Sushi Masa Tama Center Ten - Tama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Masa Tama Center Ten

住所 :

コーポ唐沢 1 Chome-61-16 Toyogaoka, Tama, Tokyo 206-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 206-0031

コーポ唐沢 1 Chome-61-16 Toyogaoka, Tama, Tokyo 206-0031, Japan
Watanabe Kazuo (orion3sta) on Google

別紙に写真を入れましたが、握り寿司にちらし寿司、お吸い物、漬け物がついて二人前で1,680円と安くて美味しいのにビックリ! 近所にこんな寿司屋が欲しかった٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶•*¨*•.¸¸♪
I put a photo on the attached sheet, but I was surprised that nigiri sushi, chirashi sushi, soup, pickles and so on were cheap and delicious at 1,680 yen for two people! I wanted such a sushi restaurant in the neighborhood ๑ (๑′∀ ‵ ๑) ۶ • * ¨ * • .¸¸ ♪
シゲタカ on Google

I often use it for family events. I am very thankful for the children who have flexibility. I'm glad that I can eat sushi that doesn't go at reasonable prices.
春野珊瑚 on Google

ちらし寿司を食べ、あまり美味しくはなかった。 ご飯はよかったのだが、海鮮のほうはあまり美味しくなく、また蒲鉾のほうは不味かった。 値段は安いため、腹を満たすことを考えるなら訪れる価値はあるが美味しさは期待しないほうがいいかもしれない。 店員さんはとても感じのいいひとたちでした。
I ate the chirashi sushi and it was not so delicious. The rice was good, but the seafood was less delicious and the salmon was less delicious. Because the price is low, it may be worth visiting, but you may not want the taste if you think about meeting the belly. The clerk was a very nice person.
non cherry on Google

板前さんも奥さんも親切丁寧! いつも安定した美味しさ! この値段でこのネタに感謝して頂いてます。また先出しもお味噌汁も煮物も本当に美味しいです。
Itamae and his wife are kind and polite! Always stable and delicious! Thank you for this story at this price. Also, the first-out, miso soup, and simmered dishes are really delicious.
Taka Yuki on Google

美味い 近所にあって良かった
delicious I'm glad I was in the neighborhood
Matsumoto Yoichi on Google

Sushi, really good sashimi! Freshness and story of splendor! Banquet There is also a second floor, enter pretty! ! If it is a small, nice shops.
Akira Tazawa on Google

10年ぐらい前に初訪問してから、 時々、利用させてもらっている。 最近はもっぱら出前が多いが、 良心的な価格でちゃんと美味しい。 多摩市では一番好きなお寿司屋さんかな。
Since my first visit about 10 years ago I use it from time to time. Recently, there are many food delivery services, Delicious at a reasonable price. I think it's my favorite sushi restaurant in Tama City.
axel- k on Google

この近くに住んで10年以上になるのですが、ちょっと入りづらい感じで素通りしていたのですが、定食880円と書いてあるので嫁さん誘ってランチに行ってみました。とても明るい感じのオカミさんが出迎えてくれます。私はにぎりの定食、嫁さんはちらしの定食を頼み、カウンターでご主人がきちんと握ってくれます。どちらもこの値段でいただけるには十分すぎる内容です。 嫁さんのちらし寿司は魚の種類が多いから、絶対ちらしのほうが、にぎりよりも良かった!と話しておりました。 近所に通えそうな“回らない”お寿司屋さんがあるのは嬉しいことです。また是非行きたいと思うお寿司屋さんです。
I lived near here for more than 10 years, but it was a little hard to get in, but it was written as 880 yen, so I invited my wife and went to lunch. A very bright wolf will welcome you. I ask for a set meal of Nigiri and a bride for a set meal of fliers, and my husband will hold it at the counter properly. Both are too much content for this price. Bride's handbill sushi has many kinds of fish, so absolute handbill was better than Nigiri! I was talking. I'm glad that there is a sushi restaurant that doesn't go around so I can go to the neighborhood. It is a sushi restaurant that I would like to visit again.

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