クイックモーション Kawagoe

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クイックモーション Kawagoe

住所 :

Kugedo, Kawagoe, 〒350-0011 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://quick-motion.biz/
街 : Saitama

Kugedo, Kawagoe, 〒350-0011 Saitama,Japan
T K on Google

小暮正人 on Google

売るきが有るのか⁉️ 営業担当者‼️
Do you have a chance to sell? ⁉️ Salesperson‼ ️
塩見大輔 on Google

ポルシェ購入 チェックランプ故意に消して納車し、消して納車は認めるも、自分達の都合ばかり押し付けてくる最低な車屋
Porsche purchase check lamp intentionally turn off the car and deliver it, turn it off and allow delivery, but the worst car shop that pushes only for their own convenience
DTR 1214 on Google

現象が起きないので検査が出来ませんと言われました。検査の意味をご理解いただけていないようです。 明らかな雑な塗装も見抜けない検査など検査などではありません。この事に抗議した際声を荒げて一方的に電話を切られました。営業も時間も守らず、電話も折り返していただけず私から電話をかけた際これから電話するところだったの一点張り。店長、従業員ともにまともな教育がなっておりませんでした。 上二つの件については泣き寝入りという形になりました。 私の場合良い要素が一つもありませんでしたのでリピートは絶対にしませんしお勧めもしません。 この口コミが少しでも多くの方に参考になっていただければ幸いです。
I was told that the inspection was not possible because the phenomenon did not occur. It seems that you do not understand the meaning of the inspection. It is not an inspection such as an inspection that can not be overlooked even obvious miscellaneous paint. When I protested this, I was unilaterally hung up. I didn't keep business hours or hours, and I couldn't return the phone. There was no decent education for store managers and employees. For the top two cases, it became a form of falling asleep. In my case there was no good factor, so I would never repeat or recommend it. I hope this review will be helpful to as many people as possible.
皆川武彦 on Google

I bought a car at this shop before, but the service was good, the staff was polite, and the explanation was easy to understand. Please buy a new one again.
榊洋一 on Google

The other day, when I had a statless tire installed on the car I bought here, I asked him to install it without a single face! The bag of summer tires also had F right R left properly written, thank you for your small kindness!
木下幸男 on Google

When I bought a new car from this car shop for a long time, the employees were very responsive, and I cannot thank you enough for making the car my ideal reason! ️I'm glad that some selfish people answered with a smile! ️ Thank you when you buy a new car again m (_ _) m
ykw k on Google

先日カーセンサーからここにあった車を買いましたが正直従業員の対応も悪く次はないです。 カーセンサーでは希望ナンバー無料を謳っておきながらナンバーの確認をすると忘れていて、こちらから確認しなければ忘れられる所でした。納車の連絡も一切来ず心配になりこちらから連絡する次第で全く信用出来ませんでした。 FDモニターを追加で頼みましたが、工賃込で5万でやってもらいましたが、何回かに1回電源がつかず聞いたらエンジンをかけ直して下さいと言われただけ。説明書も最初から無かったと意味のないことを言われました。 また、つけてもらったのがアマゾンで1万で売っていたので工賃込みでちょっと高いかなと印象でした。 付ける方がいましたら自分で買って渡した方が良いかなと思います。 結果、いろいろとモヤモヤが残ったので私はもう買うことは無いし周りにも勧めません。 是非参考にして下さい。
I bought the car that was here from the car sensor the other day, but honestly the employees' response is bad and there is no next. In the car sensor, I forgot to confirm the number while proclaiming the desired number free, and I could forget it if I did not confirm it from here. I was worried because I didn't receive any notification of delivery, and I couldn't trust it at all when I contacted him. I asked for an additional FD monitor, but I asked him to do it for 50,000 including wages, but I was only told to restart the engine when I heard that the power did not turn on once every few times. I was told that it was meaningless that there was no instruction manual from the beginning. Also, I was impressed that it was a little expensive including wages because it was sold at Amazon for 10,000. If there is a person who attaches it, I think it is better to buy it and hand it over. As a result, I don't buy it anymore and I don't recommend it to the people around me because I have a lot of stuffiness left. Please refer to it.

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