ローマピザとチーズのバル ConeYaki-048

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ローマピザとチーズのバル ConeYaki-048

住所 :

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト : http://coneyaki.com/
街 : Saitama

Daimoncho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0846 Saitama,Japan
横山泰史花のモナミで笑顔をお届けしています(花のモナミが伝えるお花の魅力!ヨコチャンネル) on Google

自宅からも近いし、いい雰囲気のお店です。 店員さんも元気出し、ローマピッツァは当たり前のおいしさですが、サラダバーのフライドポテトがなくなったりしたらすぐに出してくれて連れて行った方にも評判良かったです。 また時間作って行きたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
It is close to home and has a nice atmosphere. The clerk cheered up, and the Roman pizza was a natural taste, but it was also well received by those who took it out as soon as the salad bar fries were gone. I want to make time again. Thank you for the meal.
岩本元熙 on Google

チーズづくし‼️ 最初から最後まで これだけチーズを食べても しつこくなく 次から次と出るチーズの味に感動❗️ オーナーさんとお話しを聞くことができ チーズに込めた思いは半端無く かなりこだわっています❗️ 遠方から行く価値あるお店に出会えました‼️ ありがとうございます?
Cheese stuffing! ️ from the beggining to the end Even if you eat this much cheese Not persistent Impressed by the taste of cheese that comes out one after another ❗️ You can listen to the story with the owner The thoughts I put into cheese are perfect I am very particular about it ❗️ I met a shop worth visiting from afar! ️ Thank you ?
taro yamada on Google

ランチに訪店。前客は一人なのにも関わらず奥の暗いテーブルに案内される(照明も暗いのでメニューも見辛い)。 通りに面した明るい席は予約でも有るのかと思いつつ、オーダーしてからやたら時間の掛かる料理に頭を傾げながら、食事終了。入店し会計を済ませ帰るまで、一人も来店者なし。空いているなら、最初から席の希望を聞いて欲しい。
Visited for lunch. Even though the previous guest is alone, he is guided to a dark table in the back (the lighting is dark, so the menu is hard to see). I wondered if the bright seats facing the street could be reserved, but after ordering, I leaned toward the food that took a long time to finish the meal. No one came to the store until they entered the store, completed the accounting, and returned. If it is vacant, please ask for a seat from the beginning.
ikuraman10 on Google

週末のランチで利用しました。 テーブルは予約の方で埋まっているようでカウンター席でしたが、椅子は座りにくいし荷物置き場はないし、食べる前からあんまりでした。 ランチの前菜、パスタ、ピザとどれも味は美味しくて満足できましたが、なにか特徴というものが感じられませんでした。 特にチーズが売りのようなクアトロフォルマッジはチーズの風味があまり感じられず、値段がそれなりなだけに肩透かしでした。 もしかしたらコース料理だともっと楽しめるかも知れませんね。 ただ、ランチの割には強気のお値段設定なので、頻繁には通いにくそうです。 コロナ対策ですが、入店時のアルコール消毒と手首検温をされています。 店員さんの気遣いや気持ちのいい接客はあるので全体的には良かったです。
I used it for lunch on the weekend. The table seemed to be filled with reservations, so it was a counter seat, but the chairs were difficult to sit in, there was no luggage storage, and it was not so much before eating. The lunch appetizers, pasta, and pizza were all delicious and satisfying, but I didn't feel any characteristics. In particular, the quattroformage, which sells cheese, didn't feel the flavor of cheese so much, and the price was reasonable. Maybe you can enjoy it more if it's a course meal. However, the price is bullish for lunch, so it seems difficult to go there often. As a measure against corona, alcohol disinfection and wrist temperature measurement are performed at the time of entering the store. Overall, it was good because the clerk was considerate and there was a pleasant customer service.
シェパ on Google

チーズ好きにはたまらないお店だと思います。 人もそんなに多くないので居心地?雰囲気いいです。 店員さんも気さくな方ばかりで良い人達です。 ピザはサクサクで本当に美味しいです、チーズフォンデュはもう、最高です。濃厚で味が濃くて本当に美味しいです。 パルミのリゾットも本っ当に美味しいです。 チーズ好きにはたまりませんね。
I think it's an irresistible shop for cheese lovers. Is it comfortable because there are not so many people? The atmosphere is nice. The clerk is also a friendly person and good people. The pizza is crispy and really delicious, the cheese fondue is already great. It is rich and has a strong taste and is really delicious. Palmi's risotto is also really delicious. It's irresistible for cheese lovers.
Takano Noriko on Google

The restaurant was full, but the service was good so that you could contact me when it was available, and the pizza was very delicious from order to meal. The shop is fashionable and I want to go there again.
鈴木知佐子 on Google

チーズとワインのお店です。店内の雰囲気も良くて、お料理もみんな美味しい?しかも、店員さんも明るくて良い方ばかりです! 私は特に小川町産の有機野菜のサラダと、パルミジャーノレッジャーノチーズのリゾットが大好きです???
It is a cheese and wine shop. The atmosphere inside the store is good, and the food is delicious ? Moreover, the staff are all cheerful and good! I especially love the organic vegetable salad from Ogawamachi and the palmigiano reggiano cheese risotto ???
Charlie Ready on Google

Good but thin crust pizza. Was here for lunch on a national holiday but was crowded. Comfortable atmosphere. Only downside,for some I guess, was they allow smoking.

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