
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酉将2号店

住所 :

Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89989
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
Homura AOI on Google

【焼鳥テイクアウトが人気♪本店は酒場放浪記にも登場☆駅目の前の大衆酒場】 神奈川県川崎市多摩区菅。最寄りは、京王相模原線の京王稲田堤駅。改札口目の前です。南武線の稲田堤駅からは商店街を抜けて徒歩5分ほど。稲田堤の顔とも言うべき大衆酒場「酉将(とりまさ)」の2号店(通称は新店)です。THE大衆酒場、地元民の憩いの場 φ(..) 国領→調布と②軒飲み歩き、電車に乗り込み多摩川の対岸にある稲田堤へ。東京都から神奈川県へ移動や移動! ε=(ノ・∀・)ツ 神奈川県からの時短営業要請の為、だいたい何処も夜営業は22時まで。時刻は21時近くになっており、駅目の前のコチラへ駆け込みました(通常は月曜定休日の、24時終了)。 店頭では焼鳥テイクアウトも出来ます。改札口を出て目の前で良い匂いがしたら買っちゃうよねぇ(*^ω^) 先客多数後客無し。店員さん4名以上。店内はカウンター席、テーブル席、小上がり座敷。喫煙可能です(o^-')b ! 口頭注文後払い。 ◆本日の注文◆ 焼うどん 660円 特製もつ煮込み 450円 赤いウィンナー炒め 350円 お通し 200円?×2 ホッピーセット黒 500円 ナカ 250円 税込 ドリンクは自分のみ記載 ①軒目で串ものは食べてきたので、コチラでは〆的な焼うどんを頂きました。焼鳥屋さんなので、本来は串ものがオススメですよヾ(о-ω・)ノ⌒★ もつ煮込みは必須だよねぇ。美味しい(^q^) ①、②軒目と、日本酒・焼酎・ビール・ウィスキーとチャンポン飲みしちゃったので、〆はやはりホッピー&焼酎で(o´∀`)o この日は気持ち良く酔いました♪ #小結 #大衆酒場 #焼鳥 #駅目の前 #本店はJR稲田堤駅近く #本店は吉田類の酒場放浪記に登場 #居酒屋 #喫煙可 #雰囲気良好 #テイクアウトが人気 #再訪可能性高い #次回は玉子チャーハン #次回はつくね塩
[Yakitori takeout is popular ♪ The main store also appears in the bar wandering record ☆ Popular bar in front of the station] Suge, Tama Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The nearest station is Keio Inadazutsumi Station on the Keio Sagamihara Line. It is in front of the ticket gate. From Inadazutsumi Station on the Nambu Line, it's about a 5-minute walk through the shopping district. This is the second store (commonly known as a new store) of the popular bar "Torisho", which can be said to be the face of Inadazutsumi. THE public bar, a place for locals to relax φ (..) Kokuryo → Chofu and ② Eaves Drinking, board the train to Inadazutsumi on the opposite bank of the Tama River. Move or move from Tokyo to Kanagawa! ε = (ノ ・ ∀ ・) ツ Due to a request for shortened business hours from Kanagawa prefecture, the night business is open until 22:00. The time is near 21:00, so I rushed to this place in front of the station (usually closed on Mondays, ending at 24:00). You can also take out yakitori at the store. If you go out of the ticket gate and smell good in front of you, you'll buy it (* ^ ω ^) There are many first customers and no second customers. 4 or more clerk. There are counter seats, table seats, and small tatami mats inside the store. Smoking is allowed (o ^-') b! Oral order postpaid. ◆ Today's order ◆ Yaki udon 660 yen Special stewed motsuni 450 yen Stir-fried red wiener 350 yen Through 200 yen? × 2 Hoppy set black 500 yen Naka 250 yen Tax-included drinks are listed only for yourself ① I ate skewers at the eaves, so I had yaki udon here. Since it's a yakitori restaurant, skewers are recommended. ヾ (о-ω ・) ノ ⌒ ★ Stewed motsuni is essential. Delicious (^ q ^) I drank sake, shochu, beer, whiskey and champon at the first and second houses, so 〆 was still hoppy & shochu (o´∀ `) o I got drunk comfortably on this day ♪ #Small conclusion #Popular bar #Yakitori #In front of the station #The main store is near JR Inadazutsumi Station #Main store appears in Yoshida's bar wandering record #Izakaya #Smoking allowed #Good atmosphere #Takeout is popular #High possibility of revisiting #Next time is egg fried rice #Next time Tsukune salt
hair make felice on Google

やきとり屋さんですが、ぶた串と豚足がオススメ! もちろん、やきとりも美味しいです。
Yakitori shop, but pig skewers and pork feet are recommended! Of course, the yakitori is also delicious.
安藤勝久 on Google

何を食べても美味しいです とてもカジュアルです
It ’s delicious no matter what you eat. Very casual
ryo “暢夫” on Google

Showa-like THE izakaya. It's calm and good. It was delicious.
Mutsu Kuma on Google

この日は生憎の雨模様で、4月中旬なのに関東地方でも雪が降ったかなり寒い日。 ボランティア先でかつてお世話になった方からの久しぶりのお誘いがあり、こちらのお店で再会することになりました。 ここの焼き鳥はリーズナブルで美味しく、私も好きなお店だったので、こちらのお店での再会は楽しみです。 お店は京王稲田堤の南口改札の目の前。 19時頃に入店しましたが、雨のせいか半分ぐらいの入り。 既に ガツ、焼き鳥、もつ煮込みと注文します。 焼き鳥は塩でとりと皮を、タレでレバーとつくねを注文。相変わらず、こちらの焼き鳥は塩もタレも美味しいです。 最後はこちらの美味しい玉子チャーハンを注文したかったのですが、残念ながら品切れで代わりに焼きうどんを注文しましたが、コレも美味しかったです。 夜になっても雨が降りしきる日でしたが、20時過ぎにはほぼ満席でしたので、根強いファンのいるお店なんですね。 再訪の際は今度こそ、玉子チャーハンを食べたいです。 ごちそうさまでした。
It was a rainy day, and it was a very cold day with snow in the Kanto region in mid-April. There was a long time invitation from a volunteer who took care of me, and I decided to meet again at this shop. Yakitori here is reasonable and delicious, and I like it too, so I'm looking forward to seeing you again here. The store is in front of the South Gate of Keio Inada Tsutsumi. I entered the store around 19 o'clock, but it was only about half due to rain. already Order with gatsu, yakitori, and stewed. Yakitori ordered salt and skin with salt, and liver and tuna with sauce. As usual, this yakitori is delicious with salt and sauce. Lastly, I wanted to order this delicious egg fried rice, but unfortunately I ordered a grilled udon instead of being out of stock, but this was also delicious. It was a rainy day at night, but it was almost full after 20:00, so it's a shop with strong fans. I want to eat egg fried rice this time when I come back. Thank you for the meal.
ぴーくっ on Google

"Izakaya in the city" in front of the station. Skewers are like baking after ordering, so wait for a while, but it's best to have them fresh. Other sake and knobs will come early.
かど松 on Google

アクセス5アジア4雰囲気4接客4価格4 仲間で会合を開くので利用。喫煙組にとってはありがたい卓上に灰皿のある店。焼き鳥全般、非常にジューシーで美味。スタッフさん全員朗らかで素敵。また行きまーす(*`・ω・)ゞ
Access 5 Asia 4 Atmosphere 4 Customer service 4 Price 4 Use because we hold meetings with friends. A store with an ashtray on the table, which is appreciated by smoking groups. Yakitori in general, very juicy and delicious. All the staff are cheerful and nice. I will go again (* `・ ω ・) ゞ
Kazushige on Google

(^^) / 乗り換え駅で途中下車で1杯 京王稲田堤駅改札口から10秒。 昔ながらの焼鳥屋で煙モクモクといい匂いがして軽く1杯でしたが美味しく頂きました。 こんなお店は近所に欲しいって感じの大衆焼鳥。 ? ?もも ?つくね ?ぼんじり ?ガツ ?タン ちくわの磯辺揚げ
(^^) / Get off at the transfer station and get a drink 10 seconds from the ticket gate of Keio Inadazutsumi Station. It was an old-fashioned yakitori restaurant, and it smelled like smoke, and it was a light cup, but it was delicious. A popular yakitori restaurant like this is what you want in your neighborhood. ? ? Momo ? Tsukune ? Chicken ? Gatsu ? Tan Isobe fried fish sausage

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