Sukigara Animal Clinic - Iida

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sukigara Animal Clinic

住所 :

3430 Matsuoagemizo, Iida, Nagano 395-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 395-0811
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

3430 Matsuoagemizo, Iida, Nagano 395-0811, Japan
北村コズエ on Google

とても 丁寧に 診察して頂きました。
He examined me very carefully.
原好司 on Google

He looked very carefully at the house cat.
I U (あざみ) on Google

I am taken care of by a friendly teacher and a gentle wife. You can leave it with peace of mind.
俊幸 on Google

勝手な獣医です。 自分の言いたい事だけ言ってこちらの話しなど聞く気もない、本当ダメ獣医です。
A selfish veterinarian. I'm a really bad veterinarian who doesn't even want to hear what I want to say.
松田博恵 on Google

The teacher was kind and polite.
きら on Google

とても素敵な先生です。動物愛に溢れてました。動物に話しかける獣医さんは少なくて、機械的な対応が多い方が多いですが、こちらは違いました! 猫を診て頂きましたが、猫にも優しく話しかけてくれました。高い薬も勧めずに、まずは安価な物から試してみる事を提案して下さり、飼い主にも気の利く方でした。是非また診て頂きたいです!
A very nice teacher. It was full of animal love. There are few veterinarians who talk to animals, and many have a lot of mechanical support, but this is not the case! I had a look at the cat, and he kindly talked to me. He suggested to try the cheaper ones first without recommending expensive medicines, and he was a nice person to the owner. I would love to see you again!
prosperity on Google

うちは、猫がお世話になっていますが、とにかく丁寧に診察していただけて、薬も的確に出していただけるのですぐに治ります。一度、こちらの病院がお休みで、ほかの病院に行ったのですが、そこでは聴診器もあてず、体温も計らず、ただ症状だけ聞いて薬を出されたことがあり、当然治らず、もう一度こちらの病院で診てもらい完治しました。 同じ獣医さんでもこんなに違うのかと思いました。 鋤柄動物病院は絶対にお勧めです。うちの職場の猫飼いの人達にも勧めています。皆さん喜んでいます。これからもよろしくお願いします。
My cat is indebted to me, but anyway, I can get a good medical examination and give me the medicine properly, so it will be cured soon. I once took a day off from this hospital and went to another hospital, but I didn't have a stethoscope, I didn't measure my body temperature, and I was given medicine just by listening to my symptoms. , I had a medical examination at this hospital again and was completely cured. I wondered if the same veterinarian was so different. I definitely recommend the Tsumugi Animal Hospital. I also recommend it to cat owners at my workplace. Everyone is happy. I look forward to working with you.
太郎猫 on Google

うちの猫は他院にて膀胱炎と腎不全と診断され匙を投げられました。 猫も弱っており半分諦めていたところを先生に救って頂きました。 先生曰く腎臓の数値は悪くないので、まずは膀胱炎を治すということで入院治療を実施、退院後も定期通院でしっかりケアして頂き、今では死にかけていたのが嘘なほど元気になりました。 鋤柄先生のお陰です。ありがとうございました。
My cat was diagnosed with cystitis and renal failure at another hospital and was thrown a spoon. The cat was also weak and the teacher saved me from half giving up. According to the teacher, the number of kidneys is not bad, so first of all, I was hospitalized to cure cystitis, and even after I was discharged, I had regular outpatient care, and now I'm dying. .. Thanks to Mr. Tsumugi. Thank you very much.

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