4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石窯ピザSTELLA

住所 :

Kugedo, Kawagoe, 〒350-0011 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/ishigama_pizza_stella/
街 : Saitama

Kugedo, Kawagoe, 〒350-0011 Saitama,Japan
佐藤忠 on Google

I was disappointed with my friends because I couldn't eat the delicious pizza I had at Takenotsuka, Adachi-ku, but I found it! After all it is delicious! I was happy to see the master again!
内田弘美 on Google

ロールスクリーンで仕切られ安心してお食事できる? ピザ ライスコロッケどちらもモチモチしてて最高? カルパッチョ他 どのお料理を食べても美味しかった?
It is separated by a roll screen and you can eat with confidence ? Pizza rice croquette Both are chewy and the best ? Carpaccio and other dishes were delicious ?
k m on Google

前店舗では全国ネットの番組に出演したとか!?隠れ家的というより隠れちゃってるピザ屋さん? 川越新座線を久しぶりに川越方面から走っていると、イタリアの国旗が??びっくり!?ラーメンショップ千寿さんのお隣二階にピザ屋さんができてたんですね? ピザはテイクアウトもできるそうなので、早速利用させていただきました。 直径26cmぐらいでしょうか、釜で焼いたpizzaはスッゴクいい匂い✨でした。薄焼きでモチモチ、とてもおいしかったです?? 本格的なピッツァがお値打ちでお家で味わえました。南古谷でこれだけのPIZZAが食べられる事に驚き〜!
At the previous store, he appeared on a national online program! ?? A pizza shop that is hiding rather than a hideaway ? When I was running on the Kawagoe Shinza Line from the direction of Kawagoe for the first time in a while, the Italian flag was ?? surprised! ?? There was a pizza shop on the second floor next to the ramen shop Senju ? It seems that pizza can be taken out, so I used it immediately. The diameter of the pizza was about 26 cm, and the pizza baked in the kettle had a nice smell. It was lightly baked and chewy, and it was very delicious ?? Authentic pizza was good value and could be enjoyed at home. I was surprised to be able to eat this much PIZZA in Minami Furuya!
KAKO 2525 on Google

The pizza is delicious and there are various pasta and side menus.
田中千賀子 on Google

フライドポテト&チョリソーのガーリックと塩加減が丁度よく美味しかったです☺タラコのクリームピザはオリーブオイルたっぷりでタラコの食感も良くて最高でした?タコのペペロンチーノパスタのタコが大きく、麺の量とマッチして満足しました?料理の出てくるタイミング、お店の雰囲気、BGMすべてvery good?また伺います?これからも頑張って下さい?
The garlic and saltiness of the french fries and choriso was just right. ☺ The cod roe cream pizza was full of olive oil and the texture of the cod roe was great. I was satisfied ? The timing when the food comes out, the atmosphere of the shop, BGM are all very good ? I will visit again ? Please do your best ?
赤い彗星 on Google

ラーメンショップ千寿の2階にあります。 店内には俳優の竹内涼真さんや女優の浜辺美波さんに絶賛された記事が掲載された紙が貼ってありました。 ピザは15種類ほどあり、前菜やデザート、アルコールなどのメニューも豊富です。 会社のミニ忘年会をどこの場所でやるか迷いましたが、このお店を選んで正解でした♪
Located on the 2nd floor of the ramen shop Senju. Inside the store, there was a piece of paper with articles acclaimed by actor Ryoma Takeuchi and actress Minami Hamabe. There are about 15 types of pizza, and the menu includes appetizers, desserts, and alcohol. I was wondering where to hold the company's mini year-end party, but I chose this shop and it was the correct answer ♪
広沢将之 on Google

石窯焼きの本格ナポリピッツァが 頂けるお店です! 元々足立区の人気店でしたが、 嬉しい事に田園風景広がる南古谷に この夏移転して来られたそうです♪ モチッとして香ばし生地に ガーリックが効いた 自家製トマトソースと 程良い塩気のモッツァレラチーズが 絶妙にマッチングしたピッツァは 至福の味わいですぞ♡ 店舗はラーメンショップ千寿さんの 2階なので、田んぼの見晴らしも最高! 田園風景をのんびりと眺めながら お料理を楽しむ事が出来ますよ♪
Authentic Neapolitan pizza baked in a stone oven It is a shop where you can get it! Originally it was a popular shop in Adachi Ward, Fortunately, in Minami-Furuya where the rural landscape spreads It seems that he moved to this summer ♪ For a chewy and fragrant dough Garlic worked With homemade tomato sauce Moderately salty mozzarella cheese Exquisitely matched pizza It's a blissful taste ♡ The store is a ramen shop Senju Since it is on the 2nd floor, the view of the rice fields is also the best! While gazing at the countryside leisurely You can enjoy cooking ♪
D M on Google

I had Shirasu Genovese pizza, salmon, mushrooms and spinach cream pizza. Incredibly delicious at this cospa in Minami Furuya. We plan to conquer all types of pizza. I licked it because there are some shops in Saitama that have high evaluation scores but sometimes not so, but I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. I pray that the store will exist for a long time.

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