
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上海酒家

住所 :

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
街 : Saitama

Sugawaracho, Kawagoe, 〒350-0046 Saitama,Japan
金龍 on Google

川越駅付近の中華料理の中で 個人できには一番安定感ある ボリュームも味も満足!おいしかったです。
Of all the Chinese food near Kawagoe Station, the most stable volume and taste are satisfying for individuals! It was delicious.
Azo Diazo on Google

お店の外観が派手で 料理の写真がいっぱい貼ってあって"どんなもんだろうか"と 思いつつ入りましたが良いお店でした。 ランチタイムは過ぎていたので人は少なく静かでした。 お店の奥さんの子供ちゃんが泣いていましたが可愛いものです。 川越駅前はランチタイムをすぎても開けているチェーン店じゃないお店は結構少なく 時間をはずしたお昼ご飯に困るところなのですが こちらはお勧めです。 中華料理風の料理ではなく香辛料が使われたちゃんとした中華料理でした。スープと杏仁豆腐もついてきます。 なぜかピーナッツも付いてきます。 ちょっとこれが美味しい。 店の奥さんも笑顔があって感じが良くまた来たくなるお店です。
It was a good shop with the appearance of the shop being flashy and filled with a lot of cooking photos. Because lunch time was over, there were few people and it was quiet. The child of the store's wife was crying but it was cute. In front of Kawagoe Station, there are quite a few shops that are not chain stores that are open even after lunch time. It was a decent Chinese food that used spices instead of Chinese food. Soup and apricot tofu are also included. Somehow comes with peanuts. This is delicious. The store's wife also has a smile and feels good.
後藤明彦 on Google

It is an authentic Chinese restaurant run by a Chinese who says that Chinese people are also delicious. The set meals and noodles with Japanese pepper and chili oil are delicious near Kawagoe Station. There are more than 10 types of lunch, and the cost is high.
南瓜胡瓜 on Google

The Mao Eggplant for lunch was soaked in the taste of Trottro. Sometimes it was fun to play Japanese pepper or something in my mouth. The soup was thick. Annin tofu was very delicious with a mouthfeel reminiscent of panna cotta
yusuke fujiwara on Google

近くに会社がありランチでよく行かせて頂いてます。ボリュームもあり、美味しいです 腹ペコ時もお薦めです! エビチリは甘くなくピリ辛で美味しかったです? 色んなメニューを食べていますが今のところハズレなしです! PayPay使えます
There is a company nearby and I often go there for lunch. There is also volume and it is delicious It is also recommended when you are hungry! The shrimp chili was not sweet, spicy and delicious ? I'm eating various menus, but so far I haven't lost anything! You can use PayPay
ノロノロ on Google

I ate a set of mapo tofu ramen and shrimp fried rice, but the fried rice was half fried rice. Mapo tofu ramen is a soy sauce ramen with tofu fried in a fairly spicy chili oil? It feels like. Both fried rice and ramen are a little unsatisfactory in terms of mass.
居酒屋右京 on Google

For 3,000 yen per person, I was very satisfied with the all-you-can-drink of 8 dishes (Kurage, steamed chicken, fried chicken, shrimp egg, vinegared pork, mapo tofu, fried rice, almond tofu, etc.).
S As on Google

中国の方が作っている本格中華です。 夕食で利用しました。炒め物は量が多くて満足度高かったです。
It is a real Chinese food made by Chinese people. I used it for dinner. The amount of stir-fried food was large and I was very satisfied.

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