Sugiyama Store - Izunokuni

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sugiyama Store

住所 :

165 Minamiema, Izunokuni, Shizuoka 410-2221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 410-2221
Webサイト :

165 Minamiema, Izunokuni, Shizuoka 410-2221, Japan
てら on Google

The shop owner selected sake. It is easy to choose a good one because it listens to various details.
井上尚子 on Google

外観と裏腹に素敵な商品がたくさんあるお店♡ 身体に良い物や本当に美味しいお酒がいっぱいです。 どれを買っても当たりです
A shop with lots of nice products on the outside and behind the scenes ♡ There are lots of good food and really good sake. Whichever you buy
中道優子 on Google

初めて、行きましたがお店の方がとても優しい方で、気軽に話す事ができました。 帰ってから、買った品物を出してみると 手作りミニ会報のような紙があり 近くの美味しかったお店の紹介やお店の方々の家族それぞれの文章が読めました。 お店は、セレクトショップと言っていいと思います。豆腐、ビール、ワイン、調味料 などなど、少しずつ置かれています。
I went for the first time, but the shop was very kind and I was able to talk freely. When I go home, I try to put out the goods I bought There is a paper like a handmade mini newsletter We could read the introduction of the nearby delicious shops and the sentences of each family of the people of the shops. I think shops can be called select shops. Tofu, beer, wine, seasoning And so, etc. are placed little by little.
鳥とりっぴー on Google

生産量限定の純米酒を購入させていただきました! オーナーさんが拘り抜いてつくられたらしく、伊豆の土産や名産との相性がバツグンだそうです。 わさびの茎のお漬物、つんつん漬??と一緒に飲みましたら、まーおいしいこと! 純米酒の割に日本酒のアルコール風味強い感じでしたが、それが合うこと合うこと笑 また伊豆に立ち寄る際には、ぜひとも利用したい店舗さんですね!おすすめ! #酒屋 #日本酒 #純米酒 #こだわり #優しいオーナー #仲良し夫婦 #夫婦経営
We purchased a limited amount of pure rice wine! It seems that the owner has been carefully crafted, and the compatibility with Izu souvenirs and famous products is outstanding. The pickles of wasabi stalk, pickled pickles, and I drank along with it, it was delicious! It was feeling that alcohol taste of sake was strong for pure rice liquor, but that it was suitable that it matched In addition, when you stop at Izu, you are the store who you want to use by all means! Recommended! # Liquor Store # Sake # Pure Rice Sake # Commitment # Friendly Owner # Close Couple # Married Business
村上 on Google

Not only Shizuoka's local sake, but also many kinds of local sake are available, and I wanted to go buy them again.
aoki naoya (青木 直也) on Google

地元の方だけが行くのでは勿体無い酒屋さんです。 一般的なお酒を販売しているのではなく、店主のこだわりで選ばれた商品が多いのでちょっと良いお酒が欲しいな、という時に行くと良いと思います。お酒も日本酒・焼酎・ワインなど揃えていますが他のお店であまり見ない商品も多いので立ち寄って見るだけでも面白いと思いますよ。お酒だけではなく調味料やおつまみなども普通のお店では販売していないようなものが揃っています。伊豆に旅行に行った際に自分へのお土産が欲しい方は寄ってみてください。立ち寄るたびに商品が違うので季節や数量限定のものも多いと思います。 駐車場は店の裏にあります。店の前の道は一車線ですから止めると迷惑がかかると思うので注意してくださいね。
This is a liquor store that only local people can go to. Rather than selling general sake, there are many products selected by the owner's attention, so it would be good to go when you want a slightly better sake. We also have sake, sake, shochu, wine, etc., but there are many products that I don't often see at other stores, so I think it would be interesting just to stop by. Not only sake but also seasonings and snacks are available that are not sold at ordinary stores. If you want a souvenir for yourself when you travel to Izu, please drop by. Each time you stop by, the product will be different, so I think that there are many seasonal and limited items. The parking lot is behind the store. The road in front of the store is a single lane, so it may be annoying to stop, so please be careful.
山浦真実 on Google

I bought the newly released sake "Agura" after the 2022 taiga drama "The 13 Lords of the Kamakuraden", and it was delicious. The label is nice and I keep the bottle after I finish drinking. At the time of purchase, when the product was brought to the cash register, the shop owner exchanged it for a wrapped product with guide information. I didn't have time to buy only what I was looking for and left the store, but next time I would like to see other products.
Johnny Lovinson on Google

どのお酒がいいか聞きました。 答えてくれたけど… そんなに生き生きしておらず、聞かれたから答えただけという印象でした。 接遇って本当に大事だなぁ いいお酒が置いてあったとしても、旅人は大事にしなきゃリピは増えないなぁと思った… 頑張って下さい。
I asked which liquor was good. He answered ... It wasn't so lively, and I had the impression that I just answered because I was asked. Hospitality is really important Even if there is good sake, I thought that the number of replies would not increase unless the traveler took good care of it ... good luck.

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