RID - Miyoshi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact RID

住所 :

Nishiishikicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0226 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 470-0226
Webサイト : http://www.rid-carwash.com/
街 : Aichi

Nishiishikicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0226 Aichi,Japan
渡邊梨々香 on Google

It was nice to have my dirty light car coated and it became very shiny, and car washing was easy.
ryousuke miyake on Google

いつもお世話になっております! 毎度綺麗に施工して頂き助かってます! また、急な依頼も迅速に対応頂き誠にありがとうございます!! これからもぜひよろしくお願いします!!
Always I am indebted! I am grateful that you have a clean construction every time! Also, thank you very much for promptly responding to urgent requests! ! Thank you for your continued support! !
吉田まさ on Google

この金額で3年保証のガラスコーティングをやってもらえるなんて思わなくてびっくりです!! 仕上がりもよく大満足です!!
I was surprised that I couldn't get a glass coating with a 3 year warranty for this amount! ! The finish is good and I am very satisfied! !
クリスタルちぃ on Google

For the first time, I asked for a coating when my friend introduced me. It was a white car and it was full of scales, but it was very clean and shiny! ️
J o on Google

コーティングを依頼したんですが、新車のように綺麗に仕上げてもらってとても感謝してます!! 家まで来てくれるのが凄い助かりました^_^ 頼んで良かったと思いました! かなりオススメです!
I asked for the coating, and I am very grateful that it was finished like a new car! !! It was a great help to come home ^_^ I'm glad you asked! I highly recommend it!
佳子 on Google

車のコーティング、子どもが汚したシートを染み抜きをお願いしました。 いつもすごく良くして下さり、仕上がりは期待以上★ 車で困ったこと時はRIDさんを頼りにしてます‼︎
I asked for the car coating and the stains on the child's dirty seat. I'm always very good and the finish is better than I expected★ When I have a problem with a car, I rely on Mr. RID! ︎
げんごろう on Google

この間自分の車をコーティングしてもらって本当にピカピカになりました! キャンペーンをやっていて今なら安くやってもらえて車を持って行かなくても家まで来て施行してくれました! 手間も少なく従業員の方の対応もかなり良かったです!✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
During this time, I got my car coated and it was really shiny! I was doing a campaign and now I can get it cheap and come home and implement it without having to bring a car! There was little effort and the employee's response was quite good! ✌︎('ω'✌︎)
ふるなお on Google

こないだ僕の愛車をコーティングしてもらいました。 汚かったのがこんなにピカピカになると思っていなくてびっくりしました!!! 値段も安く、お店の人の接客もよくて大満足です☺️ また、車買った時や汚くなったらお願いしようと思います。 下の山口達也っていう人と松山ちはるっていう人のクチコミが気になったのでどうなのかなと思ったがそんな事なく、知り合いのコーティングの人にもコーティングやった車をみてもらったがその金額でここまでキレイにするのはすごいと言っていました。 お店の人に聞いたら先程の2人の車をコーティングしたことがないっぽくデマをクチコミに書いてるらしいです!! なんか知っている人がわざとクチコミに悪く書いてるらしいのでめちゃくちゃだなと思いました…
I got my car coated. I was surprised that I didn't think the dirty one would be so shiny! ! ! The price is low and the customers at the store are very happy.☺️ Also, I would like to ask if you buy a car or it gets dirty. I was worried about the word-of-mouth communication of a person named Tatsuya Yamaguchi and a person called Chiharu Matsuyama, but I wondered what it was, but without having such a thing, I got a person with an acquaintance to see the car that did the coating, but for that amount of money It was said that it was amazing to clean up to this point. When I asked the shop staff, it seems that they haven't coated the previous two cars, so they write a hoax in the word of mouth! ! I thought it was a mess because someone who knew something was intentionally writing it badly in the word of mouth...

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