It is a designated cultural property of the ward. In front of the stairs, there is a stone structure of about 30 cm that engraves "Applicant's Ujigami". There are no other inscriptions, and I don't know the details. Perhaps a monument commemorating the dedication of the stairs? 3 [Fuji mountain climbing monument] Cross the pedestrian crossing and dive into the torii gate to enter the sanctuary. There was a group of stone structures in the east of the precincts. It is probably the ones that were originally in the surrounding area that were collected here when renovating roads and land. First, there was a Mt. Fuji climbing monument next to the Chozuya. It seems that this is due to a group called Murakami Ko. Showa 5 year inscription. Counting the names of the lecturers engraved on the back, it seems that at least 60 people were enrolled. The name of Shigemitsu Asahi is engraved as a priest. This is the same name as Shigemitsu Asahi, who was the priest of Akabane Hachiman Shrine. 4 [Koshinto ①] It is the closest to the Mt. Fuji climbing monument above. Tokin type. Character Koshinto. Tenpo 13th year inscription. Engrave "Higashi Iwabuchijuku Ferry Terminal Michi" on the left side of the front. In addition, on the side, there were "Kashiba (Kawagiba)", "Nishi Nakasendo Shimura Yori Toda Road", and "Michi Minamino (also visible in Hane Michi)", respectively. It can be seen that there was a riverbank in Fukuromura in the north, a boat port in Iwabuchi inn in the east, and a Nakasendo (between Shimura and Toda) with one five highway in the west. Since it describes landmarks and highways in the north, south, east, and west, it was originally placed at a crossroads and was probably a landmark and guide sign for travelers. 5 [Koshinto ②] It is on the right side of 4. There is a statue of Shomen Kongo. Piece type. Anei 7th year inscription. 6 [Country memorial tower] It is to the right of 5. Meiwa 2nd year inscription. The performer seems to be a person named "Gyogo" in Fukuromura. It's probably a monk by name. It seems to commemorate the fact that a person from this area walked around to practice or fulfill his great wishes. 7 [Eight-day memorial tower] It is on the right side of 6. The words "Fulfillment of the eight-day lecture hall" are engraved. This is the first time I've seen a stone monument of this type. I wondered what the eight-day lecture was. Dainichi Nyorai's Sanskrit characters are engraved on the upper part of the front. The year of construction is the 7th year of the Horeki calendar. Tokin type. The purpose of the construction is Taihei Tenka. 8 [Ishizaka memorial tower] It is on the right side of 7. Tokin type. Tenpo 7th year inscription. Late Edo period. Engrave the caretaker's name on the side of the pedestal. The engraved Sanskrit characters are also Dainichi Nyorai. It may be related to the stone slope of this shrine, but it is unknown which stone slope it specifically refers to. Also, I don't know if Ishizaka still exists. 9 [Ishigaki dedication monument] It is on the right side of 8. Indicates that the stone wall was dedicated to the shrine when Emperor Showa took the throne. Inscription in 1945. There is also the name of Shigemitsu Asahi here. 10 [Mt. Ontake Memorial] It is on the right side of 9. A monument showing that a large amount of Kagura was dedicated to Mt. Ontake in Musashi. On the back side, the names of the parishioners are lined up. It is inscribed in 1955 and indicates that the Musashi Ontake faith continued to exist here even after the war. Akabane Hachimansha also had a monument of the same type. It may be that the pilgrimage to Mt. Ontake in Musashi was popular here. 11 [Back torii? ] It may be the second torii. It commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration. Inscription in Showa 42. The priest at the time of construction is Tatsuo Asahi. The Meiji 100th Anniversary Ceremony was held grandly by the Japanese government. At the same time as this ceremony, Akabane Hachimansha, the main company, renovated the precincts. 12 [Shinboku and Sarutahiko Daimyojin monument] Located in front of the left side of the worship hall. Perhaps a fir tree? There is a stone monument of Sarutahiko Daimyojin at the base. It seems to be a kind of Koshinto. Natural stone type. Inscription in the 11th year of the Meiji era. 13 [Benchmark] Located on the left side of the shrine. The so-called "Benchmark" is on display. This is the one used in the old survey. It is often carved on stone walls and basins of shrines. Showa 5 year inscription. There is a guide board titled "Benchmark in the precincts of Suwa Shrine". The benchmark is often designated as a tangible cultural property, but this does not seem to be the case. 14 [Old Shinboku] Located behind the shrine. Sugi stump in the shrine. This is a sacred tree. It was covered with something like a huge wok. Uro was firmly fixed with concrete. In the foreground, there is a guide board titled "Old Mikamiki Sugi". 15 [Monument stone engraved with "truth?"] Beside the 14 stump, there was a stone monument with the autograph of Horse Rasbihari (Rash Behari Bose). Behari Bose was a person who worked for India's independence before the war and also went into exile in Japan. Showa 37 inscription. The letters on the front seem to be written as "truth" in either language. 16 [Precincts company] Located on the right side of the shrine. Confirmed by three companies. Both seem to be based on Oya stone. From the left, the shrine of "Suga, Inari, Dairokuten, Inari, Yawata". The company of "Sarutahiko". The company of "Hakusan". It was in a line. 17 [Mikoshi warehouse building monument] Next to 16 shrines. Showa 9 inscription. Engrave the name of the person involved in the construction at the bottom. There, there was "a certain tin job". I think, "Is the tin craftsman involved in the warehouse?" 18 [Other] There is a small elevation in the precincts. There was a monument to the war dead of the Russo-Japanese War (Meiji 39 inscription). In the vicinity, the former flag-raising tower was also confirmed (inscribed in 1945, dedicated by Tetsugoro Tanabe). In addition, a monument to the Ise Daikoko was also seen (there is a word "paving stone donation" on the side.
東純(あずま じゅん) on Google

At the shrine in Akabane, the sculptures of Inaba's white rabbits on the left and right of the main shrine are worth seeing. It is about a 10-minute walk from Kita-Akabane Station on the Saikyo Line.
ほりたひろみ on Google

とてもキレイに掃除をされており気持ちがいい神社です。神社の通りを挟んだ向かいに駐車場があります。 拝殿脇に「因幡の白兎」の彫刻がありました。御祭神は大国主命ではないのにとツッコたい気持ちもありますが(笑) 御朱印は社務所に呼び出しベルで呼び出して頂きました。スタンプの書き置き。300円でした。
It is a very nice and clean shrine. There is a parking lot across the street of the shrine. There was a sculpture of "Inaba no Hakuto" beside the shrine. There is also a feeling that the god of the gods is not a superpower, but there is also a feeling that it is sick (laugh) Goshushi was called to the shrine by a calling bell. Writing a stamp. It was 300 yen.
タマランチンジュン on Google

周辺住民の大切な氏神様です。 駅からの坂が急で参拝は少し大変ですがぜひ。 桜街道が復活すれば春には最高の散歩道になるはずです。
It is an important Ujigami of the local residents. The slope from the station is steep and it is a little difficult to worship, but by all means. If the Sakura Kaido is revived, it should be the best walking path in spring.

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