Sushichoshimaru Kitaurawaten - Saitama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushichoshimaru Kitaurawaten

住所 :

5 Chome-4-11 Shinnakazato, Chuo Ward, Saitama, 338-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
Postal code : 338-0011
Webサイト :

5 Chome-4-11 Shinnakazato, Chuo Ward, Saitama, 338-0011, Japan
mame Q on Google

I went to eat milt and was able to eat milt. But. I couldn't eat it if it was out of stock right away. disappointing. The ingredients served are fresh, delicious and satisfying. However, the main reason was that I had no luck, but I wanted to eat more Shirako.
Ryoko S.O. on Google

ネタは大きく 美味しかったです。が 頼んだものがなかなか来ない。人が足りないんでしょうね。 いつもなら一時間位で済むところ 二時間いました。 店員さんが走り回ってた。 おいしかったのに なんか。。。不満足。
The material was big and delicious. The one I asked for didn't come easily. I think there aren't enough people. I used to spend two hours instead of one hour. The clerk was running around. It was delicious, but something. .. .. Dissatisfaction.
おはるだよ on Google

メモに記載して注文するタイプで忘れられてしまうことあり。システム的に今時ではないと思いました? コロナ対策が中途半端。ラップもないデザートや寿司が流れており客がレーン越しのスタッフへ、マスクなしで注文しているのにびっくりした。フードロスありきですかね。せっかくのお寿司が可哀想。
It may be forgotten if you order it by writing it in a memo. I thought it wasn't systematically now ? Corona measures are halfway. Desserts and sushi without wraps were flowing, and I was surprised that customers were ordering from the staff over the lane without masks. Is there food loss? I feel sorry for the sushi.
Sゆうみん on Google

食べ盛りと大食いがいるので、特別な日に行きますが、一年ぶりに行ったら、ネタも質が落ちていて、残念な気持ちで帰ってきました。イクラは粒が見当たらず、べちゃっとした筋子みたいな見た目で、食べてもプチっとした食感が全くなく、味もしない。ブリも薄く、イカやシメサバも残念でした。 正直100円寿司の方がマシだと思いました。100円ならこんなもんか~と思えるけど、そこそこの値段払ってあれでは、今後行くことは無いでしょう。 コロナのせいでこんな風になっちゃったのでしょうか?以前は美味しかっただけに残念です。。
I go to a special day because I have a lot of eating and eating, but when I went there for the first time in a year, the quality of the material was poor and I came back with disappointment. The salmon roe has no grains, looks like a sticky sujiko, has no crunchy texture when eaten, and has no taste. The yellowtail was thin, and the squid and shimesaba were disappointing. To be honest, I thought that 100 yen sushi was better. I think it would be like this for 100 yen, but if you pay a reasonable price, you won't go there in the future. Did Corona make it look like this? It's a shame because it was delicious before. ..
吉川工事 on Google

土曜日の夕方にフラッと1人で訪問。 今まではG天寿司に行ってたけど、久々に来たらネタも美味しく大満足。 ちょっと、オーダーを手書きっていうのは改善して欲しいところではあるけど、次回から家族で行く際も銚子丸さんに決めました。 引き続き、良いネタを提供してくれますように!! 追記 ついにPadを導入。 しかし、お酒を飲むには接種証明と身分証が必要とのこと。 なんだかなー
Visited alone on Saturday evening. I used to go to G Tenzushi, but when I came here after a long time, the material was delicious and I was very satisfied. I'd like to see the handwriting of the order improved, but I decided to go with Choushimaru-san the next time I go with my family. I hope you continue to provide good news! !! postscript Finally introduced Pad. However, in order to drink alcohol, an immunity passport and an ID card are required. I wonder what
とも on Google

ランチに行きました。店舗によって美味しい、美味しくないがある職人さんが握ってくれる回転寿司。 好みの問題だと思いますが、ごめんなさい、私はあまり美味しいとは思えませんでした。
I went to lunch. Conveyor belt sushi made by craftsmen who are delicious and not delicious depending on the store. I think it's a matter of taste, but I'm sorry, I didn't think it was very delicious.
Bob Hanna on Google

A bit over priced for kaiten sushi, the food was average in quality. Decent desert selection.
Annet Lokis on Google

Very good quality sushi. Unlike most of belt-conveyer shops where fish is frozen, here they slice the fish in front of you. Desserts are tasty, too, if you want some.

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