Sports Club Nas Namba Parks

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sports Club Nas Namba Parks

住所 :

Nanbanaka, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0011 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Nanbanaka, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0011 Osaka,Japan
蒲田回れ讃岐 on Google

岩盤浴はGood!!でもスタッフの質は??ムラがありすぎる。 アクセスもいいし便利なので考えるところですね。
The bedrock bath is good !! But what is the quality of the staff? ?? There is too much unevenness. It's easy to access and convenient, so I'm thinking about it.
nakamu yoou on Google

I started going here to cure my back pain on my way home from work, but I feel that my back pain has been alleviated and my dullness has disappeared. Corona gained a little weight, but maybe thanks to that, weight gain is also suppressed! ??
akane on Google

お風呂がないのがマイナス ロッカーも小さいな
The minus is that there is no bath Lockers are also small
a a on Google

The equipment is so old that I have never seen it. Using corona as an excuse, you can't drink water unless you sign a contract for hydrogen water. I can't recommend it because it's a gym that is quite a business of the lord.
shinz y on Google

難波駅から近く、トレーニングの前でも後でも、買い物をするなり、ご飯を食べるなり、映画を観るなりできるので、とても便利でいい場所にあると思います。南海沿線に住んでいる人にとっては特に便利なのではないでしょうか。 中は広すぎず、狭すぎずで、マシンも適度な間隔で配置されているので、やりやすいです。 マシンとフリーウェイトの器具はひと通り揃っていますから、初心者〜中級の人は十分に満足のいくトレーニングができると思います。 コンテストとかに出ようとしている上級者にとっては少々物足りない部分があるかもしれません。そのおかげか、我が物顔で幅をきかせるような、大声で息むゴリマッチョな人が稀にしかいない(いることはいる)のは幸いです。 また、ここはトレーニングに集中している人が比較的多いほうではないかと思います。顔見知り同士でダラダラしゃべられて器具を意味無く独占されるということはあまりないかな。 とはいえ、たまにこちらが集中してやっているのに話しかけてこようとするオジサンもいることはいますが、相手にしなければ深追いはしてきません。
Close to Namba station, before and after training, you can shop, eat and watch movies, so it's a very convenient and nice place. Isn't it particularly convenient for those who live along the Nankai Line? The inside is not too wide and not too narrow, and the machines are arranged at appropriate intervals, making it easy to do. There is a complete set of machines and free weight equipment, so beginners to intermediates will be able to train well enough. There may be some shortcomings for advanced players trying to enter a contest. Thanks to that, I am fortunate that there are only a few (sometimes) gorgeous people who breathe loudly and make them look wide with my face. Also, I think that there are relatively many people who concentrate on training here. I guess it's unlikely that people who are acquaintances will be monotonously talkative and monopolize the equipment without meaning. Nevertheless, there are occasional Ojisans who try to talk to you while they are concentrated, but you will not be able to pursue it unless you have a partner.
on Google

なんばパークス内にあるのでジム後には買い物したり食べたりと色々楽しめます。只ジムはさすがにマシンなどは古さを感じます。 中高年の方や初心者の方には最適だと思います。ガチの人には物足りないと思います。
Since it is located in Namba Parks, you can enjoy shopping and eating after the gym. Just like Jim, the machines and the like feel old. I think it is ideal for middle-aged and older people and beginners. I don't think it's enough for people who are apt.
ムーン係長 on Google

The ceiling is high as a whole, and there is a feeling of openness. The machine looks a little old. There is no bathtub, but there is a bedrock bath!
Benjamin Lea on Google

Meh, if you’re desperate for a gym. But otherwise don’t bother.

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