鮨 和食 はせがわ 堀之内

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮨 和食 はせがわ 堀之内

住所 :

Horinouchi, Hachioji, 〒192-0355 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://sushihase.com/shop.html
街 : Tokyo

Horinouchi, Hachioji, 〒192-0355 Tokyo,Japan
飯田聖人 on Google

I'm killing fish because I don't know my job. I'm not good at using salt and vinegar.
N T on Google

京王堀之内駅から多摩ニュータウン通り方面へ向かい ファミリーマートから程近い、住宅街の一角にあるため 土地勘のない方は少し分かり辛いかも知れませんが 店舗兼住宅となっているからなのか、敷居の高さは感じられず アットホームな雰囲気のお店です。 店内正面にはカウンター席、右手にはテーブル席があり 清潔で(トイレも凄く綺麗)こじんまりとした印象です。 平日限定のランチ(税込み1,080円)は握りと丼から選ぶことが出来 お通し+サラダ+寿司+お椀+デザートが付いています。 握りのシャリは小振りの一口サイズで、なかなかの美味しさ。 一品メニューも充実しているため、夜の来訪も楽しみです。
From Keio Horinouchi Station, head toward Tama New Town Street Because it is located in a residential area near FamilyMart If you don't know the land, it may be a little difficult to understand. I can't feel the height of the threshold, probably because it is a store and a house. It is a shop with a homely atmosphere. There are counter seats in front of the store and table seats on the right. It is clean (the toilet is also very clean) and has a small impression. Weekday limited lunch (1,080 yen including tax) can be selected from rice bowls and rice bowls Comes with izakaya + salad + sushi + bowl + dessert. The sushi rice is small and bite-sized, and it is quite delicious. We also have a full menu of dishes, so we are looking forward to visiting at night.
Yasuko Takano on Google

友人のおすすめで初めて伺いました。 とても静かで落ち着いたお店で気に入ってしまいました。お料理もとても丁寧で上品な感じがしました。食いしん坊の私には贅沢なランチで満足でした。 また伺いたいです。
I visited for the first time at the recommendation of a friend. I like it because it's a very quiet and calm shop. The food was very polite and elegant. As a glutton, I was satisfied with the luxurious lunch. I would like to ask you again.
Tatsuya H on Google

2回目の訪問です。 1回目はコースをお願いしました。 煮物、焼き物、揚げ物どれもとてもおいしく頂戴しました。 もちろん、お寿司も。尾根かいっぱいになりました。 2回目は握りをお願いしました。 貝類もおいしかった。ウニもイクラも! この時期なので、お酒は控えることになりました。 それだけが残念。 また、お邪魔します。
This is my second visit. I asked for a course for the first time. The simmered food, roasted food, and fried food were all very delicious. Of course, sushi too. The ridge is full. I asked for a grip the second time. The shellfish were also delicious. Both sea urchin and salmon roe! It's this time of year, so I decided to refrain from drinking alcohol. Only that is a pity. Also, I will bother you.
蟹ツバタ on Google

Lunch time, sushi and miso soup, and salad dessert are included for a little over 1,000 yen. The taste was delicious and I was very satisfied.
直助杉山(Naosuke) on Google

更新(2021/10/30) 9月から10月末まで松茸の土瓶蒸しが楽しめます。丁寧に骨切りされた鱧や海老、旬の松茸の旨味が凝縮された季節限定の幸せな時間です。 ランチがこんな値段で大丈夫か?な内容です。 甘くない銀シャリと、鯛の炙りや煮穴子など隅々まで丁寧なネタで大変満足です。 場所が少しわかりづらいですが、探していくだけの価値はあります。 個人的にはランチの海鮮丼がオススメですよ。
Update (2021/10/30) From September to the end of October, you can enjoy steaming matsutake mushrooms in a clay bottle. It is a happy seasonal time when the tastes of carefully cut conger, shrimp, and seasonal matsutake mushrooms are condensed. Is lunch okay at such a price? It is the contents. I am very satisfied with the unsweetened silver shari and the polite ingredients such as roasted sea bream and boiled conger eel. The location is a bit confusing, but it's worth the search. Personally, I recommend the seafood bowl for lunch.
1111 selfish on Google

多摩センターから南大沢へ向かいトンネルを抜けたら右に曲がると直ぐにある隠れ家的なお寿司屋 店構えは民家の様な感じで偶然見つかるお店では無いね 多分ネットやら知り合いからの紹介でお客が来るのだと思う 店内は広めに座席が取っていて居心地良いお店ですね さて当日は特上にぎりを注文してみました 値段が値段だけにネタは高価なものが有りました 酢飯が本当に酢飯なのか?と思うほどの軽い感じ 素材の味を活かす為なのかな? 女性客に受けが良さそうな一口サイズ(^_^;) 正直、男の人には物足りない量です もう二貫くらい無いと量に関しては不満が残る 全体的に纏まっているのだが特筆する様な一貫は有りませんでしたが赤貝は良く処理されていて美味しかった 参考に書くと鯵の南蛮が色々な食材が入って、小アジが良い感じに揚げられていて美味しいのと、味噌汁が美味しかった
From the Tama Center to Minami Osawa, go through the tunnel and turn right to find a hideaway sushi restaurant. The store looks like a private house and is not a store that you can find by chance. I think that customers will probably come by introduction from the net or acquaintances It's a cozy shop with wide seats inside. Well, on the day I ordered a special nigiri There was something expensive because the price was just the price Is vinegared rice really vinegared rice? Feeling light enough to think Is it to make the best use of the taste of the ingredients? A bite size that seems to be good for female customers (^ _ ^;) To be honest, it ’s not enough for a man. If you don't have two more, you will be dissatisfied with the amount. Although it was organized as a whole, there was no consistency to mention, but the ark shell was well processed and delicious. For reference, the nanban of horse mackerel contained various ingredients, and the small horse mackerel was fried nicely and it was delicious, and the miso soup was delicious.
ニック・マッコーリー on Google

昼時やテイクアウトで利用していましたが、今回は夜にお伺いしてみましたので投稿。 大通りから見えない奥まった住宅街に有り、雰囲が気良く、意外に席数も多くて気軽に入れる本格寿司屋さん。落ち着いた雰囲気だが、でも割りとリーズナブルです。 今はコロナで少しメニューが絞られている様ですが、それぞれ手がこんだお料理。 本来ならお酒を飲みに来る近隣の大人の客が多いのだと思います。 握りはシャリが小ぶりで少し緩め。 オススメは季節物とかウニ、イワシ、イクラかな。 少し足りなかったので2〜3カン追加オーダーしました♪(写真撮り忘れましたw) 土瓶蒸し、鯵の南蛮漬け、銀杏を頼み、寿司2人前と合わせて1.2万くらい。5千円のコースにニギリを少し足しても良いかと思います。 都心と比べてかなりリーズナブルな印象です。 接待にも使うし、会社の宴会用にテイクアウトも利用します。ファミリー用にもいいと思います。 大将は若いが腰の低い優しい方。女将さんも同様にいい接客ですので安心して行ってみてください。 ※お酒を飲まれるなら常識を持ち他の客に迷惑をかけぬようマナーを守ってお楽しみくださいね。居酒屋ではございませんので。
I used to use it at noon and takeout, but this time I visited at night so I posted it. Located in a secluded residential area that cannot be seen from the main street, this authentic sushi restaurant has a pleasant atmosphere and a surprisingly large number of seats. It has a calm atmosphere, but it is reasonably priced. It seems that the menu is narrowed down a little in Corona now, but each dish is elaborate. I think that there are many adult customers in the neighborhood who normally come to drink alcohol. The grip is small and loose. I recommend seasonal items such as sea urchin, sardines, and salmon roe. I ordered a few more cans because it was a little short ♪ (I forgot to take a photo w) Steamed in a clay bottle, pickled horse mackerel in Nanban, ordered ginkgo, and combined with sushi for 2 people, it was about 12,000. I think it's okay to add a little nigiri to the 5,000 yen course. The impression is quite reasonable compared to the city center. It's also used for entertainment and takeaway for company banquets. I think it's also good for families. The general is young but gentle with a low back. The landlady is also a good customer service, so please feel free to go. * If you drink alcohol, please have common sense and follow the etiquette so as not to bother other customers. It's not an izakaya.

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