Suga Shrine - Unnan

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suga Shrine

住所 :

260 Daitocho Suga, Unnan, Shimane 699-1205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 699-1205
Webサイト :

260 Daitocho Suga, Unnan, Shimane 699-1205, Japan
中上裕章 on Google

I think it's a power spot. From the moment I entered the shrine, my body became cooler and I felt better. I feel that something is coming out of the mountain just behind the Umiushio Shrine in Setsumatsusha. At the time of worship, it was raining until I passed through the torii gate and worshiped, but when I finished worshiping, it became fine as if the rain had been a lie, and when I finished worshiping at Okumiya, it rained again. I think there was a benefit.
Kabuo 55 on Google

Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who defeated Yamata no Orochi, arrived at this land of Suga with Princess Inada and said, "I am refreshing." I did. It is a venerable shrine that appears in Kojiki. It is said that this is the first palace in Japan, and it is said that there is a benefit to the couple's well-being. I was surprised at the difference in air. Please visit after reading the Kojiki
森脇一美 on Google

松江駅から車で25分の位置で、無料駐車場もあります。 須我神社より山あいに2キロほどの八雲山には奥の宮が鎮座され、2社詣でしましが、自然からの清々しいエネルギーが心身の疲れを癒やし、今後に向けての新たな活力に変換させてくれました? 地域の方々の信心深さが、参道の美しさの維持に現れ、登山される人々の再度の参拝を促してくれてます?平日でも次々と参拝されてました? 参拝後、次女に子供授かりましたし、新しいひらめきが多くなり、迷いや悩みが軽減されリフレッシュ出来、改めて感謝の気持ち湧き上りました????
A 25-minute drive from Matsue Station, there is also a free parking lot. The inner shrine is enshrined on Mt. Yakumo, about 2 km from Suga Shrine, and the shrine is visited by two shrines. It turned into vitality ? The devotion of the local people is reflected in the maintenance of the beauty of the approach, and encourages the climbers to worship again ? Even on weekdays, they were worshiped one after another ? After worshiping, my second daughter had a child, and I got a lot of new inspirations, I was able to refresh myself with less hesitation and worries, and I felt gratitude again ????
Y M on Google

It is a shrine that enshrines two people, whose wife is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the younger brother of Amaterasu Omikami, and Princess Inada, who was about to be eaten by Yamata no Orochi. This shrine is said to be the first shrine in Japan. There seems to be a benefit to worship. It is the correct way to visit Okumiya (Meotoiwa) before visiting this shrine. You can feel the venerable life of Susanoo in the Kagura performance.
ken O on Google

It is the first shrine in Japan where Susanoo-no-Mikoto and Kushida Hime-no-Mikoto are enshrined, and is the birthplace of waka poems. It is recommended to visit Okumiya so as not to be a one-sided visit, but it is a fairly steep mountain road. After worshiping, it is a historically indispensable spot for visiting Izumo where you can feel refreshed.
m m on Google

I received a red stamp. If you think it is in the back of a private house, you will find a torii gate on your right from the parking lot. A big cedar tree. I also went to the back of the shrine. There is also a clean toilet near the torii gate. It takes about 5 minutes by car from Suga Shrine to reach Okumiya, and there is a signboard so you won't get lost. There is a parking lot near the entrance. Petit trekking 400m to Okumiya. It was raining the day before, so I walked with caution. I was very grateful for the bamboo wand at the entrance. Be careful when going down, step by step, and if you walk as usual, you will slip well, but this time you could get off without falling.
Kei on Google

地図で見ると松江からそんなに離れていないけれどバスを降りると絶景で、とても気持ち良い所でした。 境内の説明書では、一緒に奥宮の磐座へのお参りがおすすめされています。 私は歩きだったのでかなり大変でしたが、ぜひ奥宮も行くべきだと思います。しんどい分、たどり着いた時の感動があります。 磐座まで歩きなら往復2時間半くらいかかるかも知れません。車ならもっと楽です。
Looking at the map, it wasn't too far from Matsue, but when I got off the bus, it was a superb view and it was a very pleasant place. The instructions in the precincts recommend that you visit the Iwaza in Okumiya together. It was quite difficult because I was walking, but I think that Okumiya should definitely go. It's a painful part, and I'm impressed when I get there. If you walk to Banza, it may take about two and a half hours for a round trip. It's easier with a car.
s. par on Google

【比定社】 ?あり(数台) ※掃除の行き届いたトイレあり 【2022.4.3】 神社巡りやドライブの際、幾度となく御前を通っていたが、初めて訪れた。 日本初之宮ということと、立派な大杉があった…だけ。 お寺が隣接しているが、行ってみると同敷地内にあるような感じで、菩薩を祀った社があるため、神仏分離前の名残かなとも思う。 特筆すべきものはないが、他県からの参拝もあるようで、やはり由緒ある神社なのだと思う。 佇まいは勇壮、かな。

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