Suisha - Miyoshi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suisha

住所 :

Okami-22-3 Nishiishikicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0226, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 470-0226

Okami-22-3 Nishiishikicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0226, Japan
Ken Muroi on Google

うまい。 昔ながらって感じ。清潔感ある。 最近の若い人は、こういうお店いかないかな、もったいない。 ゆっくり静かに食べれる。
good. It feels old-fashioned. There is a feeling of cleanliness. It's a waste for young people these days to go to a store like this. You can eat slowly and quietly.
U R on Google

It's close to my house, but even if I want to enter, it's hard to enter at a private store, so I keep saying "I want to go, I want to go" and it's been a year since I was so nervous. I was able to go for the first time today! The shop assistants are old people who serve pork pork and the meat is delicious! The viscera is a high-quality fat with zero odor and no lean ribs or pork. Added meat! If I thought about 20,000, it was 10,000 coins. Is it okay to have such a tasty and such a checkout? Especially the 1000 pieces of sauce had a spicy taste, and I ate two cups with my favorite taste ? All were delicious. I'm going! Please continue to open the store!
クス on Google

タン美味しい❗️ マスターも送迎ありがとうございました?
Tan delicious ❗️ Thank you Master for picking up ?
六つの衢 on Google

有無を言わせず美味しいです(^-^) 水車さんの焼肉で育ちました◎
It's delicious without saying (^-^) I grew up with waterwheel Mr. Yakiniku ◎
Ho Ka on Google

地元の方に長く愛されている個人店。バタバタと忙しない感じが無いのでのんびりゆっくり美味しい焼肉が楽しめます。 メニューは少なめですがいろいろ沢山は食べられないので私的に程良いです。お醤油ベースのタレがお肉に良く合っていてビールが進みます。チャンジャがあるのが嬉しいですね。キムチも美味しい。そして何より店主が穏やかで優しい。お腹も心も満たされる大好きなお店です。
A private store that has been loved by the locals for a long time. You can enjoy delicious yakiniku slowly and slowly because you don't feel like you're not busy. The menu is small, but I can't eat a lot, so it's good for me. The soy sauce-based sauce goes well with the meat and the beer goes on. I'm glad that there is a changer. Kimchi is also delicious. And above all, the owner is gentle and gentle. It is a favorite shop that will satisfy your stomach and soul.
よねのりながい on Google

How many years ago did you go? It doesn't have much impact. If you go to yakiniku. I wonder if Yakiniku King is fine.
山口和徳 on Google

上カルビ→しっかり油のってて、くそほどうまい ホルモン→油のっててうまい、ジューシー 上ミノ→食感ヤバイ、めちゃコリコリ、ちゃんと厚みある タン→安定にうまい、他の店と比べてそこまで特別感はないけど 豚トロ→しっかりとした歯ごたえ、サクサク感やばい お米→正味これが一番うまい、炊き加減が固めで焼肉との相性完璧、くそうまい、やばい 「小汚ない焼肉屋さんは死ぬほどうまいのではない」と仮説を立てて、友人と行ったが大正解だった。 雰囲気も落ち着いてて最高。 あと6回は行く。
Upper ribs → It ’s well oiled and it ’s as good as shit. Hormone → oil is delicious, juicy Upper Mino → Texture is bad, it is very crunchy, it is thick properly Tan → Stable and good, not so special compared to other stores Pork Toro → Firm chewy, crispy and chewy Rice → Net This is the best, it's cooked well and goes perfectly with yakiniku, it's delicious, it's bad I hypothesized that "a dirty yakiniku restaurant is not good enough to die," and went with a friend, but the answer was correct. The atmosphere is calm and the best. I will go 6 more times.

安くて美味しい。 昔ながらの町の焼肉屋という雰囲気もいいです。肉に添えられてる野菜はキャベツばかりでした。
It's cheap and delicious. The atmosphere of an old-fashioned town yakiniku restaurant is also nice. The only vegetables attached to the meat were cabbage.

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