Steak Kuni, Natori - Natori

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Steak Kuni, Natori

住所 :

5 Chome-3-1 Morisekinoshita, Natori, Miyagi 981-1227, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 981-1227
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM

5 Chome-3-1 Morisekinoshita, Natori, Miyagi 981-1227, Japan
うみ on Google

I used to go in front of Corona. I often ate Japanese black beef steak. The amount is small and just right. However, I don't go there because the salad bar isn't very good and I don't like it after corona. It would be nice if you could add the salad as a single item to the menu.
テストユーザー on Google

まあまあだと思いますけど、アルバイト店員さんがマニュアル通りに「焼き加減どうですか?」って聞かれても、ダメです!なんて答えられないですよね。 「焼き過ぎなのでなんとかしてください」って言われたらどうするんだろ… その辺もうちょっと現場のオペレーション見直してほしいと思いました。
I think it's ok, but even if a part-time clerk asks "How about baking?" According to the manual, it's no good! I can't answer. What would you do if you were told "Please do something because it's overcooked" ... I wanted you to review the operation of the site a little more in that area.
鈴木刀 on Google

イオンモール名取の中の一階にあります ジュウジュウ!油が飛ぶ熱々のお肉は迫力があり、肉はおいしいものの、サラダバーは1回限りしか取りに行けないので、店員さんは大目に摂ってきてくださいと勧めるが、残したくないので遠慮してしまいます 今日は日曜の19地過ぎに来店しました、外の駐車場もそんなに混んでいませんでしたが、店内は、ちょうど飽和状態でしたので入店は5分ほど店外で待っていました ワイルドステーキ300gを レアで焼いてもらいました! この時期になると牡蠣のメニューもありましたが、本日はステーキと心に誓って来店したので、牡蠣はまた次回に楽しみにしておきます!
Located on the first floor of AEON MALL Natori Juju! The hot meat from which the oil flies is powerful and the meat is delicious, but since the salad bar can only be picked up once, the store clerk recommends that you take it roughly, but please refrain from leaving it. Will end up Today I visited on Sunday after 19th place, the outside parking lot was not so crowded, but the inside was just saturated, so I waited for about 5 minutes outside the store. I had 300g of wild steak baked rare! There was an oyster menu at this time, but today I sweared in steak and I came to the store, so I'm looking forward to oysters again next time!
Ryuto.K on Google

先日、友人の誕生日祝いということで5人で利用させていただきました。 店員さんの対応はとても親切・丁寧で、ステーキもとても美味しかったです! 今回は友人の誕生日祝いということで座席の予約をさせていただいたのですが、なんと誕生日サービスということで、ソフトドリンク1杯を5人分無料でサービスしていただきました! さらに、食後のサプライズとして、デザートを出していただきました!! お値段以上、期待を超えたサービスにとても感動しました。おかげで素敵な誕生日祝いとなりました! ぜひまた、利用させていただきたいと思います!!
The other day, I used it with 5 people to celebrate my friend's birthday. The clerk was very kind and polite, and the steak was very delicious! This time, I made a seat reservation to celebrate my friend's birthday, but because it was a birthday service, I was offered a soft drink for 5 people for free! In addition, as a surprise after meals, we had you serve dessert! !! I was very impressed with the service that exceeded expectations beyond the price. Thanks to you, it was a wonderful birthday celebration! I would love to use it again! !!
小島孝弘 on Google

The old-fashioned taste, the store in my hometown has been lost, and I miss it with my family here ?
もな on Google

I like the steak here and use it, but first of all, the clerk's attitude is bad. I want to go because the steak is delicious, but there are days when I'm wondering if the clerk is bad. I didn't know what the cash register was, but I was just messing around with it. Female clerk.
ゴン on Google

日曜は混みますが平日は空いています。 ハンバーグとステーキのセットを頼みました。 ステーキはレアなので食べやすく、ハンバーグもボリュームがありました。 値段が安く気軽に肉を楽しめるのが良いですね。
It is crowded on Sundays but vacant on weekdays. I ordered a hamburger and steak set. The steak was rare so it was easy to eat, and the hamburger was also voluminous. It's good that the price is cheap and you can enjoy meat casually.
Kuw_JUNO on Google

肉の味は非常に良い。 焼き加減も指定どおりでタイミング良い。 テナント店としては決してリーズナブルでは無い。 某店のものより肉質も下処理も焼き加減もワンランク上。 (少なくともミディアム頼んだのにレアで出てくるようなことはない) 国産牛も米沢牛もメニューにはあった。 相場からするとこの手の店としては若干安め。 サラダバーのように野菜が置いてあるが、ワンプレート制なのでお代わりは出来ない。 入るときに見えるので、新鮮そうならお得に食べられると思うが、そうでないなら回転が悪く頼む気にはなりにくい。 肉の価格からするとトータル的にはお安いが、気軽にいく金額ではないし、少しわちゃわちゃしてるので行くタイミングは考えどころ。 オープンキッチンがモールの通路側にあるが、注文した料理を出来上がるのが見えるような作りだったらもっと良かったんだと思う。
The meat tastes very good. The degree of baking is as specified and the timing is good. It is not reasonable for a tenant store. The meat quality, pretreatment, and roasting are one rank higher than those of a certain store. (At least I asked for medium, but it doesn't come out as rare) Both domestic beef and Yonezawa beef were on the menu. From the market price, it is a little cheaper for this kind of store. Vegetables are placed like a salad bar, but since it is a one-plate system, it cannot be replaced. You can see it when you enter, so if it looks fresh, you can eat it at a good price, but if it doesn't, the rotation is bad and you don't feel like asking. The total price of meat is cheap, but it's not an easy price and it's a little messy, so the timing to go is a good idea. The open kitchen is on the aisle side of the mall, but I think it would have been better if it was made so that you could see the food you ordered.

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