Sugano Station - Ichikawa

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sugano Station

住所 :

2-chōme-7 Sugano, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0824, Japan

Postal code : 272-0824

2-chōme-7 Sugano, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0824, Japan
鰹節直太朗 on Google

京成菅野駅は京成線の普通列車のみが停車する駅です☆ 長年、地域の住民や駅の近辺に有ります学校関連の人達が利用している駅です☆ 駅の周りは学校関連施設も有りますので落ち着いた雰囲気と大きな屋敷が多く有りましたが外環道路工事の影響で地域が大きく変わり代わりに新興住宅街が増えて住民層も変わりつつ有ります☆ 此の影響が今後、どのような感じになるかは分かりませんが学校施設関連は健在なので今後も菅野駅自体の利用はされるでしょう☆ 問題は駅ではなく駅を跨ぐように建設された歩道橋に有るかも知れません☆ 恐らく高架線工事に伴い建設された歩道橋だと思われますが歩道橋の高さが今現在、有る駅よりも高く有りますので正直なところ『雨』『風』『雪』『雹』などに対応が出来てる歩道橋のようにはなってない感じがします☆ 確かに歩道橋自体は、しっかり作られていますが地域性に合った歩道橋では無く高架線工事に対応した何時もの何処にも有る歩道橋の延長線みたいな作りなので此等の対策が、なされているのか不安になる出来栄えです☆ 高さある歩道橋なので歩道橋から見える景色は見晴らしが良くて良いのですが歩道橋の高さ的にビルで言えば3階か4階くらいの高さですし屋根無し吹きさらしの歩道橋で有り線路に面した壁は飛び降り対策が、しっかりされてますが他の壁は『ご自由に、どうぞ』と言わんばかりの塩梅な壁なので暴風や良からぬ事を思いつく人には乗り越えられそうな壁に感じますね☆ 勿論、壁には手摺りなどは有りますが突風などに果たして対処が出来るのか?と云う不安を感じます☆ それと階段には自転車用に坂道が設けられてますが一応、歩道橋最上部迄には階段が区切られて階段の分岐点が設けられいて安全性があるようには感じますが、どうにかなる感じもする塩梅なので思わぬ事を思いつく子供などに悪影響を与え兼ねない階段ですね☆ そして菅野駅周辺には松の木が沢山、植えられていますが此等は暴風対策でもあると思われますが見晴らしが良い歩道橋の通路に於いて雨の日、雪や雹が降っている日、路面が凍結している日、風が強い日などでは傘をさして歩道橋を渡るので場合によっては突風などで自身がメリー・ポピンズになるか突風で吹き飛ばされたり滑ったりして怪我をする恐れを感じる歩道橋にも感じます☆ 歩道橋の最上部通路の端にはエレベーターが設置されてますが風向きが悪いと傘が捲れ上がり突風が強いと身体が浮く可能性が有るので風が強い日でのエレベーターの利用は充分に注意が必要になるかも知れません☆ 路面のコンクリートは水溜りや滑り難いように何かしら工夫がされてるかも知れませんが屋根無し吹きさらし状態の歩道橋で有り高さも充分に有りますので天候次第では不安を感じさせる歩道橋でしか無いかも知れません☆ まだ未完全ですし本格的に利用されてないので、もう少し改善が求められます☆ 例えば階段の路面が滑り難いように滑り止めを、もっとして置くとか歩道橋の最上部の通路の真ん中線には滑り止めを設けて置くとか天候の荒れや突風による滑り止め、身体が浮かない為の対策は、して置く必要が有るかも知れません☆ まぁ私の考え過ぎだと良いのですが敢えて書いて置きます☆ お年寄りや障害者、子供達に優しい歩道橋になる事を願っております☆ 出来たら突発な出来事に対処が出来る体力に自信が無い方や障害者や、お年寄りには天候が悪い日は少し遠回りになりますが踏み切りでの横断が無難かも知れません☆ 最後迄、読まれた方に感謝します☆
Keisei Sugano Station is a station where only regular trains on the Keisei Line stop ☆ This station has been used by local residents and school-related people near the station for many years ☆ There are school-related facilities around the station, so there was a calm atmosphere and many large mansions, but due to the influence of the outer ring road construction, the area has changed significantly, but instead the number of new residential areas is increasing and the population is changing ☆ I don't know what this effect will look like in the future, but since school facilities are still alive, Sugano Station itself will continue to be used ☆ The problem may be with the pedestrian bridge built to straddle the station instead of the station ☆ Probably it is a pedestrian bridge constructed by the construction of the elevated line, but since the height of the pedestrian bridge is higher than the existing station, to be honest, it corresponds to "rain" "wind" "snow" "hail" etc. It doesn't feel like a pedestrian bridge with a hail ☆ It is true that the pedestrian bridge itself is well built, but it is not a pedestrian bridge that suits the locality, but it is made like an extension of a pedestrian bridge that is always and everywhere corresponding to elevated line construction, so are these measures taken? It's an uneasy work ☆ Since it is a tall pedestrian bridge, the view from the pedestrian bridge is good, but the height of the pedestrian bridge is about the 3rd or 4th floor in terms of the building. It is a windswept pedestrian bridge without a roof and faces the railroad tracks. The walls are well-prepared for jumping, but the other walls are salty walls that just say "please feel free", so it feels like a wall that can be overcome by people who come up with storms or bad things. Ne ☆ Of course, there are handrails on the wall, but can you really deal with gusts? I feel anxious about it ☆ Also, there is a slope for bicycles on the stairs, but for the time being, the stairs are divided up to the top of the pedestrian bridge and there is a branch point of the stairs, so it feels safe, but there is also a feeling that something will happen. It's a staircase that can adversely affect children who come up with unexpected things because it's a bicycle. And many pine trees are planted around Sugano Station, but these are thought to be measures against storms, but on rainy days, snowy and haily days, on the road surface in the passage of the pedestrian bridge with a good view. On a frozen day or a windy day, you cross the pedestrian bridge with an umbrella, so in some cases you may become Mary Poppins due to a storm, or you may be blown away or slipped by the storm and feel injured. I also feel ☆ An elevator is installed at the end of the top passage of the pedestrian bridge, but if the wind direction is bad, the umbrella will roll up and if the gust is strong, the body may float, so be careful when using the elevator on a windy day. You may need it ☆ The concrete on the road surface may have been devised to prevent water pools and slippage, but it is a pedestrian bridge in a windswept state without a roof and has a sufficient height, so it may only be a pedestrian bridge that makes you feel uneasy depending on the weather. Hmm ☆ It's still incomplete and hasn't been used in earnest, so a little more improvement is needed ☆ For example, put more anti-slip so that the road surface of the stairs is hard to slip, or put an anti-slip in the middle line of the passage at the top of the pedestrian bridge, to prevent slipping due to rough weather or gusts, to prevent the body from floating It may be necessary to take measures ☆ Well, I hope I think too much, but I dare to write it ☆ We hope that it will be a pedestrian bridge that is friendly to the elderly, people with disabilities, and children ☆ If possible, it will be a little detour for people who are not confident in their physical strength to deal with sudden events, people with disabilities, and elderly people on bad weather, but it may be safe to cross at the railroad crossing ☆ Thank you for reading until the end ☆
taihei tsurumi on Google

高級住宅地にある小さな駅です。エレベーター、エスカレーター共にありません。 外環道が駅の真下に開通することから駅周辺は工事中で殺風景になってしまいましたが、松林はかろうじて残っています。
It is a small station in a luxury residential area. There is no elevator or escalator. The area around the station was under construction due to the opening of the outer ring road just below the station, but the pine forest barely remains.
乙名丹次郎 on Google

市川市の中でも、菅野から八幡にかけての地区は高級住宅街である。それゆえに、その真中を突き抜くように通る東京外環自動車道の三郷ー高谷区間および国道298号線は、用地収容が遅れ、2018年に開通した。 菅野駅も、長いあいだその頭の上をまたいで工事用の道路がとおり、また駅前の南北の敷地に資材置き場が広がっていたが、やっとそれらも片付き始めたところである。 バリアフリーではない小さな駅舎に、狭苦しい駅前という、京成沿線らしい情景が、これからどのように変わっていくのか、楽しみにしている。
In Ichikawa City, the area from Kanno to Hachiman is a high-class residential area. Therefore, the Misato-Takaya section of the Tokyo Outer Ring Road and National Highway No. 298, which pass through the middle of it, were delayed in land acquisition and opened in 2018. For a long time, Kanno station also straddled the top of the head for construction roads, and there was a material storage area on the north and south premises in front of the station, but at last it has begun to be cleared up. I am looking forward to seeing how the scenery along the Keisei Line will change in the small station building that is not barrier-free and in front of the narrow station.
S Jun on Google

外環が開通したのに良くも悪くもど田舎感な雰囲気が昔と変わらず。駅の周辺は小さな建売の住宅ばかりになって昔のお屋敷街は消滅していってるよう。 ホームの上に歩道橋みたいなのを作ってて駅舎とつながって出入り口になるのかな?
Even though the outer ring has been opened, the atmosphere of the countryside is as good or bad as before. The area around the station seems to be disappearing as the old mansions have become small houses. Is it going to be like a pedestrian bridge on top of the platform that connects to the station building and becomes a doorway?
安達正軌 on Google

The exit is near Chiba. It is not directly related to this station, but I think there are 3 patterns to wait for the train at the station. One thing is trying to get on the vehicle near the exit of the station where you get off. I'm basic this type. The other is the type that tries to get on the available vehicle as much as possible. Anyway, I just don't want to walk home, I just wait. I feel that it is slightly tired recently when moving with a couple of people often with a different type of person recently
林雅彦 on Google

It is a Keisei Electric Railway station in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. It is located between Ichikawamama Station and Keisei Yawata Station. The Tokyo Gaikan Expressway passes through the basement of the station.
川崎絵美 on Google

地方にある様な、のんびりムードの駅です。 ほぼ10分間隔で普通電車が来ます。 時刻表が要らずです。 接近表示のみですが、地球の為にもコスト削減で良いと思います。 ホーム上に、大きな時刻表は勿論あるので、何の問題があるのでしょうか。 階段のみでエレベーターなどの設置は現状の位置関係では幅が狭ま過ぎて難しいでしょうから外環道の付帯設備とともに作り替え中です。 通学時間帯は非常に活気があります。 ホームの上の空間に、大きな構造物が建ち始め、階段が見えるので、外環道の付帯設備で、自転車や歩行者の為の歩道橋と見受けられます。 ここに、駅の改札設備を移す様です。 駅と線路を跨ぐ歩道橋の上に行くと、駅への通路となる部分が確実にあり、願望が現実になる事が分かり、とても楽しみです。 投稿にあったのだすが、歩道橋完成したとの事で、コロナ禍で鉄道の利用は一時かなり減っていますが、新たな駅舎の完成が待ち遠しいです。 追記 駅の北側の外環道の上部スペース に、新たに公園が開園してました。芝生造成中で遊べるスペースは僅かでしたが解放され、近くの幼稚園の子供も含めてたくさんの子供達が遊んでいます。 何かしらの時に広いスペースは必ず必要になり、あると空間に余裕がうまれます。 駅前ロータリーが両側に出来るそうです。 駅とは関係性がうすいですが、 菅野は、千葉県で地価が最も高い地域です。 つまり金持ちが多く住む場所らしいのです。
It is a leisurely mood station that seems to be in a rural area. Regular trains come almost every 10 minutes. I don't need a timetable. Although it is only a close-up display, I think it is good to reduce costs for the sake of the earth. Of course there is a big timetable on the home, so what's wrong? It would be difficult to install an elevator, etc. only on the stairs because the width is too narrow due to the current location, so we are remodeling it together with the ancillary equipment of the outer ring road. The school hours are very lively. Large structures begin to build in the space above the platform, and the stairs can be seen, so it can be seen as a pedestrian bridge for bicycles and pedestrians with ancillary equipment on the outer ring road. It seems that the ticket gate equipment of the station will be moved here. If you go over the pedestrian bridge that straddles the station and the railroad tracks, you will surely find a passage to the station, and you will find that your wishes will come true, and I am very much looking forward to it. As mentioned in the post, it is said that the pedestrian bridge has been completed, and the use of the railway has decreased considerably due to the corona disaster, but I can't wait for the completion of the new station building. postscript Upper space of the outer ring road on the north side of the station In addition, a new park was opened. There was little space to play during the lawn construction, but it was released and many children, including children from a nearby kindergarten, are playing. At some point, you will definitely need a large space, and if you do, you will have more space. It seems that there are rotary stations in front of the station on both sides. It has a light relationship with the station, Kanno is the region with the highest land prices in Chiba prefecture. In other words, it seems to be a place where many rich people live.
中井亨 on Google

2021年4月17日現在エレベーターもエスカレーターも無く駅のバリアフリー化工事中です。 2022年3月19日に所用で再訪するとエレベーターはまだ完成していませんが改札は新しくなってトイレも新設されていました。多目的トイレもあるようです。
As of April 17, 2021, there are no elevators or escalators, and the station is under construction to be barrier-free. When I visited again on March 19, 2022, the elevator was not completed yet, but the ticket gate was new and the toilet was also newly installed. There seems to be a multipurpose toilet.

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