Torii Animal Clinic - Iida

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torii Animal Clinic

住所 :

181-1 Osegi, Iida, Nagano 395-0157, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 395-0157
Webサイト :

181-1 Osegi, Iida, Nagano 395-0157, Japan
くろ on Google

飼い猫の体調不良で診察してもらった際に、 猫が大人しくしていなかったことに腹を立てたようで、 「こんな猫は時代が時代なら殺処分だ!」 と先生が仰られました。医者として疑問が残る発言です。以降は別の病院で診察して貰っています。
When I was examined due to poor physical condition of my cat He seemed angry that the cat wasn't quiet "If the times are the times, such cats will be slaughtered!" Said the teacher. As a doctor, this is a questionable statement. After that, I have been examined at another hospital.
k.kさつき on Google

まったく信用できません。 酷い言われ方をし飼猫を心配して一緒にきた 子どもにはショックなできごとでした。 人間的に信用できないし、2度と行きません。
I can't trust it at all. I was terribly told and came with me worried about my cat It was a shocking event for the child. I can't trust it humanly and I'll never go again.
カズさんです on Google

避妊手術をした後から、極端な人間不信、ビビり、体質になってしまいました。 建物は綺麗で清潔感有りますが、補助する方も目付きが悪く、先生も極端な考え方の人で、信用出来なくなっています… 年1度のワクチンは別の病院にしようと考えています!
After the contraceptive surgery, I became extremely misanthropic, scared, and constitutional. The building is beautiful and clean, but the people who assist it are not very noticeable, and the teacher is an extreme thinker, so I can't trust him ... I'm thinking of going to another hospital for the annual vaccine!
on Google

猫の診察に行ったらワクチンの証明書がないと診察できないと言われ、聴診器も当てず見もしないのに糖尿初めたくさんの病気だと言われました。透視能力で診察ですかね。 そして今日明日が山だと言われましたが、1週間は絶食しろと言われました。今日明日で死ぬのに1週間の絶食?翌日他の病院へ行ったら精密検査をして健康体でした。見下し、脅し、診察しないのに暴言吐かれて高い診察料を払う必要がありません。医師の人間性を疑います。
When I went to see a cat, I was told that I couldn't see it without a vaccination certificate, and I was told that I had a lot of illnesses, including diabetes, even though I didn't use a stethoscope or look at it. Is it a medical examination with fluoroscopy ability? And today I was told that tomorrow would be a mountain, but I was told to fast for a week. Fasting for a week to die today tomorrow? The next day, when I went to another hospital, I had a detailed examination and was in good health. You don't have to look down, threaten, rant and pay a high consultation fee without seeing. I doubt the human nature of the doctor.
チーズケーキ子 on Google

I was surprised to see the reviews here. When I asked for a pet examination, the veterinarian told me something very terrible. I'm surprised that many people other than me have similar experiences. I've been to several other veterinary clinics, but this is the first time I've met a veterinarian who says such a terrible thing. I thought it would be a burden for my pet to change the veterinary clinic during the examination, so I endured whatever I was told, but one day I was ranted again, and as expected, I exceeded the limit of patience, so I said back. I haven't been there since. There are many other veterinary clinics, and there are by far more kind veterinarians than here. I should have seen the word of mouth before going to the clinic. I feel uncomfortable and feel sick.
nekosan on Google

メス猫(未避妊)だと知った途端「避妊してない猫は気性が荒いんですよね〜」と言われ、キャリーから1度も出す事なく診察が終わりました。 他院を平気でこき下ろし、こちらに対しても見下したような態度を取られて終始不愉快でした。正直なんでこの人医者やれてるの?と思うくらい酷い。二度と行きません!!!
As soon as I learned that it was a female cat (uncontraceptive), I was told, "A cat that is not contraceptive has a rough temper." It was unpleasant from beginning to end because I took down the other hospital without any hesitation and took an attitude that looked down on me. Honestly, why can this person be a doctor? It's as terrible as I think. I will never go again! !! !!
琴葉熊谷 on Google

正直、星1もつけたくない。 怪我した犬を診察してもらいに行ったのですが、具体的にこうした方が良いという事は一つも言われませんでした。ただ分かりづらく独り言のように話されるだけだったので、わんちゃんをただ見つめるしかありませんでした。後からクチコミを見て納得しました。病院を構えた以上、責任自覚を持って当たり前かと思います。素人なので、専門的な事は言えませんが、命を救う仕事なんですから、もっと動物達の事を考えて救ってあげてください。
To be honest, I don't want to add 1 star. I went to see the injured dog, but I wasn't told that it was better to do this. It was just confusing and spoken like a soliloquy, so I had no choice but to stare at the doggy. I was convinced by seeing the word of mouth later. As long as I have a hospital, I think it is natural to be aware of responsibility. I'm an amateur, so I can't say anything special, but it's a life-saving job, so please think more about animals and save them.
Joseph Stephenson on Google

We visited this guy after having a... less pleasant experience at another vet. The guy is somewhat younger, seems to be a little more "with" modern medicinal techniques, and is very kind. He doesn't speak English, per se, but he is enthusiastic and will make every effort to communicate effectively--he and his staff are familiar with Google Translate and make use of it quite well. I know this review will only be useful to an incredibly small percentage of people, but if you're in the Iida area and need a decent vet, I highly recommend this guy.

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