
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsuzakaya

住所 :

Kokubuncho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0803 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : Miyagi

Kokubuncho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0803 Miyagi,Japan
ナッツ on Google

社会人一年目ということで、自分たちへのご褒美に友達と2人で行きました。 お料理が美味しいのはもちろんのこと、スタッフの方々のサービスが素晴らしかったです!初めて行ったにも関わらず、気さくに話しかけてくださり、リラックスして過ごすことができました?記念日や自分へのご褒美にまた利用したいと思います✨ありがとうございました!
Since it was my first year as a member of society, I went with my friends to reward ourselves. Not only the food was delicious, but the service of the staff was excellent! Even though I went there for the first time, he talked to me kindly and I was able to spend a relaxing time ? I would like to use it again for anniversaries and rewards for myself ✨ Thank you!
Chiro S on Google

しばらく前になりますが、松坂牛と仙台牛の食べ比べ、飲み放題付のコース10000円を頂きました。 どちらの牛も柔らかでとても美味しいです。 前菜、口直しのシャーベットやデザートまで大満足のコースでした。 ホスピタリティー溢れる接客も素晴らしいです。
A while ago, I got a 10,000 yen course with all-you-can-drink compared to eating Matsuzaka beef and Sendai beef. Both cows are tender and very tasty. It was a very satisfying course, including appetizers, sorbet and dessert. The hospitality-filled customer service is also wonderful.
kappa chan on Google

接客、料理、文句なしのハイパフォーマンス。 お肉料理の美味しさはもちろんのこと、 その盛り付けや演出の贅沢感は非常に満足のいくものでした。 特筆すべきは、温かみがあり気配りの効いた接客です。 再訪したくなるようなレベルの接客を受けることは経験上多くありません。 従業員の方々の溢れるような笑顔や、寄り添うような心遣い、見事なおもてなしの作法に感動しました。 良いお店だっただけに、一つだけ気になる点がありました。 ドリンクについてですが、 アルコール類は嗜好に合った飲み物を多数用意されていましたが、ノンアルコールドリンクにはお肉料理に合うような魅力的なドリンクがないように感じました。 ノンアルコール類にも是非力を入れて頂ければ、更に魅力的なお店になるかと存じます。 仙台を代表する鉄板焼き屋さん。 また食事に伺わせて頂きます。
Customer service, food, high performance without complaint. Not to mention the deliciousness of meat dishes, The arrangement and the luxurious feeling of the production were very satisfying. Of particular note is the warm and attentive customer service. In my experience, I don't often receive a level of customer service that makes me want to return. I was impressed by the overflowing smiles of the employees, the kindness of being close to them, and the wonderful hospitality. As it was a good shop, there was one thing I was worried about. Regarding drinks, Alcoholic drinks were prepared in large numbers to suit the taste, but I felt that non-alcoholic drinks did not have attractive drinks that matched meat dishes. I think that if you put effort into non-alcoholic drinks, it will become even more attractive. A teppanyaki restaurant that represents Sendai. I will visit you again for a meal.
食レポ on Google

21’9月デートで行きました。調理が見えるカウンターと迷った末個室を予約。 松坂牛と仙台牛食べ比べコース、焼いた後はどっちがどっちなのか分からなくなりましたが味は全然違って美味!わさびは自分ですりおろし式で会話が弾みます。
I went on a date in 21'September. I made a reservation for a counter where I could see the cooking and a private room after I was lost. Matsuzaka beef and Sendai beef eating comparison course, I don't know which is which after baking, but the taste is completely different and delicious! Wasabi is grated by herself and the conversation is lively.
杜の都のウンポポ君(ウンポポ) on Google

お肉の品質が最高で、コースの料理も美味しいです。店内の雰囲気も良いです。 #ウンポポ
The quality of the meat is the best and the course food is delicious. The atmosphere inside the store is also good. # Unpopo
berserkr machine on Google

美味しく丁寧な仕事と感じられ、接客もとてもよいと思います。 ネット限定の赤身食べ比べコースでも松坂牛は十分なサシがありました。
It feels like a delicious and polite work, and I think the customer service is very good. Matsusaka beef had enough sashimi even in the online-only lean meat comparison course.
Noah Powers on Google

Best Food! Best Service! 100% Must Have.
Jose Ballester on Google

We tried one of the proposed courses, that included a variety of really good dishes but was not inexpensive at all. The local had no views to the exterior but was cozy. Very good and helpful service. No English menu, although they tried to translate the menu as they could.

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