Sumiyoshi Shrine - Wakayama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sumiyoshi Shrine

住所 :

231 Kandori, Wakayama, 640-8411, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 640-8411
Webサイト :

231 Kandori, Wakayama, 640-8411, Japan
小川 憲一 on Google

岡本晃一 on Google

A 300-year-old Tochigi tree.
ANA GUMA-KUN on Google

祭神:表筒男命,底筒男命,中筒男命 境内社:金比羅神社,秋葉神社
Religious deities: front tube male life, bottom tube male life, middle tube male life Precincts: Kompira Shrine, Akiba Shrine
Hiroki Tagami on Google

I'm always playing in the park. Local shrine
Sakae Fuchikami on Google

Half a century ago, it was a forest guard that seems to be an exploration level for children, but now it is an open park. The temple felt a little bigger.
takeda toshiki on Google

和歌山市梶取に鎮座する神社。 境内は公園にもなっている。
A shrine located in Kajitori, Wakayama City. The precinct is also a park.
市川英治 on Google

児童公園の中に有る神社です。 夏休みには、ラジオ体操等 やってます。 近隣はここ数年住宅地が開発され 随分と家が増えています。 そのぶん、小さな子どもさんも 増えています。子どもさんには 良い遊び場になっていると 思います。
It is a shrine in the children's park. Radio exercises, etc. during summer vacation I'm doing. Residential areas have been developed in the neighborhood for the past few years The number of houses is increasing considerably. That's why even small children increasing. For children It ’s a good playground think.
HIROMI O_O on Google

住宅街のなかにあり、滑り台やぶらんこなどの遊具が備えられた児童公園が併設されています。ベンチが置かれているので、ゆっくりできそうです。 立派な楠(説明によると樹齢300年を越える)が2本生えており、敷地内はきれいに掃除されていて落ち着いた雰囲気です。
There is a child park in the residential area, equipped with play equipment such as a slide and swing. As the bench is in place, it seems to be slow. Two splendid Kusunoki (according to the description, over 300 years old) are growing, and the inside of the premises is cleanly cleaned and it is a calm atmosphere.

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